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Green and Purple

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  1. The only possibility i can think of is that he does not actually want to get too attached (dependant) to you thus not wanting you to stay over 2 nights in a row. But it seems like he might have sorted it out this morning when he asked you to stay over, or he might just eb making use of ya. Proceed with care.
  2. Never consider suicide. It's not an option. ou never know when the light will shine through for you. Before you know it your life is going to turn around. =)
  3. After a few years of standing my ground and indicating that i do not want to be in a relationship, my ex and i got back together. I feel like i've been wasting our time. If we had gotten back together years ago, i would have saved her a lot of distress. How long should we totally go NC with our exes? It does nto sound rational to me to ignore somebody, who was once part of your life, for the rest of your life.
  4. Are exes really impossible as friends? Anybody have any success on that? I tried to be friends with an ex and we ended up being attached again. We broke up in like 1999 and recently we got back together again. I had thought it was a good time to be friends again but guess that's wrong. I would really like to know of anybody out there who had any sucess being friends with their exes.
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