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Everything posted by BeaTlesFan77

  1. I’ve had people tell me I should look at buying a home for myself. Then I’ve also talked to other people who said they regretted buying a home by them self. Told me it was too much work in the end to maintain everything. Thank you yes I have a great relationship with my folks. They are not putting pressure on me to find someone. I just turned 44 though recently and there are things I still haven’t experienced romantically. I will admit I am guilty of comparing myself to them. It’s easier said than done not to. You get the feeling like you’ve been left behind in the dust. Especially when you’re in the same area of age. Yes I’ve heard the saying that life is not a race but rather a marathon. Have you been there before too?
  2. Yes that is correct. Been living by myself going on 14 years now. I wanted to live alone to start with. Guaranteed I would have clashed with a roommate. Then I eventually wanted to find a girlfriend who would turn into a wife and then get the house. However that has yet to happen.
  3. I admit my first post was a little vague. Since 2007 I’ve been living solo. Was hoping to be married and living in a house by now but that didn’t happen. I’ve tried putting myself out there through different avenues and still haven’t met anyone. My friends who are married have either moved or barely see them anymore. Have one friend from high school who is still single that I see occasionally. Then I see my parents every other weekend. I guess my question is how did you cope with being single for as long as I have?
  4. Has anyone else here lived alone for over a decade? If so, how did you cope?
  5. 100 degrees. Washed my car recently but could still use some rain. As long as it's under my apartment parking cover.
  6. The stupidity of some people here that refuse to wear a mask while out in public. Recently there was even a rally nearby in Scottsdale to protest being told to wear masks. Getting tired of hearing the whole "violates my freedom" excuse.
  7. One of the benefits of wearing masks during this pandemic........You can stick your tongue out at someone and they wouldn't know the difference. Unless you're Gene Simmons.
  8. Yes it’s frustrating how some don’t care and just do whatever they want. No regard for others. I’m staying optimistic, however I feel like this is going to be never ending.
  9. I’m happy to hear that you were able to see and give them a huge hug. Like you, I would have also gone crazy being isolated in my apartment for months and not seeing my folks.
  10. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about things in the United States this past week. Now in addition to the virus, there has been protesting and rioting going on across the country. You might have seen on the news, but a black man was killed in Minnesota on Monday after a white cop placed his knee on the man’s neck for almost 10 minutes while pinning him to the ground. The man on the ground kept saying he couldn’t breathe. It’s refreshing to know that justice will be served for the perpetrator and conspirators. However it’s sad to see buildings getting burned in addition to businesses being looted and destroyed that had nothing to do with it. As for myself, still surviving and spending quality time at my folks visiting and helping out with things. Been keeping in touch with my friends through texting and email.
  11. My buddy and I watched a cult classic called Monster Squad from 1987. Hadn’t seen that movie in decades.
  12. I know your father is Jor-El but I have to say it. "Who made you?"
  13. Outside of your ship getting stuck in a slimy mudhole, I think it's a pretty great place. Nice and quiet. LOL!
  14. I’ve had those experiences too. Where I’ve done things such as hold the door open and the person doesn’t even acknowledge me. I guess they think they walk on water and don’t have to do anything. No matter how big or small it is, I was taught to always say please and thank you.
  15. Why am I not surprised?! It’s ridiculous some of the stuff I’ve seen and heard.
  16. Especially at the 5:12 mark. https://youtu.be/rJd3g6LGSFc
  17. When I'm dining out and I see people wasting large amounts of food. There are people less fortunate who could really use it.
  18. Couldn’t agree more with your review. They did such a great job with casting, that after a while I felt like I was watching the real band members. You could tell they really studied their mannerisms.
  19. Did you also sing along to Radio Ga Ga during the Live Aid scene? Loved that song growing up.
  20. Saw The Basement on Netflix. Horror movie with an interesting twist at the end.
  21. I’ll take the rain any chance we get. How long have you lived in Phoenix?
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