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Everything posted by BeaTlesFan77

  1. Hi Dark. Thank you for your patience. To answer your question I have not tried Badoo at this point. Were you able to get a lot of quality matches on there in your location? I imagine you had to also go through some duds as well. Will take a look at it.
  2. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
  3. Mom and I are celebrating her Mother’s Day all next weekend. Going to go over and spend the weekend visiting. Take her out to a brunch and a dinner.
  4. Greetings everyone! Been a busy first week for me with my first week back to working at home. It was your typical new employee orientation stuff on Monday. Then the rest of the week was spent doing online training with ethics and compliance. In addition to starting my in-depth technology training. Been very productive so far! Yes I do drive. In fact this past Thursday I tried going to another Meetup which was about 40 minutes away from me by freeway. Didn't stay very long as it was another very loud environment and there was going to be a lot of people around like a block party with it being Cinco De Mayo. It was an area of town which had a lot of bars and clubs in proximity and the streets were closed off. I wasn't aware the city was doing that and making a block party out of it. Needless to say I left pretty frustrated. Not only was I frustrated at the environment but also that I spent gas money to get there that could have been used somewhere else I would have enjoyed. I thought it was going to be a decent music volume get together at a nice bar. However, I should have known better and that also frustrated me. Ended up going to my favorite sushi place to eat which put a smile back on my face again. Once I got home though I kept thinking about how annoying it is here that everything is so spread out. It is what it is. Like Rose said, I'm just going to concentrate on what I love doing and what makes me happy the most. These days I've found myself being a homebody more and more. Just don't want to turn into a hermit and be alone all the time outside of visiting my mother or occasional friend get together.
  5. I think you nailed it on the head. Where I live now I don’t feel that sense of community. From what I’ve seen, most of the neighbors around here don’t interact with each other. As far as ‘my people’ would go, I would have to move over to the other side of the valley which would cost a lot more to live. As far as hobbies and interests go.
  6. No worries. You picked a couple of good ones too. I love Ruby Tuesday by the Stones.
  7. As far as the cost of living, being a few minutes from family, having freeways nearby in a centralized location, and it being quiet, I would say I'm happy where I am now.
  8. Good evening! Thank you for all of your responses. Sounds like you all live in some great places with a lot to do nearby. Especially those of you who are in walking distance to a lot of things. Would you say that living in those areas helped out with your social life? I live in the desert suburbs myself and my apartment complex is a mixed bag. All age groups, however it seems like there are more couples. The housing developments around me are more family oriented. So it's been somewhat difficult to meet people around here. About 5 minutes from me there are some shopping centers with restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and a movie theater. However, most of the time I see either couples, families, or high school and college kids. So again, difficult to meet potential dates in my age bracket (30s to 40s). The city experience for me is about a 30 to 40 minute drive. Multiple universities have purchased and built a lot of buildings around there. Making it feel like a college town depending on where you go. Around the concert venues and sports stadiums it's more of a diverse age crowd. So basically I have to travel to different areas depending on what I'm looking for since everything is so spread out.
  9. Thank you Lo I appreciate that! I'm pretty excited as it's something I'm interested in and the type of work I like doing. If you consider my social and love life my crisis, then I would say no. LOL! My favorite Beatles song, that's a toughie. From the mop top days I would say Do You Want to Know a Secret. The early drug days I would say Tomorrow Never Knows. The post-concert days I would say Day In The Life. Then finally the last few years of their career together I would say Something. I guess it also depends on my mood at the time. You?
  10. Just curious. When everyone is not online dating and meeting people in real life, are you able to go to activities or places that are relatively close to your home or do you have to travel a ways? In other words, do you live in the city where everything is close or are you in the suburbs where there isn’t much to do?
  11. From what I recall, I came to the site through the Quarter Life Crisis website. After reading the book, I came on here to see where everyone else was in life around my age group. Supposed to start a new position as a Business Operations Analyst this coming Monday. Next month I’m turning 45. Never been married and have no kids. Any other questions feel free to ask. 😀
  12. And hence speed dating was created.
  13. Hopefully there isn’t a sprite for this woman. I’m sorry to hear that things didn’t work out. Just curious, which platforms/sites are you using now?
  14. The only bad thing about staying up late on Friday and Saturday is that it screws up your sleep schedule for the rest of the weekend and the days go quicker sleeping in late. After working all week, I want to make sure I have my whole Saturday and Sunday.
  15. You're welcome! You're going to be fine and do great.
  16. I’m old fashioned so I would have to say 8 to 4 or 9 to 5. That way I have my evening if I want to do anything. Everyone else I know here also works those types of hours. Back when I was in college and working in retail doing evening shifts, those were the days where I would stay up late gaming or late night dining with friends. I feel the same way about weekends too. Where I feel like I’m missing out on something if I don’t have any fun plans with anyone. Something must be wrong with me if I don’t have a social life over the weekend. The summer part doesn’t bother me anymore.
  17. Right now a playlist of rain sounds on Spotify. I always listen to that as I’m getting ready to sleep.
  18. The Final Destination and Final Destination 5. “Death doesn’t like to be cheated.”
  19. Only thing I can say is it's just like anything else in life. It's hard at first, but the more you do it over time your body and mind will adjust. I've gone through many different working schedules throughout my life. Hours, distance, working holiday retail hours, receiving 4 AM morning deliveries and stocking stores, working 'bankers hours', you name it. With regards to doing things like going to restaurants or pubs on weekdays, are you going with a group of people or solo? I'm thinking with a group as I've gone to sports bars around here and still feel alone even though I'm solo and around a lot of people. Just gets miserable. Then I do my shopping on the weekdays after the sun starts going down. Don't like going into stores on the weekends if I can help it. Especially warehouse places like Costco.
  20. Thanks Green and Happy Easter to you too! Hope you had a great holiday with your family.
  21. That's great that you get along with your ex like that along with his gf and can do things together with no friction. Can't say I've heard that from other people I know. I haven't tried the Oculus yet. Looks pretty sweet from what I've seen advertised though. I would rather play one of the workout games on that than walk a treadmill. LOL! That game that looks like you have a light saber or something similar and have to hack at and dodge objects coming at you. Then isn't there a first person Star Wars game on there as well? Where you can play as Vader? Great to see I'm not the only one who is annoyed with upgrading PCs to play new games. Yes, it's time consuming and another monetary investment. GTA V sounds pretty good if you can do that all stuff. When it goes on sale again I'll consider it. Yeah I'm with you on not wanting to touch game pieces with rising cases where you are. Is there a sanction in place where you are where everything is closed and you can only do takeout or have stuff delivered? If not, hopefully in the near future that gets lifted. Congrats on your recent job offer acceptance! Great to hear about everything that is coming with it too. Especially getting out of that hostile and toxic environment you talked about. Don't they get that toxic environments hinder performance? You should absolutely relish this moment after everything you have worked for. Trust me, it's a great feeling having your own place along with a single income where you can have a great work/life balance. Kills me to hear when people have to work multiple jobs just to have a place to live.
  22. When it comes to talking about cars and careers yes. I’m always knocking on wood.
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