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Posts posted by JJRadical

  1. Yea. What source?


    Besides Man's ability to rationally deconstruct can overide this "predisposition blindspot" you speak of if its true.


    To deny that she likes him after reading that post is just ridiculous...it doesn't mean she's going to throw herself at him...but the spark is there...it was an honest reaction and it had some excitement in it...honest excitement=she likes you.

  2. -Approaching girls is like a muscle the more you work it the easier it gets.

    -Knowing when to approach is key also...alot of times good looking cashiers don't want to be hit on or don't have to time to notice you are the man...

    -expand your social circle...cut off from society?...join a group, a club, take an interest, get a p/t job...picking up girls cold off the street is really not a great way to work on your interpersonal communication skills....

    -if you were "the man" you wouldn't be asking for advice on this forum about this, or even stating you are "the man." Once you are humble and are willing to open your mind then you will be "the man."

  3. All that advice about people telling you to ask him out is way off...most guys can't handle a girl thats pursuing them and will quickly lose interest because attraction requires some tension (guys need the challenge.Its all very crude I know but true)...if you procede forward you break the tension...he knows you like him...affect a regression...nothing harsh...just show alittle indifference too his touching...play it cool...at least for a moment let him know he may not be the sun that you revovle around...then watch him chase you...now the pursued becomes the pursuer...

  4. Here it is straight:

    1)Every woman is more or less available. Your in college. Her boring meter with her boyfriend is probably already off the charts...


    2)She likes you...proceed like this

    a)Relax! The fact that you are already "strategizing" on this girl thats "above you" shows your already shooting yourself in the foot. She likes you already for you, you big dope...so start trusting yourself and show some confidence...the fact that you aren't trying to be perfect and aren't perfect but are ok with that is what is going to impress her...

    b) RELAX! Don't pressure her in any way...let things proceed naturally...don't pursue but enjoy her company...when she mentions her boyfriend she is testing you to see if your a punk and going to make a face and get competitive...you are not threatened at all by that...your serious about studying in the study group to care...and don't respond to her email with a 20 page letter...keep it short and corteous...stay humble and if theres chemistry it'll happen...

  5. He needs some humility. And he yells at his Grandma...lemme tell you something...i hope you enjoy rationalizing why he behaves this way...to me its self indulgent and there is always a point at which an individual can make a choice on how to react to something...he sounds very childish and has along way to go before he can be a man but hey it sounds like there are no males guiding him so...

  6. You don't need a gym membership or weights in the beginning; bodyweight squats, one legged squats (pistols),push-ups, pull-ups, dips, sit-ups (not crunches), side bends,burpees, will all work well for the beginner...and better than any "upperbody/lowerbody" split with weights cause you'll be training the body as a whole including stabalizer/core muscles and developing balance.


    You need to define your goals...getting stronger and adding muscle are closely related but not congruent.


    Training is as much an art as it is a science. So you've got to "own" the movements and learn how training works by experiencing it.


    Training is as much about self exploration/expression as it is about being in shape...keep a journal. The best "book" i ever read on learning how to train come from the pages of my own journal.

  7. Goofy is good. Once you get someone to laugh you have bonded with that person. What you don't want to be is a CLOWN. Show her you have a serious side at times to those things that are important to you. If every time you see her you feel you have to make her laugh then you are pushing. Withdraw alittle when she expects you to be funny and she'll fall in love with you.

  8. You are not crazy.


    You have been doing the best you can at the time whether you believe so or not.


    Considering what you've been through its natuarl you would be depressed and you are beating yourself up with guilt pretty good.


    Sometimes in life its ok just to endure and survive another day.


    Seek help immediatey. You are worth it. You can't be anything to anybody until you take care of yourself first...

  9. The fact that this has been communicated to him and he doesn't listen is the major problem here and probably underlies alot of other communicative problems...

    1)Seduce him-start becoming hawt, ignore him, stir the pot, become high maintenance,send mixed signals. This is only worth it if he has enough intelligence to learn how to love you like you want him to...sort of teaching him how to treat you...but if he's a non-evolving type...its not going to work.



    Other than that being a guy i can't really say what to do...I was raised by a single parent and like to think i turned out ok. Divorce is tough when you have children but it can be done...but the alternative...a life with drudgery...a stale relationship can be extremely damaging to you psychologically and even healthwise...

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