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Everything posted by BeaTlesFan77

  1. You definitely dodged a bullet with that one. Sounds like she doesn’t have a life and would be clingy. Hope something great happens this weekend for you with the 45-year-old.
  2. Just got back from the event. Didn’t talk to or meet anyone this time. Everyone I was interested in was either with a friend or already talking to someone else. From what I understand, this particular organization is having these events every Thursday evening. So I am planning on going to another one and trying again next week. Then take what I learned from tonight and apply it to the next one. On the bright side, I had a delicious apple pie à la mode flavored beer and got a free car wash on the way home from raining. So my question this time, if I see someone I am interested in and she is with a friend, how would I go about opening up the conversation with the two (or more) of them? Ladies, what would you prefer us guys who are alone do? Thanks again for your input.
  3. That's what I was looking for. Thanks Batya!
  4. It’s not a speed dating event thank goodness! It’s basically an open courtyard where people will be mingling. Thank you and will do.
  5. Good afternoon three months later! Nothing ever happened with the group I was with around the time of my last message. I ended up leaving it after a month and a half or so. It was very clique-ish and became expensive as the events were mostly held at upscale restaurants that weren't easy on the wallet. After taking a few months off (which included a relaxing vacation and the first in five years), I have decided to try putting myself out there again. Tonight, I'm going to another singles mixer through Meetup organized by the group that does the Pair Ring. However, you don't need the ring to attend. Just going to go in with no expectations and try just having fun with whatever conversations I do have. Hopefully, our voices won't get drowned out by loud music. It's not at your typical bar. Did a little bit of research which stated that 10 to 15 minutes should be the ideal conversation time frame. Then move on to someone else. Unless each person is fully interested in the other. One thing they did not touch on in the articles was regarding having an interest in multiple people. So my question is, is it better to get phone numbers while talking to potential dates or after you have talked to everyone and then circle back to each of them later? I've always been under the notion that you are only allowed one contact per event. Is this a myth?
  6. That sounds wonderful. However, I don’t have any friends that go to parties. If they did, they would not have told me about it. 😆
  7. It’s amazing how things work out and fate works in mysterious ways. These days it’s just great to be around people in person. Especially for those of us like me that work from home. Zoom and Teams meetings just don’t cut it.
  8. Hi Lootie. I agree that would be the ideal way to go about it. Just keep talking to those who are repeat attendees and get to know them better over time. The first two events I have gone to with this group have included completely different people. Hopefully the third one coming up next week there will be at least a couple of familiar faces. As long as they don’t drop out at the last second.
  9. That’s an interesting way to start a new group. I imagine it’s also better to be word of mouth based. Otherwise you probably get a lot of garbage coming in.
  10. I’m not much of a reader these days, so I don’t know about the book club. Everything else sounds great.
  11. I was thinking of checking out what kinds of dining groups there are. Getting tired of eating alone all the time.
  12. Yes exactly! Go there to enjoy the experience and getting to know others. If something more comes out of it then it’s a bonus.
  13. Thanks Cat! So far I’m enjoying it.
  14. Hi Bolt. The group I went to an event with this past weekend is called ‘30s and Thriving’. However it also includes people in their 40s which I am. It was a brunch event at a restaurant nobody had been to. Then a couple of weeks before that I went to another one with the same group which was at a board game café. Had a great time at both of them. There is a sushi happy hour one coming up next week that I’m also looking forward to. One of the attendees is a girl that I want to get to know more about if she shows up. Just going to play it cool and ask her open ended questions. There is also another dining group that I was going to look at. What made you leave the one that you were in?
  15. Right, the ones that go and use it to hit on people end up being the creepy ones. Which is not how you want to be looked at.
  16. Yeah exactly. I agree with you on the last paragraph. The group I’m with now, which is a singles group, a few of the people at the event today started talking about the people they are dating. Which tells me that the group is designed for meeting other singletons to hang out with. Not so much for a dating pool. Yet, I’ve read so many articles across the Internet that suggest Meetups to single people to meet others.
  17. Happy weekend, everyone! I was curious if any of you ever dated somebody you met at one of your Meetups? If so, how long did it last?
  18. If we’re going to talk about food quality, then I would recommend Subway, Jersey Mikes, Jimmy Johns, Chipotle, or Burger King.
  19. Hi Riven. In talking and getting to know her up until now, has she mentioned any places that she wants to try? The reason I ask is that she is really going to like that you listened to her and remembered what she said in previous conversations. Personally, I wouldn’t see any issues in going there if it’s a quick bite to eat like you said before doing something else.
  20. I agree with everyone else and don’t chase. Makes you look desperate. In the end it’s her loss. Move onto the next.
  21. I feel your pain on that too. Haven’t been to Disneyland since early 2016. Used to go about 2 to 3 times a year when I had an annual pass. Makes me really sad now how the park is always packed and the prices have gone up outrageously. You can’t even get an annual pass anymore as they are sold out. Hopefully you get to go back sometime soon with your family.
  22. Yes I’ve heard that the possibilities are endless. Hopefully there was a Whopper involved in that Burger King trip. 😆
  23. Kwothe, this is huge and I’m glad that you shared this! Here is my take away from what you said. I was fine with the first text to which she responded, and then waiting a day or two to make the first call. Then once I call and she doesn’t answer, leave it alone at that? Also, should I include a voicemail when I call? When I called that one time I did not do that.
  24. Thank you for your feedback. It stung, but I got over it rather quickly. I figured that, even though she referred to me as a buddy I would still go through with it and see how things happened. Friends are always great and like you said it’s smart to network.
  25. I feel your pain Leo and I’m 45. My most recent attempt was at a singles party I went to last month sponsored by a local sports league. Met this girl L while playing the icebreaker bingo game we were given. Found out during the course of our conversation that she used to live in California around my favorite theme parks and loves them as much as me. I invited her to go sit at a table with chairs away from the crowd so we could hear each other better. We talked for what seemed a good half hour and it was well balanced back-and-forth. She also volunteered her phone number which I put into my phone and she said she had some pictures she wanted to send me. After the half hour, she excused herself to go grab a drink and she said she wanted to mosey around a little bit more. I told her I was going to go outside and get some fresh air. I saw that she was talking to some other people and I also attempted to talk to some other people as well. About a half hour later I needed to start making my way home as I had to wake up early for work. L was talking to another guy and I stopped by to let her know I had to head home get up early for work. I could tell how things were going to go when she introduced me to him as her “Disneyland buddy”. Essentially I got friend zoned right there. Once I got home, I sent her a quick text to let her know it was great meeting her and hopefully she got home safely. She responded the next day in the afternoon that it was great meeting me too. I let a couple of days pass and then I tried calling her. She didn’t answer. Then I sent a quick text asking how her week was going. Finally on that Saturday a couple days later, I texted her again to see how her weekend was going. She never answered either text and I haven’t heard from her since. It’s frustrating how even though you think something is going great with a potential future date, things can still take a dive. I figured it’s her loss and I feel sorry for her. She missed out on something great. Has anything happened since you first posted this thread?
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