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Posts posted by SkyFire

  1. First of all, I am surprised by the amount of questions about girls on these forums. So this inspired me to post a thread about it, instead of answering each question.



    Now, hear this:


    "MY GF SAYS SHE LOVES ME BUT SHE GOES OUT WITH ANOTHER DUDE". I see things like this all the time.




    And this not only goes for girls, but people in general. If you REALLY want to find out another person's intentions, look at their actions. If she says she loves you but she cheats on you the next day, SHE DOES NOT LOVE YOU!!! It doesent matter how good of a friend or a girlfriend someone is, ALWAYS look at their actions, not at their words. I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW IMPORTANT THIS PART IS!!!




    on EX Girlfriends-Boyfriends


    She broke up. THATS IT!!! ITS OVER!!! They are called Exes for a reason. Once you guys break up, thats it. Your EX has their life, and you have yours. Once you break up, you do not call them. You do not give them gifts on christmas, ect. You wipe them out of your life. It does not matter if she was the greatest girl, "the one", or whatever. You broke up for a reason. Time to move on buddy.



    Getting laid is incredibly easy. Getting girls is incredibly easy. If you look good, you WILL get girls. If you look like a disgusting slob, you will not. Simple as that. With that said, if you want to look good, change your hair, buy some nice clothes, go to the gym, and you will have no problem. EVERYONE is shallow, no matter what they say. Again, judge by actions not words.


    Another imprtant thing: Girls are horny. VERY horny. They think about sex as much as guys do, it is a part of nature. They just dont want to talk about it, because they will be seen as being promiscuous. Get a chick to a safe place with just the two of you, get her horny, and she's yours. YES, ITS THAT SIMPLE!!!


    Answering the "does she like me" question.


    Dude.. if a girl keeps looking at you, smiling, touching you, ect., she IS interested. Just go talk to her man. She is a human being, not a terrible beast who will rip out your eyes. Talk to her, ask her number, call her, set up a date. That is all.


    One final thing: Just have fun! Dont take every single girl seriously. Go out to have fun, and youre bound to have nice surprises along the way

  2. yes i am lonely. but that doesn't meen that a girl that i met online couldn't b the one who changes that. it is phesable that after the one time we see each other we may wnt to see each other again so we will w8 bcoz we will hav to. what about school?


    She cant change it.


    You can.


    Now go change it.

  3. Stop eating fat foods. Eat healthy. Eat meat. Research, and find weight cutting plans.


    But you must also work out. Go to the gym, jog in the morning, ect. The only thing is you must completely dedicate yourself to this. It is really hard, but in the long run, it pays off.


    I had kinda the same problem, but I was too skinny. Well, I dedicated myself, and went from 6'0 and 120 to 137, and still keep gaining weight.


    Its all dedication, but it really pays off.

  4. a few months ago a girl my age who lives in utah USA contacted me through msn messenger because she saw my profile and thought we would get along well. we spoke for a while and got to know each other and then after a month she said that she loved me. i didn't know what to do and stopped talking to her but recently contacted her again because ive been very lonely. she says she wants to come to england and see me but i dont know what to think. can you really love someone you've never met? any idea what i could do? i do like her but im unsure.


    This bothers me.


    Dude.. come on. Do yourself a favor and start meeting REAL girls. Trust me, it pays off alot more 8)

  5. If Im attracted to a certain girl, I usually talk to them. Yes I do get laid occasionally. How? By getting the girl horny and comfortable with me.


    Would I tell my friends? No. I have respect for my girlfriend.


    Guys would not run if you tell them how you feel. However, being needy and desparate is a turn-off, just like desparate guys.


    During class, I STFU and do my work.


    That is all.

  6. Hi yeah Iam still bipolar anyway my gf just dumped me when i told her i couldnt buy her that CD she wanted I asked her brother how was she and he said fine but she was only after my money...I swear to god Ill never trust another person. But are any other girls like this? Just after your wallet and dont care what happens to you?


    My friend..


    Not all girls are like this. There ARE good ones out there. This one, however, is not worth a (INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE - DELETED BY MOD).


    Do not feel down because ofpeople like this. Simply forget her. Dont call her, dont talk to her. If she tries to go back to you, dotn let her. Dont associate with people like this.

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