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Posts posted by nicorette

  1. well, im only 18 and i lost my father a few months ago, so my situation is a bit differnt since my mother is still alive. anyhow, im still grieving over my fathers death, however i reallyl try to keep busy. for the first little while i moped around the house and cried and thought "why me?" im still unbelieveably hurt from it, but i try to keep busy. i also try to keep a routine. it really is hard to cope with, but time helps. just try to remmeber the good memories. she is lucky to have had them both in her life. as am i to have my father for 18 yeras. just support her and she needs to keep busy. its normal to grieve, but doing it in a positve manner helps. let her vent it all out to someone. maybe a cousenlor? and i deifnetly feel for her. god bless.

  2. hmm, often when guys approach me there are many deal breakers about whether id talk to them or not. if a guy is smiling, seems confident, but not cocky, has an outgoing personality and i feel is my "type" ill talk to him.

    if my first impression of the guy is i think that he will just want to have sex, and hes not sincere, i wont even give him a second look.

    i was sitting at a bus stop a couple weeks ago wtih a friend. this car pulled up with 2 guys in it and htey wer elike hey baby an di was like eff off. if you at all approach any girls like this, im not surprised they give u the cold shoulder.

    just be direct, sincere, and smiling. look for girls who are having a good time, dont approach girls who just seem depressed.

  3. you are a great mother, dont think anything otherwise adn dont let other people let you know that. as msmorbid said, the fact that you are posting here adn know you need help is the first step. id try to get some counseling.

  4. kyroshiro..i know what youre going through. dont worry, things go better. i am only 18 and my father passed away due to cancer a couple of months ago. my brother who is 14 is having a much more difficult tim than me. my mother is perhaps the worst though. just try to live in the routine of life. keep busy. i KNOW how unfortunate this is, but remember all teh good times you had with your father and how lucky you were to have him in your life for 33 years. i wonder: why did my father leave us when i only had him for 18 years? but then i think ont eh bright side: i had a whole 18 years with him, some people dont evne grow up with fathers. i know its hard to do, but try your best to come to terms wtih it. it takes time. of course im not okay with it, but im doing better and although i think about him everyday, i try to think of the good memories with him.

    i dont know about in the states, but at least in canada werhe i live at prom we have a thing claled the grand march. its where a female dances with their father, and son dances with their mother. i am going to be problbay the only one at grad not dancing with their father, and thatll be a big obstacle to overcome.

    keep your head up. i PROMISE things get better. try to support your family and stick with them.

  5. if for some reason youre 13 year old needs a babysitter, which i think you probably let him stay at home once in a while by himself right? but if for some reason not, get a babysitter, or drop him off at a friends or anything, and go out wtih your girlfriends. seriously, i think you need a night of relaxation from stress. go out to a movie, or wahtever you enjoy doing. also, at even 9 and 10 years old i was helping out cleaning bathrooms and doing the dishes, surely at 13 he could help out with a bit. try to just relax and not stress too mucha bout it.

  6. i know how you feel. i got a scholarship to the university of british columbia, youd think id be ecstatic right? maybe for a few hours. it seems liek whenever soemthing good happens to me, it lasts for a short period of time, then i end up getting sad or mad about something.


    just think about everything youve achieved. also, think about all your great attributes that helped you achieve those goals. and now make more goals, and just take it day by day. think about everything in life that you have going for you that others arent as fortunate to have.

  7. i have a fetish with leg hair on men. i find it very sexy. i dotn know why. if you want to get rid of it, id say like somehow get it trimmed, or maybe get it shorter but i honestly would think it was odd if i saw some guy at the beach with shaved legs.

  8. afterwards do not not say aynthing. say how much you loved it blah blah. and even a few hours later if you guys are still hanging out. dont not bring it up. thast the mistake my boyfriend did. tlel her shes beautiful and make her feel really special

  9. me and my guy both lost our virginity to each other and i really remember liking that fact about him that he wasnt experienced at all, because i wasnt. granted..we are both 18. i think that even in my next relationship(hopefulyl this one lasts a long time, but you know..) id liek the person to perhaps not be a virgin, but not too experienced. i think my preference would be for my sexual partner to have about the same experience i have whatever time in my life. im young and very inexperienced so i guess i cant reallyl say

  10. if she goes, and lets say her and your boyfriend do talk. i personally suggest that maybe once in a while (if its not obvious, awkward and your nearby) kind of join in on the conversation. actually see what theyre talking about and their body language adn whatnot. more likely than not, youll see that its just a friendly conversation. if it seems liek more, dont confront anyone then, but then if you find it out then you can decide what to do after the trip. but i honestly odnt think itd even come to that point.

  11. i feel for you. im leaving high school in a few weeks. honestly, ive been reflecting these past few months of my high school life before i enter the real world and realize that all that crap back then doestn matter. im free in 14 days and i look back and jsut think thank god its all done. i realizehow fast it went by and how much time i spent worrying about popularity and fighting and gossip and drama.

    in 2 or 3 years, depending on what grade youre in, youllb e in my position looking back on it and seeing how it didnt matter, and wont ever. i know it wont help you now, but im jus tletting you know things DO get better. my grade 12 year i completely realized who my true friends were and popularity and all that crap doesnt matter so i stuck with my one adn only best firend (my only friend who goes to the school) and weve stuck it out with each other the whole year and now were finally done. keep your head up things will get better. try not to let that crap bother you.

  12. yes, im on the pill as well and have the 21 day cycle along with the 7 sugar pills. you can get pregannt anytime on the pill of course(slight chance if you take it right) however, it works the exact same throughout the whole month. i get my period on the 3rd day of the sugar pills, and the first 2 days for me will work exaclty the same. it has the same effect the whole month if you use as recommended. did your doctor tell you that?

  13. im on the pill. im 18 and have been on it since ive been 16. my boyfriend of 2 years wears condoms as well. once in a while (on an anniversary) well have sex without a condom. birth control has been nothing but good to me. i used to be an A size in bra and now im a B. it regulates my period and the pill is 99.7% effective. along wtih condoms, its extremely unlikely ill get pregnant. its possible..but yes, i dont se eanything at all wrong with the pill. but perhaps tahts only because ive been on it fo r ayear and a half and thats why i havent experienced the possible side effects..

  14. ya for sure. let me know how it goes.

    my boyfriend and his friend live together. his friend always has a buncha girls over and it reeally bothers me! all of the girls love me and honsetly they are really really nice people (most have boyfriends) but it still bothers me when i find out that theyre there, and im not. my boyfriend is in a band and one time i had to go to a city 4 hours away a time he was playing a show, and i found out a buncha those girls ahd been there (well of course, its a show) but stupid me was just thinking about why the hell were they there im his girlfriend i should be there before any other girl. but if you honestly think about it, its relaly stupid. but no matter what, you cant control your feelings.

    talk to your boyfriend today about it, just in a gentle relaxed way adn dont make it sound too serious or anything, and post back what happened good luck

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