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Everything posted by finsjm

  1. Yes - hang in there!! I went through that this morning!! I was SO MAD yesterday and felt great then cried this morning and wanted to disappear!! It's so hard!! Just keep writing - you have friends here
  2. Thanks everyone - appreciate the advice. I know he wants nothing more and the way I look at it is I will take it day by day. He proposed then broke up with me!! I love him but am seriously questioning if this is the right person to be with anyway!! We'll see!!
  3. Ok - my ex and I just talked yesterday after a week of NC. It was good till we started talking about 'the stuff' then he got weird. Totally understandable - but he says he does not want a relationship from anyone - mind you he proposed 2 weeks ago. He wants to be friends and I have never done that before. I am not sure if I should so I figured I would take it on a day to day basis and see how I handle it. Either way it sucks and I'm hurt! He lives in CA and will be home in 2 1/2 weeks - says he wants to get together. He is a nice person, just has a lot of issues which makes me realize that the breakup may be a good thing right now. Until we get over our 'stuff' individually we can't really be together. We rushed into the relationship which makes me feel that maybe friends is an ok thing. any thoughts?? Thanks!
  4. oh no I agree. I do not need him. But he lives in CA and I am in CT, so the fact that he is coming home is big. After that - who knows when he'll be back.
  5. Thanks for the comments!! I agree on the push and pull!! And why is it always a month!! lol That seems to be the magic number for people getting back together! Coincidentally he is coming back home to CT in a month, and he has something of mine - who knows!!
  6. Thanks - and thanks for all your kind words!!
  7. Yeah - it is real tough. I hope he does come around - I can't imagine such a huge shift in feelings like that! I know - when we fought I did the same thing and he said the emotions were pushing him away. It's tough because as females - that's what we're best at!! lol Good luck I just want him back so bad!! It all happened so quick! I'll be strong!!!!
  8. Thank you! In my rational mind I know this - I am having a FREAKED out moment. My story VERY QUICK - he proposed to me the night before I flew out to meet him in CA (where he lives) He changed when I got there and we fought most of the time. It stressed us both out SO MUCH and he started to pull away. When I came back he gave me the 'I don't know what I want' line - so I pushed and we broke up. I don't regret it - he needs SPACE and you can't miss someone if you know they're still there. I only hope he realizes he made a mistake and comes back, he was truly my best friend and I believe my soul mate!
  9. It has been 2 1/2 days of NC - and I am flipping out!! I know it's the right thing to do as I have said many times, but I miss him so much!! I don't understand what happened but I know that space is what he needs. I'm just so scared and confused!!
  10. No, but it's only been 5 days. It's only been 2 for me and I feel like it's forever!! Just hang in there and DON'T call again!!!
  11. No, just let it go. Really - calling her to tell her is still calling.
  12. I agree. My ex wanted to be friends too, but I really think that is because he doesn't want to lose my completely. It hurts them JUST as much as us to go cold turkey!! I still have him on IM and yes, I still check, but NO I do not write!! Because the potential of getting him back because I left him alone is worth more to me. If he/she does not know what life is TRULY like without you, they will never appreciate you being in their life. It's the hardest thing in the world to do, I KNOW, but you have to. Hang in there!!!!
  13. You say you're the breakee?? I WISH my would would contact me and it's only been 2 days!!! He was the breakee and I feel he should make the first move. He's contacted my friends which was weird, but not me. My advice, follow your gut. Not your heart, your gut. Do you feel uncomfortable calling her? Then don't! Do you really miss her, then do!! It has been a while for you, don't let a good thing pass you by! She may be playing the NC game too!! Good Luck!!
  14. I agree. I hate the game! And yes, I want him back, so if he contacts or calls I want to talk to him, not judge or be mean. I love him and if he did panic and get scared (please God please) then I hope he realizes and contacts me. Either way he has something of mine and is coming home in a month, so I'll have to get it from him. Who knows - please keep your fingers crossed and thanks for the advice
  15. Trust me when I tell you - YOU WILL LOSE HER IF YOU PUSH HER!!!! Let her miss you, let her see that you are confident and secure. If she wants to be back with you she will call - if not you will have moved on and still have your self worth!! Be the victor - not the victim!! Good Luck!!!
  16. New to this - but just posted something and I agree 100%. I think space and time to miss someone is the ONLY Way the will know what they want. That being said - I hope it works for me!! lol Jenn
  17. Ok - here it goes. I was hurt 3 1/2 years ago - I mean BAD!!! My ex kept me on the 'I don't know' leash even through couples counseling only to find out a year and 1/2 into it that there was someone else. Needless to say I was hurt and did not want to date. 2 months ago I met the man of my dreams. Really - he was! I have been so picky that I know he was - well - still is. Anyone he fell for me - HARD!!! He lives in CA but his family is in CT, 10 mins up the road from me. We talked for 2 weeks and he flew home to meet me. We fell fast. I knew (and still know) he is the one. He felt the same way. 2 weeks into the relationship I lost my beloved cat. It put me into a huge depression. I told him I would not call him because I did not want to depress him., but he insisted! We usually talked a minimum of 5 hours a day. Also - he has a best friend who is female who is crazy about him, and although he was 100% honest with me from the beginning it still caused a bit of tension, especially considering my past. Well - I went to CA to see him last week. The night before I left he proposed on the phone!!! When I went out there - all we did was argue. He became distant and cold - not like himself. By time I left he switched things around and said he didn't know how he felt. I was and still am confused!! I talked to him when I got home Sunday and said that I felt we were at a point we could not come back from. He said to give it time. I didn't call all Monday and by Tues. afternoon called him. He still didn't know. I admit I pushed and finally he said he wanted to break up. That being single was better than being in a relationship and he was not ready. Seceral people including my therapist have said that he was scared and give him space and time to miss me - he will come around. He is coming home in June - a month from now. He contacted mt friend because her grandfather passed away - which really surprised me. He wanted to stay in touch with me but I was the one who said no. I feel this is the only way he can truly know what he wants - is to miss me. I feel like I am dying inside. I never fell for someone so quick and he felt the same way. Then he just turned away. Any advice anyone?? I miss him so much and want him back, so in my mind the space and no contact (at least for a few weeks) is the best thing I can do for that. Please help!!
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