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Posts posted by amtjrtcet

  1. Watch a movie called "Chasing Amy" that may give you some perspective.


    Also, I always find that what you don't know can't hurt you.


    I've never asked a girlfriend about her previos sex life as curiosity killed the cat...


    I completely agree. My b/f and I played a game of "truth" about 2 months into our relationship. I'll never do that again. Hopefully I won't have to, cuz I hope he's the one. But I definitely don't recommend digging up each others past.

  2. Ah yes, the thrill of the chase. So exciting, then once you've caught her-not quite as exciting. Real common for men and women. Feels like right now you have the upperhand, but don't be fooled, that can change in a blink of an eye.

  3. Its sounds to me like her psychological "issues" have gotten to you. She obviously doesn't think very much of herself, & it sounds like she's taken you down with her.


    Ok, so "ITS NOT THAT BAD". So stay, stay with someone who doesn't treat you well, belittles you, doesn't want to be intimate with you, enjoys communicating with ther E-boyfriend more then you, won't allow you to sleep with her, gets horney at the thought of being raped. Sounds great (sarcasim)


    Dude.........run run run. Love her from a distance, and eventually you'll get over her. RUN!

  4. I don't know if I'd read so much into it. Good chance he WANTS to. But since you say he's a gentleman, he probably wouldn't act on it. But if you don't want to have sex with him, and you're concerned what his intentions are, then I'd steer clear of that situation by going home.

  5. You don't have to completely let go of your past love. And its ok to look back, as long as you remember to look forward. I will always love my ex. No matter who comes into my life. But as time goes by it becomes a different kind of love, and eventually you will allow someone else to love you. It takes time, sometimes years.

  6. Yes, IGNORE him. It will only hurt you more to acknowledge his msgs. Him contacting you to say things like that is selfish of him.


    I left my b/f of 6 yrs-for a number of reasons-but even though I've had moments where I missed him, saw old pictures of us, wanted to see how he was.........I didn't call him or contact him simply b/c I knew it would only make things harder for him.


    Its hard to ignore someone you love and miss, but you have to.... Stay strong. When you're feeling like you want to contact him, post here. Its just a feeling, and feelings pass.



  7. How long do you have to wait for the person to call back before you attempt to make the next call?? I left this guy a message on his cell phone since Saturday morning, and still haven't heard back from him....so I wonder if it’s ok to drop him an email to ask if he got the message or just wait??? I'm just not sure with the whole phone rules.


    well, what's the story with the two of you? Are you dating?

  8. Hey Girl!


    Well I was with a guy like this for 6 yrs. He was always criticizing everything I did. Always telling me things like that. Always putting down my cooking and housekeeping. When I'd come to him with an idea or goal he'd shoot it down. Very negative. Never paid me compliments.

    After a while I started to believe that I WASN'T or that I COULDN'T. It really tore me down. I became ill with an eating disorder-not to blame him but I think it had a lot to do with it. I had lost every bit of self esteem.


    But just like a dog that is beaten by its owner consistantly......the dog either dies or runs away. I ran away. 6 yrs, gone, but I learned soooo much.


    I learned what I DO and DON'T want in a man. I learned what qualities to stay far far away from. I also learned that the reason my ex was so negative had nothing to do with me, it was about him. HE was the one that was insecure, HE was the one that was scared. HE was down and wanted to drag me down with him.


    My b/f now, he may do some things that annoy the crap out of me, and doesn't always think before he speaks. But he does not criticize me or put me down. And if he ever does, I'm gone.


    You are too wonderful to put up with that crap. I know you love and care for him deeply. Don't let his words break you down. And I don't think you will, but remember, he's the one with the problem, NOT YOU.

  9. 1. Of the sexual partners you've had, how many are/were actually good in bed?




    2. Have you slept with everyone you dated?




    3. Have you indulged in casual sex?

    yes, once


    5. If you could live your life again, what would you change in your sex life?


    I would've waited

  10. He wants to behave like a single man and you will cramp his style. That isn't to say that he will cheat, but the option to and the flirting is thrilling all the same! I wouldn't be happy about it, but neither would I want to spoil his fun with his friends. I mean, would you want him coming with you whilst you went out on a girl's night out?


    Yeah, but THESE friends are female. Totally different story then "guys night out"

  11. I think you should be able to go and I think he should ask you to go. And I also think that the fact that he doesn't want you to go b/c you would feel uncomfortable is BS. That's all the more reason for him to take you if he is wanting to work things out with you and keep these other women as friends.

  12. Thanks....


    I am actually in pretty good shape....I have a "womanly" figure. Which includes a round derrier Just would like to tone more.


    Rose: I am ALSO a junk food junkie. More so now than when Iwas younger... I also LOVE wine. Cutting that out is going to be hard....ok ..maybe I'll just cut BACK..lol


    Michelle: I'll try the treadmill thing...hopefully I won't be a klutz and trip...


    Oh, you'll look funny as hell doing it Thats why I do it at home. I did it once at the gym-everyone looked at me like I was crazy!!

  13. On me and my b/f's first date we split it. Then for the next 4 or 5 dates he paid. And after that we take turns. We make about the same amount of $, so I think its fair that way. But as for the first few dates, yes I think the guy should pay.

  14. I agree with Rose, his behavior is questionable. I would have a very very hard time trusting him in general. I don't care how insecure he is.....what he was doing is NOT acceptable.


    If you can, give it some time, see if he continues. But, if it hurts too much or you find yourself stressed or sick over it, yes, move on.

    Be strong.

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