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Posts posted by SkyFire

  1. Well, its that time again. I am once again inspired to make a post, this time about improving your life.


    This post is also more for the younger people, who are still in highschool/middle school, but the information can be applied to anyone.


    I see people posting things about how bad their life is, ect. Well, this is for them.


    First of all, I used to be a not-so-good-looking, skinny, had very minimal friends, and had no sense of humor. I had terrible grades, and blamed my misery on anything but myself.


    Well, one day, I snapped. I was sick of living like this. Thus, I started seeking out and eliminating all the things I did not like about myself.






    Are you repulsing to look at? Hit the gym. One of the things I learned, is if you have a well-built body, you will receive more respect from people and generally have more confidence.


    Get a tan. Now is certainly not the time to do this since it's winter, but getting a tan will make you look more attractive.


    Start running. Unless you are trying to get buff, start running daily. It will increase stamina and make you healthier.


    Buy some new clothes. I am not saying that you should buy pants/shirts for 120 dollars. There are plenty of stores that sell nice clothes for cheap prices. Research things, find out styles that you like, ect.


    Walk straight. Look up, smile, and dont slouch. It is good for your back, and automatically gives you more confidence. Look people in the eye.


    Improve your voice. Learning how to sing is a great way to do this. It will make your voice sound deep and mysterious. Also, do not be afraid to speak up.






    Be friendly to people. Smile. Dont be afraid to talk to people.


    At school, talk to everyone. Be friendly to people of all grade levels, and do not judge people by their "social status", which does exist.


    Invite people to hang out with you on weekends after you get to know them better. Ask people if they need help, but do not allow yourself to be used.


    Do not limit yourself to just one group of friends; meet different kinds of people.


    Also, joining clubs and being involved in activities is a great way to have fun and make friends.





    This is probably the most important, and the toughest one of all.


    Now hear this: stop believing everything people tell you. ALWAYS, AND I MEAN ALWAYS, JUDGE BY ACTIONS RATHER THAN WORDS.


    Stop believing everything the media and society tells you. Question everything. Do not believe in rumors.


    Stop making excuses. If you did not do your homework, DO NOT tell your teacher that your dog's brother's poolboy stole it. Be man enough and admit it. Same goes with everything. Be responsible for your actions, and be ready to pay the consequences.


    Ultimately, you are responsible for your life. If it sucks, do something about it.


    Act upon logic rather than emotion. "...but I dont feel like it!" -WRONG! You are too lazy!


    Stand up for yourself. If someone disrespects you, do something about it.


    Learn to have a sense of humor. Watch comedy shows, and hang out with people who are naturally funny.


    Do not dwell on past mistakes. Learn from them, and move on.


    Take risks in life. Do something crazy, something different every day. (I dont mean stupid stuff, lol).


    Find a passion in life. Find hobbies.


    Also an important thing: Stop looking for people to make your life better. "the right girl" or "the right guy" are myths. There are thousands of people you can have a great relationship with.


    Do not try to fit in. Learn to be your own person, with your own ideas. Do not ever give up on your morals.


    DO NOT settle down. Always look for improvement.


    When you are defeated, suck it up, learn from your mistakes and move on.


    If you are improving yourself, people WILL notice and get jealous. They will also treat you differently.


    The whole "I wish they could see me for who I really am" is bogus. Get out there and make things happen.


    Stop thinking that the world owes you something.


    Final notes: It takes dedication to improve your life. At first, these things might not seem natural, but if you keep doing them, they will be a part of a new, better you.


    Good luck.

  2. Chivalry and respect are two different things. Opening a door for a chick is nice. Going out, buying her lunch and bringing it over to her place when she is depressed or some doo-doo is disrespectful to yourself.



    Anyways, great post man. I agree with everything. Finally someone who understands

  3. If you dont like something about yourself, change it.


    I used to be really scared of talking to girls. I used to have a monotonous voice. I used to hate music, now Im a musician. I used to be a slouching, skinny bastard with no sense of humor.


    I changed the negative things about myself.


    I can talk to any girl and not care about the outcome. I have a nice, deep voice now ( I taught myself how to sing). I went from 120 to about 137, and fixed my posture. I now know how to have fun with or without people, and take the best out of life.


    I also got a completely new mentality on life in general. And no, those things are not just shells to cover myself. They are a part of me.


    You can change if you really want to, but like I said, the change must happen in your head.

  4. Sonic, you are wrong. "Nothing wrong with the way you are now" is a self excuse for not wanting to improve. I dont believe in this "THIS IS WHO I AM" stuff.


    Yes, you can change permanently. I am living proof.


    The thing is though... for example, you cant your clothes and get a new haircut and expect to become a stud. The change has to happen inside your head. You must completely forget your old way of thinking, and find a new, better one.

  5. Popularity..


    It means nothing. I have been friends with many "popular" kids and they are some of the most boring and insecure people Ive come accross.


    Dude who CARES what someone says? so you're giving up on friends because of some retarded rumors? Yes, you are shallow. AND insecure.


    You have much to learn my friend.

  6. Guys have gfs for companionship. Its just the nature of people to not want to be alone so they look for a "partner".


    Wrong. I do not give into this "dying alone" stuff. I will never in my life place my happiness on another person.


    I do not NEED a GF. Girls add spice to life, yes. But as far as what I look for.. I would have to say she has to be faithful, and fun. I cant stand boring people.


    That is all.




    As to the original poster..


    Yes, we like sex. So do you. We are perverts, and so are you.

  7. If you don't have any friends, it simply means that you are useless. You add no value - you're deadweight.


    Never listen to people like this. Ever.


    This guy has no damn clue about what he's talking about (I am referring to the poster of the quote, not to joe45). He judges a person on how many friends they have.. that is pathetic.


    There is always time to make friends. I have went from being almost friendless at 14-15, to having many friends and some very close friends at 16.



    As for the original poster.. please do yourself a favor and reject that post from your head.

  8. just think about how unfathomable it is that there are billions of young adults and adults in this world, all fighting their own love-related battles and all requiring unique advice.


    Heh.. What you say is true. But then, why do people ask for advice on an internet forum, seeking advice from random people who know almost nothing about the circumstances and the situation, for advice?



    Yes, every situation is different. There is no right or wrong way. There are no rules for relationships, breakups, ect. But like I said, this post is basic stuff. I cannot describe every single situation and how to react to it.

  9. You are right, Scout. Yes, there are tons of people like that. Also, just via looks, you will not get the best kind of girls out there. This is just basic stuff. I cannot explain EVERYTHING. Some things people need to figure out on their own.. this just gets them started.


    If the relationship is worth saving.. is a whole different story. Yes, in order to save a relationship you have to fight. I am, however, talking about people who get back and break up with their exes constantly. Winning her back? If a girl breaks up with a guy, more likely then not it is because she does not like him anymore, for whatever reason, and if the guy was to try to "win her back", as you say, he would only be wasting his time.


    Of course there is no black and white. I do know that. But I cannot talk about and give solution to all situations.


    This post is just basic info... I will possibly go deeper into this in the future.

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