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Posts posted by amtjrtcet

  1. Try making small talk with her while she's cutting your hair. Ask her something like "how long have you been working here?" or "where'd you go to school." You guys may know some of the same people since you're close in age. Those type of questions may open up a conversation between the 2 of you-that may answer some of your questions about whether or not she has a boyfriend.

    Look at it this way-what do you got to lose?

    Good luck!

  2. You will, the pain can take a long time to subside. And sometimes just when you think you're healed, it all comes crashing down all over again. You're going through the healing process which is like a roller coaster. 5.5 yrs is a long time & getting over that loss will take a long time. You must learn to love you before other people can love you. I know sounds cliche, but it is so true.

  3. To ease you own pain you need not to have contact with her. As hard as it may be, don't answer her calls. Ignore her messages. Its selfish of her to say she misses you and such if she "needs time to herself" right now. As for work, try and avoid the areas of the building she will be in as much as possible.

    She very well may have jumped into a relationship too soon, but that's not your fault.

  4. Yeah, give her a call, what do you have to lose? See how she responds to you calling her. If she sounds happy or accepting then ask if the 2 of you could get together. Take it from there. GOOD LUCK!!

  5. I personally know people can make mistakes, and never make them again. She sounds like she is truly remorseful and knows what a mistake she made. It will take time for the trust to come back, but if you allow it to it will. I think when a couple continues to try after infidelity, you must leave it in the past. Don't forget it, but keep it in the back of your mind. It will be hard, but you can't continue to bring it up. Otherwise it will never work.


    Good luck

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