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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. Maykay hahaha, sorry if I was sounding defence, I was not at allll in the slightest way
  2. From behind, it`s kind of degrading, but in general it seems to work well. Also if she is laying down face flat and you are on her back, the tension will always keep it hard. Other then that concentrate on you erection, make her squerm a little, and you both will be having a great time. If you are all worried then you are going to lose it, feel like you are disappointing her, and over all just making sloppy potatoes. Breath in, concetrate on the sensations and stimulations, and have a good time!
  3. birth control And its funny, she stopped taking it last year, she broke up with me, and when we got back together she talked about how" When I stopped talking birthcontrol I was more H****". So how does that make me feel right? Thankfully nothing happened with both of use when we were separated so she didnt act on her impulse (or so she tells me). Shes back on it. And it is not a marrage until sex thing And the reasons have always changed. The newest is "I don`t know why, I know as much as you". Like there isn`t even instigation of foreplay on her part. Even foreplay would be great. It`s just not there. Nothing is there, just lots almosts. Almosts being, she will have her hand placed near somewhere I get excited, and the signals are there, I pick up on the signals and then all of a sudden its this complete U turn to something not in the same direction.
  4. "It could also be as she KNOWS you disapprove of her past, and knows you do not accept her, so she can simply not feel sexual and free to be herself around her." I NEVER BRING UP HER PAST LIKE THAT EVER. The only reason why I think of it now is comparing it to what it is then for her. Questioning then with now. It is only an issue when there is lack of it, so there being a lack of it now in my own mind I start making these judgement calls that get me all worked up trying to figure why or what is going on. I swear I`m not a bad guy, I just feel like the bad guy for having everything come to me thinking this way. It is really frustrating for so many different reasons. I totally feel like a jerk too for making it an issue.
  5. I do think she is tired of it. And I have been working through it. She has even told me I am better at pleasing her then anyone else she has been with. She has baggage from past relationships and It seems like she feels abanndoned a lot. It turns into a sex thing when there is none of it, I still try to not be an alphamale about it, I still strive to make her feel secure it`s an issue now. She told me last night "I don`t know what it is... I can`t blame anything for it". I think it is her past, baggage that she can`t get over. It`s getting to me. So If I`m a jerk for thinking that way I am sorry, but I feel this way for a reason. I`m not some pot smoking beatnik loser. I am a very supportive, kind, and strongly devoted boyfriend. Every single aspect of the relationship is under control besides the sex. The catch 22 is that if we break up, she is going to meet another man, and have sex with him. I don`t know what to do, I just know that it has been slowly mutating my feelings towards this relationship. If there is no intimacy,romance, what can I do?
  6. NO SEX! I`ve talked abd talked, and have done everything that it was that seemed to be the problem. It`s been almost 2 years now, and the only time we seem to have sex is when we are on holidays. I don`t know what to do, I don`t want to leave her (especially because of sex, how after school special is that?) but I am so stuck and frustraded. She says I am attractive, her friends say I am attractive, she loves me, she cares for me, but she never wants to have sex. She has a SEXUAL HISTORY. So when she tells me about Orgy this, HJ that, public sex this, I think about it a lot. I feel left out, resentful and I feel like I am being neglected. It sucks cause I have nothing for a history, I`m left jealous. I think it would be different if she didn`t have a history, in that cause I would feel like it is something that we can work together at. It just seems to weird now. Is it possable she is just keeping me around for other reasons? How would I find out (there is no way she would tell me of course so ASK HER IF SHE IS USING YOU seems a little out of the question). I don`t know what to do, but it is causing a lot of problems, and I feel really stressed out about it. Should I stay or should I go?
  7. It`s starting to hurt my relationship. When the sex is lacking I start thinking of all the wild times she has told me about. I`d like to think it is a self confidence issue with me, but I think there is absolutly nothing wrong with being jealous over things like in such low times in a relationship. I compare our sex life with her past and feel very cheated and left out. Right now I`m trying to figure out if I am a selfish pig, lack selfconfidence, or am completely normal about the entire situation.
  8. I was 20 so no worries. It can be just as good if not better. The man thing is that when having intercourse there is A LOT more excitement. Masterbation can`t even touch Oral so your missing out there, but in terms of sex and masterbation, the only real differences in feeling is the emotional attachment. If you really work on it, and put your mind to it, you could achieve a better orgasim then with your sexual partner. So with that said, if you can find some sort of intimate attachment with whatever is on your mind, and really dive into your sexual fantasy, you could be having a great time!
  9. Like the sounds, the MMMM this is good and the tiny slurp (not like a popsicle or something hahaha) that goes a long with it! Am I being a perv ?
  10. Slow and steady wins the race, make her want it! Pull back, look into her eyes, and go back in. Cut it short, make her want more. That is what she wants. If you do what she tells you too it`s kind of like ... awkward right? Like it is onething if she likes kisses on the ear and she tells you, but actually teaching you the mechanics of what you are doing is kind of ... robotic! Try not to stress it!
  11. Kiss sex good bye Beyond that it can be very fun, shows what the relationship is really made of! Do him a favor and try not to hound him all the time about not talking or acting "weird". People need to think and have time to themselves, not just after fights, but during the day etc!
  12. It is worse when the person you are with has had many partners and great times, and you have had far less partners with a somewhat lacking sexual history. Too not think of it can be extremely hard! Someone make some Anti JEALOUSY pills
  13. I think that there was a problem in the first place. Maybe he was jealous of you and felt like you gave everyone your love but him. I have never cheated but I know sometimes the thought comes to mind due to massive neglect or jealous if the others disperportioned display of effection seems to go everywheres else but here, but the fact of the matter is dump his * * * and move on. Cheating is awful, detach yourself and MOVE ON. You arn`t a television or some other object to be taken at whenever is a good time for him or her. In defence to people who have cheated, besides the obvious idiots CLUB BLING GIRLS YEAH XBOX, I think most people do it out of sheer thirst for excitement and intimatcy, that they probably once shared with their partner at one point or another. SELF CONFIDENCE plays a huge role, its not easy to admit but instead of making a clean break facing the pain THEN having sex with other people, takes less emotional effort and you have your partner as a safty blanket. Its awful, it really is. The pain that this must bring people must be huge. Too respond to your Question, DUMP HIM AND MOVE ON.
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