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Everything posted by jessified78

  1. honey i dont really know what to tell you all i can tell you is not let him treat u like that if he just wants you until another girl comes along then why would you want to be with him? i know you love him alot trust me i know how you feel. just try your best and move on just think if you want him more than he wants you then it isnt worth your time bread all contact so that way it'll make him wonder and make him want you so much more and then when he comes crawling back to you dont take him back thats what i would do .. i know that would be hard but just do it.. good luck
  2. u love her you just got make her fall in love with you ... do sweet things for her her mind will change
  3. i didnt even read your post all the way you have a girlfriend and you like another girl?? umm if i were your girlfriend i would be so mad i would want to kill you ... stay with your girlfriend ... stay away from the other girl .. dont be a tipical male.
  4. honey oh my gosh i know how you feel and im not joking!! me and my boyfriend just broke up for the same reason and now i couldnt be less happier.. usually it would be me breaking up with him and finally he got sick of the fighting and broke up with me and now he doesnt want anything to do with me ... if i were you i would make sure you really dont want him your life cuz maybe next time he wont take you back and there will be nothing you can do about it. if your sure tho break all contact from him after you break up with him... block his number.. block him from your aol... delete his emails before you read them.. i know that would be hard but just do it . it'll make it easier for the both of you to have no contact so you can move on and then maybe be friends later down the road.
  5. i think that is so funny im friends with his best friend we talk all the time, we dont hang out anymore just because hes afriad he would get mad at him. But ya i dont actully think iam the problem i think he needs space from everyone, see his friend the one im friends with .. ya he hasnt even really hung out with him in like 2 weeks either. one of his old good friends just broke up with his girlfriend and now they have been hanging out and stuff .. too be honest i think he broke up with me just because his friend wanted him to.. what do you think? regardless i still want him back and ill take your advice and not have contact with him until he contacts me thank you
  6. thank you i might just have to take your advice and do that so i should'nt call him and try to get him back? do you think that will really work? i hope so cuz i never wanna be with anyone else i only want him and i try to do stuff but i always think about him and my friends are sick of hearing about him to but im afriad if i try and move on then when he wants to come back then i wont want him ... do you know what im saying?? that has happened to me before but then agian i guess everything happens for a reason
  7. thank you if feels so nice to no that im not the only one.. we have been broken up for about a week and it was out of anger ... we always use to brak up out of anger tho but this time it was differant usually he would call or when i would call he would pick up and we would say sorry and we would be back together like that .. but he is so mad right now he wont even answer is phone to me ... and i know i always want to call him thats all i think about and most of the time i do call ... should i wait for him to finally call me? i know he loves me and i love him ...but let me tell you something i have my boyfriends password to his email and i check it everyonce and a while and yesterday i found that some girl had sent him pictures of him and he sent some back what does that mean??
  8. trust me i know how you feel i feel the same way everyone keeps telling me to just move on and you dont want to i dont want to either. in your situation tho i would just give her same space for about a week and then try sweet things to make her feel better and if that still doesnt work tell her you wont let her break up with you and stock her lol
  9. i think it is possible to get back with an ex just dont wait that long to try ... they might of moved on while your still stuck on them try doing sweet gestures.
  10. Hello, I have a few questions here: me and my boyfriend of almost 6 months broke up cuz we fought too much he couldnt take it anymore i really love him and want him back but i dont know what i can do to get him back if you have any ideas please let me know ive done alot of things to try and get him back could i be making things worse for my self? i think we just spent too much time together and then when he wanted to start spending time with his friends with out me i would get mad and i know that is wrong but i would let him do whatever he wants i just want him back and i think he just wants to spend time with his friends.He said we could get back together after the summer i just think that he wants to be single for the summer help me i know he wants me back i just know he doesnt right now ... how do i get him back right now? what do i do in the mean time while im waiting for my boyfriend to come back to me ... i know he will at least i think so. but what do i do i love him so much do i go to partys and stuff with potencial guys there tempting me i wonder if he will do that? If he loved me would he get on other girls and then still come back to me? -- PS: Sorry for the confusion members ... Edit by SwingFox to merge these three posts... please help Jessi as best as you can
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