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Everything posted by Nothing_left_for_me

  1. Lol...well thanks for posting i think that is a pretty good one...but if anyone else has any other ones they think are good..or funny..or whatever, stupid I don't care.. Thanks Nemo23!!!
  2. Ok well I really didn't know where to put this and I thought that this would probably be the best place to put this... Well one of om teachers is going to be a great great aunt and well she doesn't to have to be called a great-great aunt because of course she doesn't think she is old enough to be a great-great aunt she is only like 47 or something.. Ok well the main point she asked her students if we have any ideas of what she could be called besides great-great aunt..for a contest.. Well if you have any ideas of a good name would be please post.... Great-Great Aunt..........
  3. Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. Maybe someday you'll look up, And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one: "Isn't something missing?" You won't cry for my absense, I know - You forgot me long ago. Am I that unimportant...? Am I so insignificant...? Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me? Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me? Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. I know what you do to yourself, I breathe deep and cry out, "Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?" And if I bleed, I'll bleed, Knowing you don't care. And if I sleep just to dream of you I'll wake without you there, Isn't something missing? Isn't something... "Missing" by Evanescence ( you should listen to it ) Now the only thing that is going to truly be missing, is me... this will be my last words to the people on earth.. And why do I choose to say it to the online world.. Because know one here in my world listens.... I truly am all alone.... So say what you want, I know all the consiquinses.. And I'm willing to take them all... So now I'll go missing..
  4. I'm still here for another hurtful day, yet I still doen't know what i'm doing. I don't really know what to do either......
  5. I think that it is alright for you to... because its only 20 min and only once a week.
  6. Right now I am going through the same thing and I have most of the same reasons.... I have no clue what to do either, but hopefully you will figure out what you need to do,like i am trying...
  7. BYOB Everyday I wake up, go to school, go to practice, come home , go to sleep.....same old thing over ana over agian.. I don't know where i'm aiming in my education.I maintain my grades and act normal during the day, but as i watch over what I'm doing deep down I hate it and it makes me misreble. Everything is misreble. The resrt of my life is misreble I don't really understand the last question though. What else is there for me? I can live each day being missrable but whats the point..
  8. Yes I am only 14 yrs old, and I have made up my mind. Next year it will probably just get worse when I start High School. You want to know why I feel this way is because if everyday when you wake up and theres nothing to look forward too, nothing to make you want to do anything. You just want to lye there and be sad as always. But I don't want to be sad, I don't want to be here this place is what makes me sad. Look around and all you see is hatred , who wants to get caught in that not me. I'm gonna die at sometime why don't I just let it happen now. Yeah , some people will be sad but soon they will get over it. Thanx though
  9. I'm not sure if anyone will really care, but it's my time to go... I just came to this sight and saw that I could post this and I am...I don't think theres anything for me out there anymore and I should just go with out hurting anyone...Who would even care so whats the fricken point... None of you care, my friends probably won't , who will?... The anwser is no one.I feel like it's my time and I need to go. Every day is just another day of carelessness. Being depressed and just being sad... I can't stand being here any more so, this is the best option, to kill my self.. Maybe I'll be happier dead... The day's of crawling out of my bed every morning is not worth the effort.. And it's just time for the final goodbye to the world.. Maybe one day people will realize why I did it.. because there isn't one thing good for me, and theres nothing worth my fricken while to live for so... as I said before I shall say my final goodbye.
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