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Everything posted by orangeapple

  1. OK... Absolutely NO CONTACT---you'll feel really proud at the end of the day - I promise. 1. Block his e-mails 2. Purge everything related to him...this includes any stuff that reminds you of him, notes, e-mails, etc. PURGE. Throw it away. 3. Call a friend whenever you feel weak and want to call him. 4. Do not reply to phone calls, e-mails, anything. 5. Keep busy...clean the house, go shopping, 6. CALL A FRIEND WHO NEEDS YOU......You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel when you call someone else who is in need. Listen to someone else's troubles.....yours will feel immediately lighter. 7. BECOME A MAN MAGNET: Make yourself look good every day, smile at everyone, and ask the universe to bring you a MAN, not a boy. good luck
  2. You go girl... who cares about the number attached to your body? The point is you're both here now, alive & well so seize the day. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, or even 1/2 hr. from now. LIVE, live, live live it now......don't worry about the future. Enjoy, enjoy, make yourself happy.... THink of all the people out in the world who are trying to survive wars, famine, disease.....you're both alive so LIVE IT NOW. Good luck,
  3. you sound like you want more than just friends/w benefits and I think you'll be constantly disappointed and hurt with this can of an arrangement. perhaps you should stay away until your feelings for him are not so strong, and when you're really ready, yes you can probably be his friend. hope this helps
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