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Posts posted by SkyFire

  1. Wade, please provide me with your definition of "sweet guy".


    Also about the thing I said about women... I have enough honor not to use women for sex only. That is low, pathetic and desparate. It goes against my morals.


    About the other 10 %? Well in highschool, they are the ones who are doing something with their lives. They have an existence beyond all the HS drama and all of that stuff. I still stick to my opinion that most of the girls that I meet at school/malls are worthless to me.

  2. The problem is, that yes, guys rely on others (girls) to fill their self esteem and give them a sense of purpose.


    This is NOT how men are supposed to be. MEN are supposed to follow THEIR dreams, achieve goals, change the world. Men should be out there challenging themselves and the world daily.


    I, personally, hate the fact that guys now need girls to give them a sense of purpose in life.



    The sweet guys make the woman seem like she's a goddess. Most likely, she isn't even all that great. LEt me tell you something (please don't be offended): 90 % of the girls I meet, even the hot ones, are all trash. Most of them aren't worth anything to me, other than sexual favors.


    I would never dedicate my life to a woman. I have goals and things to take care of. Even if she was a really great one, my priorities would always be on my life first and on her later.



    Truth about attraction: Even though girls SAY they need a sensetive, caring, sweet guy, they still go for the more manly guys out there. Look at oyur local highschool for example: That jock football player cheats on his gf and dumps her. She fell for him so hard, she still wanted him back.


    Then, I saw the "loving, sensetive nice guy" ask out a girl. She was a nice girl, but she rejected him. Without even thinking.


    This "sweet guy" that you speak of is something that our society created.


    I strongly disagree with your commentary.

  3. What is the cause of your depression?




    You gotta stop blaming everyone. If your life sucks, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Depressed? Stop sitting in your room thinking about it. Get out and live! Do things that make you happy. Happiness is a choice man.


    Believe me, your life does not suck that bad. At the moment you type this, a man without shelter or money is working his jewels off in order to provide for his family. Someone is watching their kids and spouce beaten and raped in front of them and when he tries to help them, he gets shot. I have a friend who is 16, has no family, no home, and has to take care of 3 little brothers by himself.


    You say its not your fault? YES IT IS. Dont blame it on anyone.


    The world sucks. Society sucks. Guess what? It will always be like this. You cannot change it. But you CAN change yourself. Stop listening to everything society tells you and live by your own ideals. Do what makes you happy.


    What would suicide solve?NOTHING. Be strong enough to cut through your depression and change your life.

  4. Eh?


    Yes, best friends DO make the best relationships. But, here is the thing: how much do you value your friendship? If you are the best of friends, the relationship is not worth it. It is not worth it because at the end of it, you will not want to be her friend. You will not want to talk to her. And it will hurt like hell. You will lose her forever and you will be devastated.


    Believe me, it is not worth it.


    It IS possible to turn a friendship into a relationship, but that takes alot of emotional dedication, and you must be willing to lose the girl as your friend in the process. If you want more detail on that, PM me I will tell you.


    Just continue being her friend. My best friend is a girl I would very much like to date, but our friendship is far more valuable to us than a fling of a relationship. She feels the same way.


    Do not tell her you love her. Do not tell her you will stop being your friend till you get over her. The best way to get over a girl is to find MORE girls.


    Continue being her friend. Best of luck.

  5. A lot of people only want what they can't have, and once she found out that she could have you, she didn't want to date you anymore. If this is the case, then I wouldn't try to persue something. Dating games are no fun to me. If you like it, though... Then act as if you don't care. Once she knows she can't have you, she may just want you.


    Yes. Well said. People want what they can't have.

  6. My friend... your problem is not that you can't find the right girl. Your problem is that you place HAPPINESS upon a girl. You will not be happy with a girl if you arent happy now. You are responsible for your own happiness. You do not NEED girls to be happy with yourself. They are like icing on a cake.


    And yes... you will find the right girl when you stop caring about girls.... nature is screwed up like that.


    Now go out, achieve your goals, and enjoy life. THEN you will be happy.

  7. Girls go for jerks over nice guys. Always. Until they reach 30's.


    It is because most "nice guys" make the girl their top priority. They shower them with presents and attention, and appear clingy and desparate, which is a huge turn off for both guys and girls.


    The jerks never do this. For them it is about what THEY want, not what the girl wants. The girls like the challenge and go for the jerks.


    I, personally, am neither. I am respectful to all people who are respectful to me. But, I will not take any disrespect from guys or girls. I never put girls on a pedestal. If they disrespect me, I never let them get away with it.

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