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Posts posted by nicorette

  1. ya, having a shorter man can be a great thing. my boyfriend is over a foot taller tahn me, and dancing is just pretty much outta the question, he has to like lean over so much and i have to go on my tippy toes just to kiss. also, people often think he is much older than me, and almost look at him as though hes a creep because i look more like im 15 or 16 and he loosk like hes 21 around. even though we are both 18. youre doing good, just let him know it doesnt matter. and there are so many advantages of having a shorter guy. and its not like hes taller than you right?

  2. i think right now you should forget about getting your ex back. i knwo you want her back so bad, but concentrating all your attention and coming up with plots to try to get her attention arent healthy. lets say you talk to her adn she doestn want to get back together with you? then you havent made any progress cos the whole time youve been thinking about schemes to get her back. i think you should see this new girl cos you like her, and only if you like her or else its cruel. i thinky ou should leave yer ex alone and give this new girl a chance.

    good luck

  3. im not sure about guys. my boyfriend is 6'5 and im 5'2. i love his height but id go for a shorter guy anytime either. when i was in grade 9 i dated a guy who was 6 feet and i was 5'2 and he made fun of me all the time. it really made me nervous about going out with my current boyfriend, but he never bothers me. just explain that height doesnt matter to you and you love him the way he is.

  4. i thikn you need to make sure this isnt a rebound first, and you guys arent carrying too much baggage with you. i dotn think it matters about the age of a male to get a female pregnant? i think their sperm count decreases but im pretty sure an 80 year old man can conceive with a much younger woman. you said hes willing to adopt as well, so even if the vasectomy reversal doesnt work you guys can always adopt. are you guys dating or anything? i dont completley understand what is going on wtih you guys at the time being

  5. i think you have a low self-esteem and arent confident and are shy. go out there, talk to this girl and get to know her. i know its hard but youre going to have to do it sooner or later if you ever want to be in a relationship. me and my now bf of 2 years had liked each other for 5 months before dating. i was his first gf and he was way too shy to come out and approach me and whatnot. i was starting to lose interest and thought hed never ask me out until he finally came to his senses he did. if he wiated a week or 2 longer i possibly would have said no. go for it!

  6. i know waht you mean. i think you should tell him how you feel! then youll know. if he likes you back then thats awsome and maybe you guys can go out. if he doesnt, then at least youll always know and you wont have regrets. sitting back and not doing anything will only make it worse. let him know how you feel.

  7. how old are you two now? i think that elementary "relationships" are..i dont know, kind of trivial. people change so much, and im assuming youre in your teens, and youll continue to keep growing for many years to come, as is he. i understand its your first love, but he is changing, as are you. i think you two just changed and grew apart from each other. theres so many guys out there

  8. not selfish at all. theres no reason to not date this girl. you know her just like your ex girlfriend does. it has been 9 monthts. i dotn think you should feel guilty. thats just my opinion though.

  9. theres a possibility. even after cleaning himself that definetly wouldnt clean up the mess. was he hard when he went in you? if he wasnt then i dont know, i doubt it. cos im pretty sure once sperm hit the air they die? i might be wrong. its possible though. you should go on teh pill or get some condoms. i am on the pill and my boyfriend wears condoms so we never really have to worry. its sucha small chance that i could get pregnant. you could go to a clinic if you needed birth control. i strongly suggest it if you two are going to be sexaully active.

  10. i believe so. im getting ready for college so ive talked with lots of college administrators and got lots of information. not in ALL aspects is it true. i think an entrepreneur COULD make a lot more money than some jobs with degrees (such as teaching). but id go with the degrees. i think there are some exceptions, but for the most part i think a degree would come with a more higher-paying job.

  11. you can show him that you wont hurt him by giving him space. he said you "pressured him" right? well then do the opposite. give him space. if you can handle being frineds with him, then by all means do so. but you might not be ready. if it hurts to hang out with him (because his feelings arent reciprocated) i wouldnt suggest hanging out with him. and i dotn nkow much about LDR relationships, but 18 hours away sounds really hard to maintain a relationship with.

  12. DONT tell your running partner. at least until you figure things out first, that would cause a bunch of conflict, stress and heartbreak that is unnecessary, at least for the time being. if i were you, id take a few days break of everything. dont necessarily say to your gf "i want a break" but just kind of give yourself space, you need time to thoroughly think about things. you might break up wtih your gf and then regret it a month down the road. and this new girl may only be a replacement of your old gf, you may not actually like her. you might be attracted to her just because youre bored in your current relationship. id take time apart from everything if you can and think about things and just relax. dont act upon anything just yet. good luck.

  13. i think hair on a man is sexy. specially on the legs. i think its extremely feminine and honestly if i saw a cleanly shaven/waxed guy id think he was gay, or more girlier than i am. who cares about hair? if girls are that shallow, would you even want to date someone who cared so much about looks?

  14. hmmm in the summer i absolutely love biking. and i dont do it for the exercise, even though it is good exercise. i love biking on a nice hot day cos wehn you bike fast and on trails its liek an adrenaline rush. if you have a bike and know how to id suggest trying it. is there any "forestry" or any kind of trails around where you live?


    also, how did you manage to graduate at only 16, even if you are turning 17 this year? did you skip a grade? because most people graduate at either 17 or 18. and if they are 17, they are turning 18 that year.

  15. does your husband pay child support? wow, you sound liek youre in a tough situation and i hope that things get better for you, it sounds very unfortunate. i think you need to be there for your daughter, but what your doing now is really all you can do. does your husband not give you any money?

  16. its definetly much too early for you to start seeing this guy. you need to let him know that your intentions are only for friendship, cos you dont want to lead this guy on. i feel for you and i hope your days get better. just think, when you finally ARE over your ex, you will be so happy and feel things in a new light. keep going strong with NC, and i think that unles you feel like you are ready, it isnt time to date.

  17. im not trying to be rude, but if you call him at work and he says hes busy hes not neglecting you. i udnerstand youre in pain, but the guy is at work! he could actually be really busy, and i nkow if i was at work and my guy kept claling and i told him not to id get really frusterated and would be pushed away. myabe, that was the only time oyu called him at work.

    the real question is: do YOU think youre needy and clingy?

    if not, find a real man who wont drag you along.

    if so, then go out and hang out with your friends, show him your independent and you dont NEED him, cos guess what? you dont. good luck

  18. i cant relate, as ive never had this happen to me. but i think you SHOULD talk to somoene close to you. you need to let it out. there is no way to heal if you dont. if you keep it bottled in inside itll only prolong the pain. get it out, to your mom, or a close friend. or a counselor, theyre confidential. even if you need to talk about it on here everyone here is willing to help. i do think you should let it out, let someone know how you feel, someone cloes to oyu.

  19. has he ever shown any prejudice or descrimination to anyone? if not, i wouldnt think so. i think it would be ignorant of him if he acutally didint like somoene based on their ethnic background.

    i think you should have lunch, talk about the law thing. and see how it goes. do you talk to him frequently and recently? maybe once you hung out wiht him you would find out you dont really like him. or if you do, then i think that you should hang out wiht him a couple more times, kind of let him know you like him. seoriusly. its been 20 years. wouldnt you regret it if you found out you could have had a chance but were too shy to say no? also, if he does for some reason not like you because of your ethnic background, then is he relaly a type of person youd want to date anyhow?

  20. From other advice boards and people I have spoken to, I have been told that he knows of my intentions and if he doesn’t feel that marriage is important enough to keep that in mind when taking such a step, then going with him and waiting around for a proposal would be foolish.


    i agree with this. if i were in your shoes, id remind him again. have you guys talked about marriage recently. you said that after a year of dating you brought it up, but has it been brought up lately? i think that you should at least suggest the idea. if he is hesitant perhaps you should give him some time to think about it. i can understand why youd need reassurance, however maybe hes not ready. if he explains hes not ready, but in the near future he will be then id say go for it. however, if he doesnt even think and just writes it off i think it would be a waste of your time, and even prolong the heartache even more if you dont break up with him. i think you should talk to him about it and see how that goes.

  21. me and my boyfriend of almost 2 years broke up for about a month. we got back together 3 weeks ago. however, during the time i thought the same way as you "i could never find anyone like him" and whatnot. thats not true. before my boyfriend right now of 2 years, i was 14 and i dated this one guy for just under a year. it was a LDR relationship. i was so crusehd when he didnt want to be with me anymore i dindt think i could find any better i was so devastated. about 6 months later i found the guy im with now and i seroiusly couldnt be any happier. and im sure this guy and me wont last forever, as were only 18, and im sure ill find a guy later on that will make me even happier. youre young, 23, and have so much ahead of you. there will be so many great girls out there that you wont know what to do. a LOT of women are not all the cheating, lying people you hear about.

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