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Everything posted by Bamber432

  1. It's not going to be easy, but it can be done. Talk as much as you can to him, it doesn't matter if it's via email, phone, letters....whatever, you will find it weird...but you will grow closer because you end up sharing so much and finding out so much about each other. You grow closer emotionally, not physically. The best part about long distance is when you do see each other...those times are ten times greater than you ever could imagine. You have those visits to grow closer physically. You will truly begin to realize how much you love this person and how much you need to be with them. It will hurt to be away from them, but the moment that you are back in each other's arms is priceless. Now don't get me wrong, you may have some moments of weakness...but you will regret doing anything to jeapordize this wonderful relationship. If he really is meant for you and you really do love him, you CAN wait for him and you CAN get through this. Trust me! I wish only the best for you! Good luck with everything!
  2. My boyfriend broke up with me last week and I'm having trouble grieving. It's very hard to lose a boyfriend that I love so much. But now I feel as if I have lost my circle of friends too. A small group of us have remained great friends a long time since high school. Well me and my boyfriend were in that small group of friends. Since I'm still trying to get over him, it's hard for me to see him. Well he is still hanging out with our friends so I can't see them either. I miss them a lot too and I don't want to make them choose, because they are as much his friend as they are mine. And another thing that hurts is that it's only been a week and he seems like he is over me. He seems like he is having a good time without me, while I'm crying every night and barely eating. I absolutely hate this. I wish things would just go back to the way they were. I miss him so much and I miss them too. I just want my life back. I just don't know what to do anymore. My girls are here for me and I know they always will be, but I miss hanging out all of us together. I haven't seen my guy friends since last week and I'm nervous to see them because I feel like they have taken his side. I feel so empty inside....I need my life back. When will things be normal again? I'm so lost.
  3. Wow, don't for one second think this is your fault at all. You did nothing wrong. You can't help the way you feel. I told my boyfriend within a month that I loved him. I couldn't keep it inside anymore-I needed to say it...so I did. Saying I love you is okay. It's how you felt and you can't help that. The problem was not you or her, the problem was with her parents. Some people are very ignorrant and make this world an awful place. Her parents are people like that. You can't help who you are so don't think you are at fault. She is just scared of her parents, as awful as that is, that is what ruined your relationship. Maybe one day she won't be scared of what her parents will do and choose the life that she wants to live. I'm not saying that it will happen, I'm just saying there is a possibility. But right now you need to take the blame off of you and get the "what ifs" out of your head. once you realize it was not your fault and that you don't deserve to be treated like this...maybe then you can begin the process of getting over her. I wish you the best and I pray that you never have to experience anything like that again. Just please realize this was not your fault at all.
  4. Hun, I know exactly how you feel. Except I feel worse for you...it would be so tortorous to have to see him everyday. I want to see him everyday but I know that I can't for my sake. It's almost been a week and I still don't know what to do. It's hard to move on and I'm not ready to yet. I still love him with all my heart, but I know that I have to try and move on or this is just going to consume me. Hopefully since you are almost done with school you won't have to see him. It's hard for me because we are in the same group of friends. And I feel like I am making my girls choose me over him and I don't want that to happen. I just want things to go back to how they were. Well I hope for your sake things turn out for the better. Just be strong and stick it out for the next few days and maybe, who knows what the summer might bring you! Good luck hun on exams!
  5. I think you guys were right...he came over tonight and we came very close to kissing. But he kept saying that he shouldn't do this to me, it wasn't fair to me and that he can't take advantage of me. I wanted to kiss him so bad...I wanted to make things go back to the way they were. I needed that kiss. He told me that we were always going to want each other. It gave me hope for awhile until he said that we just need to get over it. I can't get over it...it's impossible for me to...I don't want to give up on things. I don't understand how we can be friends if we are going to want each other every time we see one another. I love him more than life itself and I just don't know how to deal with losing him. I'm not going to give up hope just yet....he's calling me tomorrow to talk and answer some questions....I guess if I don't hear the things I want to hear, then I'm really thinking that time apart is what's best. I just can't handle it. Every moment of every day I want to see him, I want to call him. My life is nothing without him in it. Going a week, 2, 3, 4 or however many weeks it takes is going to kill me. I can't do this...I just can't. I just don't knwo what to do. I'm sorry I feel like I am complaining and whining but I just need to get things off my chest. I guess that is all I can write at the moment. Just please someone tell me how to handle this situation. I need all the advise I can get! Thank you for listening!
  6. I know exactly how you feel. I'm going through the exact same thing. I couldn't eat for 2 days...(every day I force myself to eat) and I cannot sleep at night...I have pictures all over my room of him. It's so hard to get him out of your head. He told me that this would never happen either. I don't know what exactly to tell you because I am seeking the same advice....I dont' know how I will ever get over him...I just want you to knwo that there are people who are going through the same thing...so you are not the only one!
  7. My boyfriend just recently broke up with me and he says that he still loves me, but the love has become just a "friends love" now. He says that he still needs me in his life and still wants to hang out one on one and see each other all the time. I don't know if I can handle being his friend. I love him so much and he is my first love. Every time I see him I cry and it's one of those uncontrollable cries. He tells me that he's not sure if things will ever happen between us again. I want to do whatever I can to help him realize that he needs me as much as I need him. Should I continue to see him or to spend time away? Which do you think would help him realize that? I need everyone's opinions...please!!! Thank you so much!!
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