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Posts posted by nicorette

  1. on the other hand, i DO think you should give up on her. shes STRAIGHT. maybe shes confused about her sexual orientation. i used to think i could be bi or gay or whatever the hell. for like a month. she probably likes "flirting" with you but thats it. im not tryna sound harsh, and i hope htings work out with you. i jsut dont think you need anything sugarcoated because itll only disappoint you further down. i really do think you should forget about her and find someone new

  2. i dont think shes someone you want to mess around with, unless your into drugs and orgies. also, if she has a bf but is very flirty with you she isnt someone youd want to date. she seems like a tease. do you like her? i dont really understand waht you want?

  3. is this normal or have i been enslaved into sheltered family life which i have been. yea these girl were asian(one chinese cbc, other japanese) too -you think with the strict upbringing of asian parents that the girl be more consverative,but ah no.


    i think that is EXTREMELY stereotypical.


    regardless, your problem: i know what you mean. my current boyfriend was a virgin, as was i, and thats what i loved about him. i loved how pure and fresh he was. honestly, i coudl never see myself having one night stands or having sex with like 30 people in my lifetime. everyones different though. maybe you should find a differnet place to meet these people. or find out before you meet them if they are like this. that really, really disgusts me that someone of the age of 19 has had more than 20 sexual partners.

  4. you should just show up at her house when you know shes home and ask for it. she seems to be playing games. because of cold sores? what the hell, you dont have to kiss. just a 2 minute "heres your stuff" "thanks, bye". thats a lame excuse, dont put up with this. perhaps shes unsure if she wants you back, but you dont wnat somoene who is playing games liek thsi anyhow do you? if she really cared about you she wouldnt be making up excuses. go to her house when you know shes home and ask for it, seh cant make anything up then. or, you could get a friend pick it up or something.

  5. As to BC reducing weigh, ask google about your

    "bc pill brand" weight loss


    bc doesnt reduce weight loss, ive heard it makes you gain weight, but i also heard that was a myth. it CAN make your breasts bigger; consequently, you gain weight. i think you just misinterpreted it nottoogreen also, all pill brands work the same, have similar amounts of estrogen/progestron or both. theyre all the same amount effective as well.

  6. Any thoughts about her being divorved twice. Is that a red flag? I hear so much about divorce rates etc.


    i think that in some cases, stuf like that just happens. i dotn know this woman, but to me it seems like it could be a red flag. you dont love her, the kid and you not getting along is a MAJOR problem. i wouldtn waste my time with her if i were you. im sure shes a very nice person but these problems will unlikely ever change.

  7. He says I'm too thin right now to go to the gym and I have to eat more. I'm 101 lbs right now at 5'2", and I see my Dr and she of course tells me to reach 106 the absolute least and while I'm on BC I'm probably going to get there. I always have a weigh in when I'm at the Drs.


    i thoguht it was a myth that bc made you gain weight? ive been on it for over a year and havent, except my breasts got liek a cup size bigger (thank god cos they were extremely small before)


    how tall are you? what should your ideal weight be? also, just let him know that it hurts when he tells you youre too thin. if you dont have the eating disorder anymore, and youre just skinny juts becfause, you cant do much about it. everyone used to think i was bulimic cos id eat so much and not gain a pound. some people just have fast metabolisms. let him know that.

  8. it does seem to be a popular break up time. im not exactly sure why, but these are my thoughts:

    -bored, or tired of the person

    -wants to have new experiences

    -knows they cant commit to marriage with the person, but were too cowardly to break it off earlier

    -knows they wont have a real future with the person

  9. its a possibility that they could just be very rude, inconsiderate people. how does he react when you complain about this? i think that maybe you should tlel him to suggest to his friends maybe not calling, or texting so late. if he wont do that, then maybe theres more to the story than what hes telling you.

  10. i know you care about her and its fun being around her, do you think this problem can be solved? if so, then i think you shoudl give it a chance. if the problem cant be solved i definetly think you shoudl get out and find a woman whom you DO love and dont have major problems liek this with good luck

  11. awww. i feel for you, i really do. but once you and your husband end up geting help then you can decide waht to do from there. there really is nothign in your power to do except support him adn do as he wishes. you need to focus on you. i know you care deeply about your husband. you should try some new activities, start getting busy, have a routine, adn most definetly you need to get counseling if you dont already have it. i hope you feel better

  12. i agree with what everyone here said. its not his fault! for instance, i have mono, and im kinda scared i gave it to my boyfriend(before i knew i had it) but i talked to him about it and he says if he does find out he has it then its not my fault, i dindt know and that made me feel so much better. i know mono is nothign compared to herpes, adn taht herpes doesnt go away, and my situation is to a much lighter extent to yours. but it is similar in the sense that uncontrollably, i could have gave him this infection. you shoudl be supporting him.


    imagine the person you had sex before him ended up having herpes, you didnt know, until now lets say you found out you had it? how would you want your boyfrined to act? i feel bad for your boyfriend and i know it sucks for you and its sucha heart-breaking decision, whatever you choose. but definetly dont take it out on your boyfriend.

  13. i understand how youre feeling. im not in the same situation, but i was adopted and i recently got reunited with my biological father. what i call my real father (adoptive father) died of cancer a few months back. so now me and my biological father's relationship is awkward and i somewhat resent him. i feel as if he died tomorrow id be in your shoes. just think of it this way, ti wasnt your fault, dont blame yourself and although its very unfortunate, theres not much you can do. just try to go back and do remmber the good times you have with him. just try and keep yourself busy. i hope you feel better

  14. as hard and unfortunate as this sounds. you really need to move on. i know its not what you want to hear. okay, lets say she IS so stressed out? so what? its not gonna get you what you want. you said her summer is stressful, so shes not going to get back with you then. she obviously does not want this relationshpi to work. i definetly know this isnt what you want to hear but im not here to sugarcoat it for you. her friends are ssaying that because you guys are friends and they dont want to hurt your feelings. i dont want to hurt your feelings, but i think this is what you need to hear: you really need to move on. theres so many girls out there seoriusly good luck

  15. thats good, and i definetly didnt mean the scheming in an evil way! i just meant that thinking of ways to get your ex back right now isnt healthy. i think you should focus on you and on NC. good luck wtih your date. who knows? this girl could be way better than your ex and you may never even want to reconcile with your ex. best wishes.

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