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  1. I say go for dating. Talk to all of those cute girls you see in class.. you never know what can come of it. And if you feel up for it, you could pursue things with this girl you're talking to currently. Although, long distance would be pretty difficult. It's your call though. About the archeology thing.. I know plenty of people who are willing to move around for their SO. That situation may not be as hopeless as you think. Either way, if archeology is what you've always dreamed, pursue it. The women will come. Everyone regrets things in their past. The only difference is how many things we regret. I have plenty that I am trying to deal with right now.. I know how tough it is too. The best advice I have gotten is to not dwell on your regrets. If you were unhappy about not doing that much in high school, then go out and do all the things you have always wanted. If you sit and mourn over all the things you are unhappy with about your past, then your time now will be passing you by. I am working VERY hard on taking my own advice here. I hope things brighten up for you
  2. I agree that it does sound like you're still depressed. It sounds like you're, in a way, holding yourself back. Is there any way you could go volunteer somewhere? Or maybe you could take some classes in things you are interested in at a community college while you are waiting to go to a university. It sounds like you're a little bored with doing the same things. Try to pick up a hobby or something that you have always been curious about but have never tried. I am feeling the exact same way you are feeling right now. I think I'm still a little depressed, but ok in general. It's like I'm just bored with things, but don't know how to get out of it. I'm with you here. Good luck!
  3. I would consult a nutritionist. Like the others said, this could develop into an eating disorder. Luckily, for you, you are realizing that you may have a problem right now and that is always a good sign. I think it would be good for you to set a goal to be healthy and not to try to balance between "skinny" and "fat". Your health should be your goal here. Also, those people were horrible to have made fun of you the way that they did. I was very skinny growing up, and I got made fun of for it. I can completely understand.
  4. You are very lucky to have had your boyfriend there with you. I am impressed at how calm he stayed in spite of being so worried for your safety. I think meds might help you a lot.. but only if you are willing to try it. I would see how your evaluation goes, and talk to your doctor about your alternatives from there. Good luck!
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