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Posts posted by amtjrtcet

  1. I agree, don't jump to conclusions. Guys can sense insecurity even when you don't have a "breakdown" in their presense. Blow it off, don't let yourself get upset that you had a little "slip up". Remind yourself that he is lucky that you want to be with him, and so what if he doesn't call. Don't call him. Let him come to you. That'll give you some security.

  2. Hi! Welcome to ENA


    Intimacy is a very important part of a relationship-whether sex is involved or not. And it is strange that she is so evasive physically, when before she was the opposite.

    I know it hurts to have someone you love make you feel this way. But be strong. Go with your gut. If you feel something is wrong and she won't communicate with you about it, you have to do what's best for you. With regard to what you've said-you've put alot of effort into this to receive this kind of treatment back. Do you think maybe she's focusing her physical attention elsewhere? Just a thought...

  3. What exactly are you looking for in a relationship? The fire always tends to die down. Its up to the 2 of you to keep it going.....


    But if you're certain that you don't want to be with him in a romantic kind of way, & if you're only staying with him for stability and financial reasons then you should do the UNSELFISH thing-end it now. Its not fair to him to continue putting effort and love into a one sided relationship.


    Yeah, its scary being on your own, & who wants to find a job? But welcome to the grown up world. Don't use him. Be strong, know that you can make it on your own. & if you don't want to be with him, show him you respect him and care for him by being honest.


    Good luck

  4. Try making eye contact with her a few times first. This should give you an idea of whether she's interested or not. Then approach her. That way she's already seen you & it may not be quite as awkward.........I was out one night at club where I met my now ex. We made eye contact on and off half the night, & then he walked up to me on the dance floor and I wasn't so surprised when he introduced himself.

  5. Its ok to tell him to move slower. Next time you guys are getting intimate, before it gets too heated tell him "lets do it slow" in a suggestive way. I think men want a woman to tell them what they want in the bedroom.

    But yes, definitely say something, sex should be enjoyable, not painful.

  6. I left my ex 8 months ago. I know I made the right decision, but I think about him everyday. I miss him all the time. I miss the memories we shared, his family, and those little things that use to drive me nuts. We were together for 6 yrs, he was the only b/f I'd ever had. I'll never forget him. But I miss our friendship, not our relationship.

  7. Hi Andie. Sorry to hear about your situation. I can understand why you would feel 2nd rate. I think what it boils down to is that you should step away from the situation. Give it time, as much as it takes for you to feel like he is truly over her, and that he wants to be with you-not just at 2nd rate. This will be hard, but its the only way you will really know. Good luck. Be strong

  8. How long have the 2 of you been apart? Maybe since you've remained in contact with her since the breakup you should email her. Just tell her you think it would be best if the 2 of you didn't speak anymore.

    That way she doesn't think something has happened to you......She should understand, and if she doesn't then I wouldn't answer her calls. At least then she'll know why.

  9. Welcome to ENA, and I am sooo sorry to hear what you're going through. I've never been married, but this is the way I see it....You devoted the last 23 yrs of your life to a man that hasn't done the same for you. You've tired to forgive & were willing to put the affair behind you (WOW!). You're trying counseling, but he won't stop seeing her.....I think divorce should be avoided if at all possible, but clearly that's the only answer here.

    You are obviously a wonderful, kind, caring person. He doesn't deserve you.

    Be strong, pray about it.

  10. I'd think it would make it easier, simply b/c you don't want to pursue someone who has a b/f. You could ask your hairstylist/barber if your girl has a b/f. I don't think that would hurt anything. You could say something like "do you know if she's seeing anyone?"

  11. All you can do is live day to day. Don't look too far into the future. I have to remind myself this all the time. I was ok before he came along, and if it didn't work out I'd be ok then too. Remember that you are an individual, and even though he brings so much good to your life, you would still be able to live with out him. Good luck!

  12. when you tell someone you love them for the 1st time you can't expect anything in return. Just be glad he's not acting strange. Leave it be. You told him how you feel, he'll respond when he's ready. But don't start acting insecure or weird-he'll sense that and it will send him running.

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