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Posts posted by JJRadical

  1. Sometimes dates get lost in bad communication/logistics...to me if he said he'd call to confirm and hasn't that means he can't make it...maybe he's got alittle California in him...i think this is too early for the freak out stage...my guess is maybe he felt alittle pressure and went MIA not something totally unheard of with guys...these emotions you are experiencing now are good...but you have to realize they are not based on any fact whatsoever so the next time they occur, and by the looks of your avavatar they happen alot, remember it could be nothing personal just as much as it is something personal...now get a grip and when he calls three days from now to try again your response should be if you still like him,"maybe, give me a call I'm not sure what is going on." If he wants to go out he's going to have to do some communicating until then be ambiguous, amphibious, and maybe even ambidextrous...

  2. He is insecure...now that he actually has you talking to him he is choking...in his mind he's "not ready" for you...texting/phone is easy...in real life he is exposed...(actually he's exposed by texting and the phone conversations also but he thinks he's not...)

  3. Maybe you can take him to the junior prom...he could chaperone and be a date...save space...in NY 16 is against the law...see Joey Buttafucco/Amy Fisher...but things are different in Europe...what is the world cup anyway?

  4. Hang in there brickchamp...got to treat it like a drug...you should count abstinence time and your doing the right thing by coming here...emotional states are temporary...the storms will come and go...the more time passes NC the stronger you get...be on your guard especially when feeling good ironically...

  5. She hasn't changed at all...she still cares otherwise she wouldn't be hurt...sometimes its best not to judge your friends so harshly...would it be so terrible if you called her and just talked out your problems with her...maybe even apologize even if your wrong wasn't as great or first?...I only have one rule for all relationships regardless if its work, girlfriend, family, or friend...IF WE CAN COMMUNICATE THERE IS NO PROBLEM...too busy?...5 min it would take to say "Hi, just calling to see if you heard Spinal Tap is reforming."...to be able to communicate there are times both sides must be humble and be willing to admit there mistakes...

  6. Sadly, I agree.

    Ideally trust and respect enters at some point...manipulation is so 11th grade...



    ...won't take the trash out now

    i'm not washinig the car

    Can't walk the dog

    I'm busy out at the bar

    -All I Can Do, MondoGenerator

  7. You are not overanalyzing at all...here is what is going on...


    You are being seduced...College Professors are notorious for fratenizing with students and from what i saw the rule was "as long as the semester is over" the student is "fair game." I personally thought this was pretty low, manipulative, and an abuse of power but many Colleges take this not very seriously...


    *He knows that you are a loner


    Seducers often choose isolated victimes for boredom/lonliness tend to lower their defenses


    *Confusion is a primer for seduction


    Sending mixed signals, keeping you in suspense for his emails, stirring discontent and anxiety...all cause your compass to point towards him for the answer to your problems...he is working on your emotions...a content, satisfied person cannot be seduced willingly incidentally...


    *Create a false sense of security


    Those other issues he discusses with you are there to lull you into feeling comfortable...the rattlesnake dazzles with his tail before the strike...periphery movement from neutral to lover is common in seducers


    True seducers will not rush...weeks...months...this is of no big deal...there are others on his line...he can afford to lie low...while you think about whether to email him or not and start threads seeking advice he just keeps stepping back to give you room to fall.


    He who cares the least in a relationship wields the power. Right now he is controlling the rhythm and he is enjoying pushing your buttons (thus his astonishment when you don't reply immediately)...


    If you want to be seduced which some people do keep going in the direction your going...but he won't respect you...


    ..If you want him to respect you your going to have to make him respect you...your going to have to put your emotions on hold...start creating gaps of time in your emails, start shortening them up, ask him his advice on getting a guy in one of your classes to notice you...occasionally give a subtle signal then drawback...make him respect your rhythm, show him the power imbalance is an illusion, that you are in charge of your emotions...then maybe their will be a chance for a REAL relationship...right now the power imbalance is too great...

  8. 1) Starts with looks but personality can make you ugly fast...or conversely more attractive

    2) Dress like you who you are...

    3) Confidence and shyness can both be good depending on the situation

    4)Make-up that looks like no-make-up

    5)As long as you don't have a problem with me jugging what you do is irrelevant

    6) Holding hands is no problem, but should be voluntary under no sense of duress/obligation

  9. Breathe...low breaths...its ok to be down...the more you fight it the faster you sink...start taking baby steps towards getting control...pick up a piece of paper...eat a good meal...sit-up straight...


    "...many times you will find, that as it turned out all that was required to win was to endure."


  10. i hate tall guys!!! cos i am shorter then 6" and i am a guy.


    Get a good look at this Shadowcat...despite being tall you should start weight training and mixed martial arts training now because this is going to be the reaction of every drunk short guy at 3am in your local bar when they see a girl talking to you...

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