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  1. Remorse for getting married so young, allowing myself to get talked into it and to someone who after 20 years STILL DOES NOT GET ME](*,)](*,) [/u]and oh what I've done in my marriage,(although I do not believe in deceiving people, I told him we really never had a marriage, at least to me) little patience with my kids, them seeing me and husband fight..oh man just so much...I know I need help. I am always so indecisive about my marriage; stay or go..of course I tell him when our youngest gaduates we will get a divorce. I just know we are not living up to our full potential. I know alot of people are probably going through this..I could have it worse I guess. I just needed to vent. DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE lol!!! Thank God I love my job(I am an Licensed practical nurse) I say it fulfills me emotionally, because I don't get it at home...same old story huh? Thanks for listening....I know I've been through alot and to an extent I'm screwd up but I know I can get better....I can lead the life I want to lead someday! minni Minni
  2. OMG shes2smart you hit the nail on the head, so wise! Your posts really spoke to me, thanks.
  3. Hi all 34 yr old married women with 3 teens tired of feeling guilty about everything in my life! Geez I just wrote a long message too and I pressed the back arrow and it disappeared ARGHHH! Anyway I am so glad I found this board maybe I can talk with someone in the same situation as myself. I have a not so typical life except for the fact that I have a family and work PT and live out in the suburbs. The rest is trully extrodianary! I have been married for 20 years, yes 20 years and still trying to hang in there. It's mostly me I think really..I dunno.is live in this viscious cycle of happiness, guilt,remorse, oh it's amazing I haven't gone off the deep end. It's closer than I fear at times! I know I need a GOOD therapist, I tried one so far.....Anway if anyone wants to post or email I'll be glad to respond. Minnib
  4. hello, please believe me if someone really loves you and respects you those kind of things would not happen! really!, it's only human to be tempted but we are ultimatly in control of ourselves. Having a relationship with someone who gets themselves into certain situations all of the time because they can't control themselves is very difficult. The bottom line is if he knows these things bother you and if he has trouble with temptation he should not get himself into all these situations. period! good luck with everything, remember only you decide how much you can put up with in a relationship. peace, minnib "I'd rather have 15 minutes of wonderful then a lifetime of nothing speacial" author unknown
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