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Everything posted by hislifesong

  1. Seriously, y'all! One of my "uppers" in mgmt. I've stopped trying to win her on how she views me! It's no use! She tries to find any possible way to get me in trouble...she's not the one i answer to - but her mom is - yes, they both work here! I answer directly to her mom (who is a sweetheart!), but her daughter, "C", is above both myself and her mom. I don't know if she's just trying to look good for her parent while at work or what!...but, my bf said he went to high school with her, and even then, she acted like her poop don't stink and that she was better than everyone else! She's stuck up and snobbish....!!!! And unless you're on her good list, you'd better watch out! Anything and everything! Last week, she deleted all my personal files off of my computer, including pictures of my past away grandmother - ones that i downloaded onto my computer and then deleted off of my camera!!! She said she was getting rid of music files - but she knew EXACTLY what she was deleting - - everyone knows that KODAK isn't a music program...she knew herself, after coming down and pointing out how to use the program! Any advice would help....other than the obvious - staying out of her way!????
  2. Actually, to my surprise...he sounded quite excited to go to the opera with me... And i guess it's not so much that i can't trust ANYONE - - you must'n't have been lied to much...but after awhile, i find it hard to believe what one is saying to be the truth, especially when they sound uneasy in their voice! Maybe it's just me....?
  3. What are some red flaggers here? I haven't heard from a certain guy that i'm interested & dating - - and when i contact him, it feels strange - like i'm stuck doing the chasing - - shouldn't it be the other way around??! I had to ask him if he wanted to join me, and attend an opera-type show - - is this a red flag that he's just not that into me? I've gotten to that point in my life that I DON'T TRUST GUYS - no matter what they say - i always think they're lying to me - i mean some part of me wants to believe them, but the majority of me says to run! So, what are some things that tell me he's just not that into me? Advice pleeeeze!
  4. Well....we started the date off by going to dinner...then we went to play pool - for about 3 hours...we sort of mutually came up with the idea of a movie at my place...
  5. CALL HER!! I know it'd drive me nuts especially if...see below... how about the other way around...should a girl call the guy about a date - that HE said they'd go on - - scenario: if she hasn't heard from him all week, and the date is scheduled for, say, Friday - and it's Thursday??
  6. spending the night at the girls house on a 3rd date? Scenario: Ya'll are watching movies, and you fall asleep (on her bed, on the covers, in your jeans)...and don't end up leaving until the next morning - nothing happened the night before, but how do you feel about the whole situation - especially if you're really into her?? Would it make you want to still see her, or...???
  7. Okay, 2 questions - I have a hot date tomorrow night with this sexy guy...i'm nearly 30 - things seem to've changed since i've dated (in my early 20's)... I have no idea what to wear - - does it depend on what we're doing - how do you tell!?!?!? We're going to be going out for dinner, then going to play some pool, and then ??? #2: What to talk about?? We've already had our initial meeting with one another - - what does one talk about on a date...???? I've been told to scoop up on celebrity stuff - - but i also know that he's a BIG Football fan & i know NOTHING about football - not even the rules of the game!!! Please HELP!!! Some advice is what i really need! Thanks!
  8. Okay, so the 2nd date is well on it's way... Now...what to wear - - help me out here ladies!!!!
  9. I've been a member on EHarmony and link removed - both for 6 months or more...I've only met 1 guy from eharmony - drove to s.dakota to meet him - but he immediately wanted me to move up near him - - that was too quick. I've only "talked" over the phone to one other guy, and after that i never heard from him again! link removed - i've been, as annie said above...several dates - 1st dates/1st meetings, and they haven't gone past that. However, now...I did meet one guy, and instead, it turned out that we stayed really good friends - we talk everyday! ...but last weekend, i met a guy on friday night...then we did the movie thing sunday night...and we've planned for another date on Saturday evening...strange, is that i really haven't heard much from him all this week - maybe i'm paranoid (see my post on: "girls/guys - playing hard to get" on the dating section)...but i'm hoping he doesn't cancel on me..cuz, i already like him - the sparks are definitely there (on my end anyways!). I've had several people in my church (that are married now) meet thru eharmony...i met my ex husband thru link removed, 7 years ago - so, yeah, it does work. I personally don't like lavalife, friendfinder, or link removed - - they all seem to attract married men/women into cheating! Also, the free dating sites, i think tend to draw more phoneys in - and people who aren't serious - however, i've met a few good ones thru link removed.
  10. I was hoping to get some responses from guys on this question...???
  11. I'd like some feedback on what works, what doesn't - - playing hard to get. Do guys like it when a girl plays hard to catch, or do they hate it? What drives a guys bonkers when you're first starting to date a girl? Excessive calling - no calling - - what gives? Why won't guys call the girl they're dating? Okay...so i've gone on 2 dates with this guy & he wants to take me out Saturday night....we kissed heavily on the 2nd date - does tell him that i'm "easy" - how would a guy view that, heavily making-out on a 2nd date?? i feel like a teenager all over again - in the sense that, i'm starting to date all over again (and i'm 30!) So, i like him, and would like to see this go somewhere....i'm usually good at reading people, but having a hard time reading him....i haven't really heard from him ALL week long (except for a short email, telling me he's tired from work, and a few text messages on my cell phone)- - is HE playing hard to get? Should I do the "reverse psychology" on him?? What do ya'll think?
  12. And once again...he calls me today, to let me know (i already know this - i don't know why he told me again!) that he needs $450 by next friday for his bank account! He just thought i would like to know - - but WHY!!!! I'm changing my telephone number - - but that really doesn't help me - he knows my work # and where i live too!...i'm not going to put a restraining order on him - he hasn't done anything of that sort to make me do that - but jeeze - why can't he win the lottery or something!
  13. LOL - that's funny - i'm pretty open-minded...perhaps i should tell him to write a book...tee hee hee I thought about calling his ex-wife - but if he were to find out, omg - i can't imagine what he would do! I called my ex-husbands' ex-wife, when we were married, and having problems - she told me if i was having problems that early on, to get out while i still could...
  14. I'm starting to think that's all he wants me around for is money...like yesterday evening, after he'd picked up his daughter (i heard her in the background sayin' "daddy"), he called to tell me that he got this letter in the mail, telling him he has 10 days to get his bank account into the positive, otherwise, his account will be turned over to the prosecuting attorney - - oh and btw - his acct is something like $450 in the hole...First of all - i have (in the past) had an acct like that, and it was never turned over to the p.a. - instead, it was sent to a collection agency. But I told him I couldn't loan him the money...due to the fact that my check this week is much smaller than usual (i was gone first on unpaid vacation, then my g'ma passed away - so i was absent for like a week 1/2 - i didn't get berievement pay (they don't offer it!), and i have to pay a speeding ticket from the money i get from this check! He said he didn't call me to get money from me...but i'm thinking, then why did you call me?? He said he thought i'd like to know...fishy, fishy, fishy...
  15. Okay...totally off subject - but NJRon - what exactly is that picture of?? It's totally creepin' me out...??? Gives me the whoobie-joobies!
  16. Okay...so what James had told me, and what his co-worker also told me, is that at his previous job: "It was Hollys' b-day (his ex), my boss left unrather early...so i asked my manager if i could leave early to pick up flowers and a gift for her. I'd ran to walmart and the flower store, and when i drove up in the driveway, there was someone else's truck - that looked awfully familiar...and when i walked in, Holly and my boss were having an affair." - - as told to me by James. I don't know how it is in other states, but in Arkansas (and Iowa, where i grew up), the women are the ones to feel sorry for & ALWAYS seem to end up with the lot! It was the same story for my brother & his now ex-wife...he came home to find her cheating on him with a co-worker/friend - she got the house, the car(s), the kids (2), and he has to pay $2000 a month for child support! He got upset because i asked him for my house-key back...it was my moms' copy, incase when she came down to visit, and i wasn't home, she could get in...she's visiting right now, and about to leave back for iowa this week, so she needed her key back! Of course, then again, i don't know how comfortable i feel with him having a key - after the lies that i've caught him in, ya know?!?
  17. I'm a newbie - hi ya'll - from arkansas... I know this post might seem long - but i really need some advice from someone on the outside, other than just from my mom and sister! been seeing this guy, James, for about a month - - went into the relationship too quickly, now i'm hurtin' because of it. Heck, after a week of being together, practically everyday, he told me he was falling in love with me, and had found the one he wants to marry someday....i won't lie, and say that i didn't feel very intense, strong feelings - - sometimes, a girl just knows when something is there - there's something, i just can pinpoint it! Okay, so a bit of background - he's been married, divorced for a year, has a 2year old daughter, that i haven't pressed on him introducing me to her - that will come in time...he says his exwife & the courts are making him pay $780 a month, for just one child - they based this off of his yearly earnings the last year they were married - he told me $1500 short of making $100,000 - so that's how they came up with the $780. She took the house, the land, the brand spankin new expedition (which he has to pay for, because the title is in his name, but she gets to keep it!). He has a different job now, than what he had when he was married, and he's making less than b4 - so the $780 is breaking him each month...I'm rambling..sorry... Okay...to get to the point, he's met my mom & sister and at first they loved him! But then he got into a car accident, and his main truck that he drives, he says, got totalled! He has a 2nd truck, his work truck that he's driving now. But here's where i've/we've caught him in things that don't really make sense/lies - - he told me & my fam' (mom & sis) that the insurance co. cut him a check for $11,600 for his truck, but the bank wouldn't let him have all the money, due to it being such a large check (?). He said with that money that he paid off his ex's expedition - this was a week ago. Well, now he's telling me that the insurance co. decided that his truck could be fixed, and they're taking the check back (do they even do that?) - and now he needs $3000 by the end of the month - for what, i don't really know - to catch up on his child support, tags for his truck... Here's where i'm hurting - we've "done the dirty" - and I don't know if all women are like this, but when i do that with someone, i'm emotionally attached to them! Well, i was gone for the last 2 weeks, for vacation, then my grandma died. I just got back this week - James came over Monday morning (5am) - we "did the dirty" and then he left to go to work...and left me feeling like it was a "booty call" - - he'd called me and asked me what was wrong - he could tell something was up by the tone in my voice, so i told him my feelings, that i felt it was just a booty call - - he got PISSED! Since monday, he's been treating me like CRUD! treating me in a way, that a normal boyfriend SHOULDN'T treat his girlfriend! And everytime we've talked since then, he keeps bringing up what i said, even though i've said i'm sorry like a million times! He says, "we're nearly 30, and you're treating our relationship like we're teenagers...i don't do booty calls, and can't believe you would even think..." I caught him in a lie last night, when he told me that he'd gone to pick up his truck from the auto salvage place (where they had towed his truck to) and bring it to his work...my sister and i drove down to his work - we didn't really believe it was wrecked - due to all the insurance check stuff - so we drove down there, and his truck wasn't there...so then we drove down to the salvage yard, where he told me it was - it wasn't there either! There's other things that come up fishy too - like we were s'posed to spend this coming weekend together - but his boss told him "he has to work all weekend long" - this sort of thing has happened b4, but he wasn't at work, and wouldn't answer his cell phone! As my mom says, "i smell sardines in tuna town!" - something fishy is going on...i know, i know...i should just walk away, and forget i met him...but i'm emotionally hurting... I"M TIRED OF MEETING TURDS!!!
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