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  1. I think that she's gone out on a date already, but don't know how it turned out. She is tearing me apart. I wish she would at least admit the possiblity of seeing me romantically.
  2. My gf of the past 2.5 yrs has asked that we "see other people." The relationship was beginning to stagnate and we were both taking each other for granted toward the end. Anyway, now when I ask her if we are still "seeing each other", she says that she can only see me as a friend and cannot promise anything. I hate the fact that she has me on a totally different level than other guys in her life. What do I do????
  3. This is the exact same situation that I'm in. We're seeing other people, and she just wants to be friends right now. I told her how tortured I am over this, and she needs to make a decision: me or other people. Unfortunately, then, I tell her to let me go and tell me it's over. She says that it's not over, but she can't make any promises. I hate the fact that she won't even think of me romantically/sexually, but she can think of random people that way.
  4. OMG it hurts so bad. I'm practically crying in the office for her. I'm having a complete breakdown. On the good side, I didn't call her yesterday, and some old friends are coming into town this weekend to help me out. I'm just such a wreck right now, and I wish she felt the same....
  5. Do you really want to be with a guy that plotted breaking up with his girlfriend so he could be with you? That will probably always be in the back of your mind
  6. The problem is that I truly don't think she's lying to me. My friends and family have all said the same thing. She's said that she wants to spend the rest of her life with me, but she's just not ready. When I suggest that I may move out of town to a new city, she seems to get upset and says that I'm taking the wrong route.
  7. Hey guys, I really need some help as I am insanely depressed. My girlfriend told me a short while ago that she wanted to start "seeing other people." She originally told me that I shouldn't think of it as "shopping for another boyfriend," it's just that she's young and never really did the dating thing. Anyway, she went out on a date with some guy and I'm totally broken up. I tried to call her the next day because I want to keep myself as a prospect in her mind, but she kept saying that I was "pressuring her." I sent some flowers to her with a good heartfelt note, telling her how I feel, and she told me not to do that. I feel that I have pushed her away too much by my whining and trying to get a decision from her. I can't believe that she would just throw away 2.5 years of a solid relationship for some sort of crazy fantasy that she never lived. I don't know what to do. Please help me!
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