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  1. I am not nor have i ever been in your situation...but to end something when your still in love, I can relate to...I'm dealing with that right now. It's hard...the hardest thing I have ever tried to do!! I agree though it's either - go for the relationship...or no contact whatsoever. There can't be a middle ground...it doesn't work. it gives you a false sense of reality.
  2. oh - yes...i think these issues may arrise again...He is the jealous and possesive one - I'm the wall putter-upper, it's lethal i tell you!
  3. I mentioned that to him already...but it seems silly that a couple who has only been together a year has to go through counseling to make it doesn't it? Maybe not though...I feel like "we" have the things that make a relationship work...lacking a little trust though. We are the kind of couple that could be stuck in a traffic jam for hours and have fun and enjoy eachothers company. Where do you draw the line between love and incompatability?
  4. Wow - where to start. I met him about a year ago. There was an instant connection. We fell in love right away. We always have the best time together, we laugh at everything and can talk for hours on end about anything. He has a little girl who i adore and she adores me. We had some issues with jealousy, and possesivness. There have been lots of fights lately which resulted in us ending things...not cause we wanted to but because we were fighting too much. During the time we were apart he did his thing and i did mine. Then we re-united...and then another fight. However, I still love him, and i know he could be the one that makes me happy for a long time. Our feelings are very mutual towards each other, when we are getting along and when we are not geeting along. Where do we go from here - try again? Or let it go and have things fade over time?
  5. Some of you have read my posts about the guy I have been dating oh about 7 months now. It was amazing at first but then I started to see sides of him come out that have pushed me away. He has become controlling, jealous, his drinking habits have become out of control, and he says I never spend time with him and his daughter when I'm doing all I can to balance work, friends, family one of which who is sick who I have been caring for here and there. I just feel overwhelmed. Because of all of this the spark we had is gone. Unfourtunately, I just love his little girl to death and she loves me. Very much. Any ideas on how to handle the situation with the little girl? She's 4.
  6. oh no - not at all...I was actually agreeing with you....soemtimes, like kids we still pout when we don't get what we want
  7. oh...and I have actually had a fit because I didn't get some booty when I was ready to go...oh yes, he has turned me down before! However, I didn't slam doors, and run away...i would just giev the cold shoulder...ya know?
  8. No, you won't be flamed. See, he brought it up that last week I had a bad day, and he bought me flowers to make me feel better...but then said he has a bad day and I do nothing to comfort him. In my mind, tending to his daughter all evening while he rested was my way of saying - hey hon, take a load off...i got this one for ya"
  9. I'm heraing all of you...and the fact that I agree with most of what you say should clue me in. His last text to me was "you are horrible at any kind of comfort". I know that is not true, but it still upset me. Unreal...he can go from Romeo to A$$hole in 0-60 seconds.
  10. wow...that is a great article...I'm going to print & Read the whole thing... there were MANY items on that list of red flags. TOO MANY. The article outlines an exit strategy too. worst part about that is starting all over again.... but I just can't get too deep in this b/c he has a daughter & a baby mam that i just have had the hardest time accepting.. am i wasting my time??
  11. kellbell...yes. you are right. red flags all over the place. there is an argument just as ridiculous as this one atleast once a week..or two weeks. I'm starting to think - to him i'm the right girl for right now and we have lots of sex so that keeps him happy. but there is a kid involved and i have to be careful... i may need to start thinking of an exit strategy. I'm already attached to the kid...and her to I
  12. i appreaciate all your comments. I sent him a text that said, "I'm sorry for disappointing you last night. But Leaving like you did upset me. I hope your having a better day, but if not I suggest we each do our own thing tonight". I wrote that because we both had plans to go out with seprate friends tonight, then meet up later...this might involve alcohol...which might involve an argument sooo... Anyway his reply was - go do your own thing tonight, thats what you wanted anyway. I don't need this... it's so hard for me not reply!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Had a little issue with the bf last night (of about 6mos.). He doesn't live with me, but stays over often. He had a horrible day, and had his daughter, so I played with her while he took a nap. Then he woke up and took her home, came back over and we watch tv for some time then decided to go to bed. We are in bed, and he starts to be affectionate...I am affectionate back, then kiss him and say goodnight. I was assuming he was so tired he couldn't even play with his daughter who he doesnt see often, that sex was really not happening that night. Well, I was wrong. He says to me, I had a horrible day and a ll I wanted was a little booty. Collects his things, slams my door and haven't heard from him since. Mind you, we have a good sex life. When his daughter is not around we practically have sex 1-3 times a day. I know he had a bad day but My God!! Do I fight this battle or let it go?
  14. good point...but I'm soooo afraid I mightnot find those better qualities easily in someone else...I know that sounds idiotic...I guess if I see these bad traits start to grow...run for the hills??
  15. We have been dating 6 months. He is trustworthy because I am comfortable that if he ever we put in a position with another girl i really believe he would do the right thing. I don't know why I feel that way...maybe because of his clean record and maybe because cheating is a deal breaker in his book and he is really crazy about me. We get some alone time...it just never feels like enough because we always have to run here and run there...we both took an upcoming day off of work to just enjoy the day...I just worry after that...i'll miss that day we had so much it will interfere with things.
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