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  1. Failure? Or disapointment? Failure implies that I can effect it... so I must resolve to not fail. I'll try to be stronger. Thanks Amber. And thanks for the compliments on our little one, he's a great little fella.
  2. I've been trying to post that top post for hours (internet problems). In the intervening time, I (again, stupidly) called her up at work, to ask how she was feeling, and to schedule time to do our taxes. I know, I shouldn't have done it. It's just so hard. I'm too weak for this stuff I think. Why does everything have to be a freakin' game?
  3. Well, for anyone wondering how Toddler Play Time went, Matt and I had such a good time! His mother wasn't doing so good (she was really upset - she had just seen her old bf for the last time, and he called her selfish. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she sorta can be selfish), but he and I had a really good time together. I was sort of stupid. Some of the time I spent talking to her... I just have a hard time seeing her hurting and not trying to help it. Not that I expect her to, but I even foolishly told her to call me tonight if she needs me...... god, I'm bad at NC. Does it make me a terrible person that I hope she realizes how crappy these guys are compared to me and comes home?
  4. Yeah, I can totally see flavors of what I'm dealing with in your story. We are kinda young too. Stopping the "Please Come Back" is a good piece of advice. I wish I had realized that sooner (I only really stopped a month ago, or so. So... two whole months of that pushed her pretty hard). Here's hoping for luck for us all, eh?
  5. Don't feel bad about talking about yourself, Siro. We're all here talking about ourselves in one manner or another. Like you said, to help others, you have to help yourself first. How long does it take for the pain to fade? How long have you two been apart? And, if you don't mind me asking, is she seeing someone else?
  6. You're sure? Like, not Amber's-life-depends-on-it sure, but maybe an I'd-bet-a-decent-amount-of-ca$h-on-it sorta way (not that I expect you to pony up, just a frame of reference)? I'm so scared of driving her away forever. I will continue to complement her, and it's easy to speak to her in a loving voice. Thank you.
  7. Why does it feel like I did something bad? Are you sure this won't push her away in a never-gonna-come-back sorta way? I... I really don't want to lose her forever. She's so special to me, and she's my only real way to get my son back forever.
  8. Now I've gone and done it. She called me this morning (five minutes ago) to check up on our son (when he went to bed, when he woke up, etc). After that she told me that she thought I'd probley want to know that she'd broken up with the ex-con. He didn't know it yet, but she was already dating someone from work named... and this is where I stopped her. I told her that I still had feelings for her, and I had to protect myself. If she ever wanted to talk about something not BF related, sure, great. I'll talk about college, or computers 'till I'm blue in the face with you. But can't do it any more. I'm glad you've left the other guy behind (he was unsafe, and treated you like crap). But I can't do this. I still have feelings for you. Anyway, she said she understood, and we got off the phone shortley thereafter. I then sent her a text asking if we were still on for Monday (she said yes), and then I got on my computer after putting our son down for a nap and started writing to you guys. So... I did the right thing, right? And if so, why the hell does it feel so wrong?
  9. I think Samross touched on this above, but I STRONGLY second the idea of councleing, or another form of couples help. It can be VERY good to be able to get stuff out in a "Safe" environment.
  10. Is it a good sign that she cared where I was? I hate to say it, but I was kinda hoping to make her jealous. I... realize that isn't the most upstanding thing to do... I guess I just want her to know what I'm going through. And I most certainly will post about Play Time. Thank you.
  11. Crap. I just got off the phone with her. Last night I made sure she had a new number to contact me at (I was going up to see some old friends, and they're WAY out of cellphone service). I sent her a text, something like "If you guys need me and can't reach me, try 555-1235. Later!". Just that, nothing more. I also left the number with her grandmother when I dropped our son off (who she lives with, and does a lot of our child care), in case she didn't get the text. This morning, after I texted her to confirm when I'm picking up our son (4pm today, then the REST OF THE WEEKEND 'TILL SUNDAY MORNING! YAY!), she called me and after a few exchanges of what's going on tonight re: our son, she popped the question (I was trying to get in a question about going to Toddler Play Time with them, that's why I didn't just cut the conversation after we confirmed when I was picking him up): "Where were you last night?" "Oh, just some friends" I said. "Anyone I know?" And here's where I think I screwed up. I just can't lie to her. "Just the guys" says I. Then, I follow up with the brilliant (in a not-the-sharpest-tool-in-the-shed sorta way) "Why? Do I detect a bit of jealousy in your voice?". "No, just wondering". And yes, she agreed to let me go with them to Toddler Play Time this Monday, I can't wait (I need to ask because it only happens on Mondays and Thursdays, and I don't get him at all on Mondays, and not 'till 4 on Thursdays)!!! This counts as a "Waterpark/ Zoo" style outing, right? Should I have lied about where I was? Or did I do the right thing?
  12. Figured it'd be snake oil, was just hoping for a miracle, I guess.
  13. I have never been in your position before, so I'm not really sure what to say. I'll say this though: If you have feelings for her, any at all, you should really consider couples therapy. I wish my love and I could have done it before she left me (she didn't want to though). It *CAN* help. Also, don't worry about finding someone else. If you're just with her because you don't think you can do better, then you DO need to revisit your relationship. Consider couples therapy. It can't make things worse, I wouldn't think. Good luck, I'd give anything to be in your position (but then, I guess the grass *IS* always greener...).
  14. I'm likely the crazy optimist here (so take all I have to say with a grain of salt), but is it possible she's going through a woman's crisis? Like menopause or something of the nature? How recently did this craziness start with her? She should be old enough to know what the hell she's doing, but sometimes things like that do strange things to people.
  15. Oh, and any thoughts on link removed? I'm guessing it's full of crock, but if someone here has bought it and can claim success....
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