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Posts posted by amtjrtcet

  1. hey fairy,

    I wish I knew the answer to that one. I think slight parinoia/anxiety is common when you care for someone. Some people deal w/it better then others.

    My parinoia/anxiety is a little diff. I had an ex, "D" we were together for a few mnths, things were great, then one day he never called me again, never gave me an explanation, nothing. I was crushed. Now I have a constant fear of being dropped-just like that.


    I guess all we can really do is try and control our anxiety instead of letting it control us. That's what I keep being told anyway.

  2. First see if you can make eye contact a few times. That's usually a good indication of whether she's interested or not. Then if it feels inviting, introduce yourself. Otherwise you could be passing up Mrs Right

  3. Oh hun, you seem so unhappy with her. I know you can't picture youself without her, but really, what good is she bringing to your life? All relationships have their ups and downs, but this one seems to always be down.


    Meow's quote (Committing your love to someone means losing the chance to experience another's love. So just be sure the person you’re committed to deserves your love or else it’s not worth the sacrifice.)

    That really says it all. Sounds like you are a very loving, passionate, giving man. Give all that to the RIGHT woman and you should receive it in return.

  4. Hey there; well I too have an ex and I am also in a new relationship (wonderful relationship), and new relationships help us to move on, but I personally am NOT over my ex. Its been 9 months since we broke up and even though I am happy with my b/f of 5 months I am NOT over my ex, and I am the one that initiated the break up. I still miss him, think about "us" our house, our dogs. I think it will be a very long time before I am "over" him, if that ever happens. But thats ok. As long as you are moving FORWARD in life then you're ok.

  5. Hi China, welcome. I agree w/the others he is having a hard time letting go, and he does seem to be confused. You need to break communication with him. If he calls don't answer, don't call him. Both of you need space. If he really wants to be with you he will figure it out when he thinks you're gone. If he knows your so available and at his beck and call then he'll keep playing games.


    You do deserve someone who wants to be with you %100. Don't settle for less.

  6. Michelle meant to edit her post but she deleted it, sorry


    If he wants to see you then you should see him. If he does want to end it, let him. Don't beg and pled. (very unattractive).


    Whatever you claim to be at fault for, well sometimes there are consequences when we hurt someone we love.


    Good luck

  7. I don't really understand what you mean, skip what? If you skip your placibo pills and start a new pack that should keep you from having a peroid. That's what I do. I haven't had a period since May, its wonderful. My obgyn says you can do it with any type of birthcontrol pill, not just Seasonal

  8. Massari,


    You've posted alot about your g/f and how she's never showing you the attn. that you need or making you feel equally loved. Maybe the 2 of you just aren't right for each other. I know that's hard to hear, but think about it.


    The way she acts and things she does or doesn't do....well, that's just her.


    And the way you want her to act and the things you do and don't want her to do......well that's just you, and what you want.


    Maybe she's not Mrs. Right. Don't be angry with her for being this way, but don't change your expectations in what you want in a woman.


    Also, I think I remember reading in one of your posts that she's 18.? She's young, prob hasn't figured out what she wants.


    Good luck

  9. 11 yrs is a very long time. No one should expect you to be over it in 5 months.

    But you are right, someone who is always depressed and negative doesn't usually draw a crowd that wants to be around them. That also goes for employment...........You may not always be feeling happy, but you can fake it.

    Fake it til you make it-and you will.

  10. Depression can be a part of dealing with a break up, but have to overcome it.


    I'm sure the issues you're dealing with seem so overwhelming, like you'll never get past them. Like you'll always be in debt, never find another job, never met someone.....But noone ALWAYS or NEVERS. Make sense?


    Don't look to your ex for closure, you're not goin to find it there. You can't question yourself about what went wrong. It wasn't you or anything you did or didn't do. It was him.


    Try and focus on turning your "luck" around. Focus on one thing at a time, so not to get overwhelmed. As for your debt, there are some great financial advisement books out there. Google em.

    And don't give up on the job search, you're dream job could be right around the corner. You just gotta have faith, if you don't have faith then depression will take over.


    Be strong, all of this will pass.

  11. I'm sorry, but Jayar is right. Write him off hun, that's the least painful way of dealing with this. I was once in a similar situation. The guy made all these promises and plans, and the one day-poof-he just wasn't into me anymore. I didn't get a call, explanation, f-you, nothing.

    Its nothing you did or didn't do....its him. Let it go.

    Don't call him again-if he is into you, he'll make the effort

  12. Welcome!

    Go for it! Don't let the fact that you are white and he's asian stop you! My b/f is black and I'm hispanic/italian (but I look white-ie pic-til you hear my accent). I live in Al, we get a lot of stares and whispers....But the people who look down on us b/c we are an interracial couple can kiss my $$$. They are close minded and ignorant.

    I have never ever been this happy, no man has ever treated me this good.


    Suggest the 2 of you hang out, have dinner, see a movie. If you get the vibe that he's into you-go for it!

    You only live once, don't let the man of your dreams pass you by b/c of other peoples ignorance

  13. sometimes people say things that they really don't mean......And sometimes when we love someone so much we really take those words to heart......


    She must have honestly felt bad for saying those things, b/c otherwise she wouldn't have apologized today.


    But its up to you what you do now...How is it that with just a few words she can go from the woman you LOVE, to a piece of trash?? Do you really love her as much as you think you do?

  14. Gold Hawk is right.....in my opinion routine is BAD in a new relationship. For one: it starts to get boring. Plus if the routine is broken, one side of the party (usually the woman) freaks out. I think the best way to take a new realtionship is one day at a time.

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