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Everything posted by leyton

  1. To make a long story short...My fiancee moved country to be with me 2.5 years ago...She broke with me on new years eve after a big fight..We both said 3 months ago that we are each others true love but she said that she had changed...we stayed in constant contact and got back together for a few daysin March but she was very cold and I subsequently found out she was having a rebound relationship..We kept calling each other for several months and in June I said that I needed a partner and had to move on..In July she asked me to go on holiday but I had had enough and said I had already booked to go away with my X wife and children only to be with the children...since then she has called me on two or three occasions to see what the situation is with my X wife...Basically I have chased her for 9 months and she would not commit herself to me using her work as an excuse...(She is starting a business)although during this time she has called me more than I her..I month ago she said that we would not be together and she was clear now although she has said these sort of things before, anyway, I said that I did not want contact anymore...after 3 weeks of silence she called to ask me a favour and I flatly refused saying that I did not want to be involved anymore...She has not called since...I have asked several times for her to return some things of mine by post and to come and collect her things from my house but each time she makes an excuse...I have tried to be strong now and not called for one month...As I say I have chased her for 9 months and got nowhere....I think that she may be seeing someone else now I am not sure...Is it too late to play the no contact game?...why is she leaving her things at my house and not returning my things by post?...Will the no contact have any impact on her after all this time?
  2. Firstly we both agreed 9 months ago that ours was a real true love....I have been chasing a girl for the past three weeks saying i have changed etc after 2 years together engaged... when she eventually said it's finished a week ago(she has said this 4 times before over the past 4 months) but keeps calling..i've hung the phone up for two weeks.5 weeks ago..I think that this seemed to push her towards a so called friend saying it has made her cold and she has changed..she kept calling tho.I have tried everything!!.. all everyone on here says is that if you chase you just push them away..but has it ever worked for some people..it must tug at some heart strings and make them realise what they were missing...I would like it !!!....I have eventually sent an e-mail 4 days ago saying..I know i have changed for you but I know I am too late and your feelings have changed..( but I know she still loves me).I wish for you everything in life that your heart desires..I said call if ever you want..said goodbye and sent my love...Have I done the right thing and what do I do now ...Nothing?
  3. I posted yesterday about my split up with my Brazilian fiancee of which I am deeply hurt...I found out yesterday that my ex wife (divorced 2.5 years)would maybe like to get back together,,I have three children. I have arranged dinner with her next Tuesday but I really dont know how I feel.I divorced her after she had an affair. I am so confused.Does anyone have any experience of going back with ex wives, feelings etc
  4. Thank you for your time to reply...It helps to hear someone elses view
  5. My ex fiancee who is Brazilian,, moved over from Milan to be with me just over two years ago..we were so much in love and both said it was true love. After 8/9 months she said she wanted to move to London but I did not want to, having told her I would when she was in Milan.Eventually in Jan last year we rented a place in london during tha week and decided to go to my house 20 miles from London at weekends.Last oct her aunt came to stay for about 2 months and as the flat was small, I decided to stay in my house only seeing each other about twice a week. We still kept in touch all the time by phone bestowing each others undyling love for each other in between the arguments...She is very volatile being Latin and also very intelligent but very,very complicated, she hit me twice.For the 7 months prior to New Year we were arguing about everything.At christmas she said if anything happened to me she would die.We had a party on New Years eve and after everyone had gone we had the mother of all arguments..She took her ring off and said it was finished.I found out through phone bills etc, that she had started to see someone else who she said was a friend.Almost every day she called me and asked several times if I was seeing someone else.In March I asked her if she wanted to be with me and she said she could not live without me..I stayed 5 nights with her but she was very cold saying that she needed to rebuild her feelings after NY eve. I knew she was still seeing her 'friend' but she still kept calling saying that she loved me.I became so frustrated,So I didnt answer her phone calls for two weeks...I eventually called and she firstly said she loved me but what I had done had created a consequence she said that said that she now felt cold and had changed.she kept calling even when I knew she was with her Friend. asking me if I was seeing anyone.Two weeks ago having got so jealous and frustrated I told her what I thought of her..seeing two people at the same time etc..I upset her and she said not to call again...I then called her and apologised but she said it was finished.She has been in Brasil for 2 weeks I sent a long text explaining why I was so frustrated at her non commital and coldness.she said she didnt know if she loved me anymore after everything that had happened{she told me this also in Jan}..I kept sending texts and she said two days ago it was finished dont send anymore texts,I want peace,which she has said several times over the 4 months.I said dont you love me anymore? she said it's not about this,but her feelings were different and she has changed.She has never told me that she doesnt love me..Has she chosen the other guy because I have chased her...will she ever call again as she always has or is this really the end...I have been distraught for three months
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