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Everything posted by PiggiePig

  1. It is definitely some unresolved issues surrounding our breakup because it just sort of happened. I thought I was doing the best thing for everyone, by leaving school and moving back to my parents to raise the baby. I didn't ask for marriage, financial support or anything else. I wanted him to finish school and if he wanted to be there for the baby he could. By doing this, he has become successful and has started contributing to our child's life emotionally and financially. I don't know if he ever gotten over me completely, except for the fact that he's married. Having the baby changed a lot of things and it was never clear about why we broke up...we just did.
  2. I have an ex who I share a child with. He has since remarried and has two children with his wife. Recently, he has moved his family and transferred jobs into my state. We had not lived in the same state since we broke up. We decided to meet for lunch to discuss schedules, visits, holidays, etc, and I thought everything was going well...until he mentioned the drop off a few days earlier. He was upset that I did not make eye contact with him or get out of my car to say hello. He had walked up to my car I waved hello, and waited until he was outside before our child got out of the car. Maybe I should have gotten out, but I didn't think it was a big deal. At the lunch he kept saying we have issues to work on and only time will tell. This bothered me for a while after the lunch, then I let it go. He has moved on and so have I. Why would he still be holding on to issues that are over 13 years old?
  3. I am generally the life of the party. I am very socialable, am always invited to parties and outings, and I am pretty confident and friendly with everyone. I always smile and say hello when I am physically attracted to a man-whether he says hi first or not. The conversations are generally low-key, but sweet. However, these few attempts end up as "not interested-no phone number request" or "good friend to be".
  4. I hope someone can help me with my dilema. I am an attractive 30 something year old woman. I also have a thrivng career and the proud mother of a beautiful son. Other than my son's father, I have never really been in a relationship. I would like to start dating, but don't know where to start. I have many avenues to meet men (church, work, gym, son's sporting events, etc), but it seems like no man is interesting in asking me out. Am I putting out the right vibe, or has fate cause my love line to be stricken to one lover?
  5. Well, for those of you who were wondering what happened this weekend...My ex surprised me with the annoucement that he is moving to my hometown. I waited to hear if he was moving the entire family, or if he was "leaving" his family. Maybe, I am a punk and want him to leave and come back to me, but I was too scared to ask. My response was "well, I guess if that's what you want to do..." How pathetic is that. That was the whole conversation for us, the rest of the time I made sure that I was unavaliable-jogging, meeting friends for lunch and movies- I made plans to be unavaliable. So I still don't know his true intentions.
  6. Hi, its me again. I was happy to see that the response was the same from all and I felt guilty about my "hopeful wishing". But I'm not feeling guilty anymore. My ex and son had their weekly Tuesday night phone call last night. Before the end of their conversation, my son came into my room with the phone. My ex asked me how I was feeling and what was new and shockingly shared with me that he still had feelings for me. I didn't respond, I just listened to him tell me (after several years) that he regret not marrying me and thought he had lost me once I moved home, but he never stopped loving me. He's picking up our son this weekend and asked if I wanted to spend time with both of them this weekend so we can talk face to face. So now what do I do, because I never stopped loving him?
  7. First to all the married couples out there, please note I am not a home wrecker. My ex and I met in college. I go pregnant and he decided that after graduation, he would decide if he wanted to marry me. Little did I know he start dating another girl at college, she followed him home and they ended up married. They have now been married for over 4 years with two little ones. My ex has never lived in the same state as me and our son. He has never made an effort to be there...until last year. He moved (the entire family) less than 2 hours away from my home town. He has been visiting our son alone for about a year and has invited him to his home for summer vacation. During those visits he has complimented me and invited me to meals with him and our son. I am not over him, but I know I can't be with him...What's the deal?
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