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Everything posted by BeaTlesFan77

  1. Then there was another helicopter crash last night around Nipton. Only this one was with civilians. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/10/us/mojave-helicopter-crash
  2. What has everyone on here been watching lately? I'm a huge true crime fan and finished these in the last few days. Both have fascinating storylines. The first one is a three-part series and the second is a one-off.
  3. I think we're supposed to get that rain over the weekend. The PGA Waste Management event had to be suspended a few times because of the rain we received this past week. That is incredible how you got a year's worth of rain in four days!
  4. Woah! Thank goodness your home and car didn't get touched.
  5. Agreed, it's just awful and I'm thinking about all of the family members. Last night I found out that one of them was a local.
  6. Hoping that all of you in California are safe. Also, hoping that the soldiers from the helicopter located near San Diego are found alive and well.
  7. Agreed, someone always has to ruin it for others.
  8. Thank you for that and I feel better now heading into future events. There was a woman at one of my past places of employment who liked me. However, she had a lot of children like you spoke of. So that was a wise choice not to pursue things.
  9. Hope things have picked up for you Lost since your last update. At this point, have you opened up to meeting people IRL again, or still mainly concentrating on OLD? Part of me has been thinking of trying OLD again as IRL has been a struggle for me as well. Have you dated anyone with children before or do you have children? If you have, what is it like? I've never been married and have no children. At my age now, I'm understanding that it's going to be very slim pickings as far as meeting women in the same boat as me.
  10. I've been there too and know it hurts. Like Shy said, concentrate on what you love and find joy in that. I also wouldn't want to associate with people who bullied me and made me feel bad about myself.
  11. That's the first time I've heard of a bookstore having an aisle like that. Is it labeled as such or are they mixed in with the psychology or wellness books?
  12. For what it's worth. As someone who has been turned down a lot, I just keep reminding myself that it's her loss and that a bullet was most likely dodged.
  13. I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed. Do any of you think that the profiles on there are models just to reel you in?
  14. From what I've seen, Match likes to nickel & dime you for every little thing.
  15. You’re better off for that. It’s a time sucker.
  16. Places like coffee shops, meetups, singles events, bars, and restaurants. Even at the grocery store, I'm checking out the surroundings. Overall, it's been challenging with my age as I'm sure others in their 40s can attest. In addition to working from home. The most recent was a singles event held by this group called Thursday Dating (https://www.getthursday.com). Right now they are not doing anything as they are revamping how they organize the events. It used to be where they were partnered with a social experiment called the pear ring. I discovered this on meetup. On Thursday nights, the phone app had a bar selected where people with pear rings could meet in person starting at seven. If you found someone else wearing one, they were available to talk to. Then they also invited those who didn't have a pear ring to attend as well. There was no organization as far as where in the bar everyone was meeting. Then to cause more confusion, everyone was mixed in along with the other patrons who knew nothing about the event. So it was difficult to determine who was there for the event and who wasn't. It looks like they are revamping it so that on a particular Thursday night, either the whole venue or a certain section of the venue will be reserved for everyone to meet. The mission of the group is to get people away from swiping apps and OLD in general. Get back to the organic in-person meetings. I went to a few of those with the old format. It will be interesting to see how things go next month with the new format.
  17. As I like to say, it's a double-edged sword. It's great to have that independence where you can do what you want for as long as you want, eat what you want whenever, go out as you please, etc. However, at the same time, it's great to have that companionship, touch, and someone to talk to.
  18. That's funny. I was thinking of giving that platform another try. I've been trying to meet people the organic way out and about recently. However, it hasn't been fruitful at all. It's great to hear that some are finding success there.
  19. I wouldn’t say that I’ve given up on finding a date. Just frustrated with the different avenues that are available these days. Especially at my age and with the hobbies I have.
  20. I’ve been hearing that today is one of the busiest days for online dating. The reply rates are a lot higher along with the sign ups. Hopefully you’ll get some more fish in your net.
  21. Keeping my fingers crossed for you with the new woman.
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