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Posts posted by SkyFire

  1. i mean can u date if u don't have a car, never miond if its old or new i don;t have a car can i or any guys still date. i mean what happens if u say to the gal -lets meet at so and so location and take it from there is that ok. has any guy asked a gal out and been on a date without a car. has any gal been on a date with a guy without a car. will a gal go out with a guy without a car


    What's that smell?


    Yeah, thats right. EXCUSES. No more of them, please


    Of course you can date if you have no car


    I have no car, and I get dates. Just because you have no car, doesen't mean you will get no date.

  2. Looks like all she wants from you is attention.


    Chicks ALWAYS are looking for guys. ALWAYS.


    Be a man and stand up. Tell her to leave you alone. You two broke up a while ago, she doesent have feelings for you anymore. Forget her man.


    Space? An excuse because she doesent like you anymore.


    I suggest forget about her all together. She is only looking for your attention.


    In my opinion: If ANY chick disrespected me enough to call/come over my house at 3 am when Im asleep, especially by surprise, they would never ever see or hear from me again.

  3. Well their is this girl i like in my math class and I asked her to the movies but she was busy with thanksgiving this week so I asked her for 1 week after thanksgiving and she said she would have to see if she is busy. Should i just come out and tell her that i have fallen in love with her or should I wait to tell her that at the movies? And What do i do until the movies do i keep talking to her and stuff?


    Dude, never tell a girl you love her. Unless you are in a relationship. It scares them. Go on the date, and when the time is right, try to kiss her. If she lets you, she likes you. If not, move on.

  4. Yes. We ARE all alone in the world. Every single person.


    I agree.


    You have to learn to be happy being alone. Sure, company is always good, but to be truly happy you have to be happy by yourself.


    If you choose to live a live worth living, a meaningful life, it means you will always be alone. You may have friends and family, but in the end you are alone.

  5. My GF of 1.5 years just broke up with me. I didn't see it coming. There is another guy in the picture from her school.


    NC for almost 2 weeks.


    So my question is, why is it that she is out bad mouthing me to mutual friends (i.e. snide comments and such) and cries about me to other friends while totally ignoring me now and pretending we didn't just spend 1.5 years together.


    Words cannot describe how pathetic people like that are.


    Forget her. She is not worth a squirt of piss.

  6. I was recently speaking to a friend who told me that her boyfriend hits, and threatens his daughter with a fly swatter. Apparently the other day, he "didn't mean to", but ended up hitting her face. She went to school and they called Child Protective Services. When they came to see her, she told them the truth: daddy hits me.


    Now my friend is wondering whether or not she should go forward and help the little girl, and tell CPS other things that she knows (further abuse).


    What are your opinions on this?



    Yes. Help. Personally, I would help her, because to me, that kind of abuse goes against my morals and goes against what I believe in.

  7. Yesterday I met someone on the train. We chatted and we kind of talked about the possibility of going to lunch sometime during the week because she also works in the CBD. Before she got off at her station I asked for her number and she gave me her card. Today I sent her an email but got no reply. Should I call her mobile? or should I assume that she's not interested?




    You know what to do. Yes, you do. Why must you seek approoval?


    Now go call her

  8. Well, I have read some posts and found a common problem with some.


    People are asking if a girl likes them, or how to ask out a girl.


    All of that can be solved with acting upon your instinct, your gut feeling.


    If you are hungry and you see food, what does your instinct tell you to do? To eat it, right? And how do you know how to eat it? Because of instinct. Same thing with girls. If your gut is telling you to go ask a girl out, GO ASK HER OUT. Wondering how? Again, follow your gut. Dont stand there and picture the whole conversation in your head. That will do no good.


    "Nature never deceives us, it is we who deceive ourselves". An exellent quote by Einstein. So true. If you are questioning a girl's interest level, again follow your gut and go find out. Ask her on a date. Get her number. Follow the gut. It never does you wrong.


    If you are flirting with a girl, all the interest sings are there and your gut tells you to grab her butt, DO IT (make sure its not too public of a place because htat causes embarrassment for her)! Girls are horny just like guys are. If she is interested even a bit, chances are she will not slap you.


    So remember, trust your instinct. It will never prove you wrong. Humans are DESIGNED for breeding, it is in our genes.


    "Nature never deceives us, it is we who deceive ourselves" - Einstein

  9. Dude come on. She likes you. Get her number. Ask her on a date.


    You are not a "thing" to her. If you were, she wouldnt be interested. Grabbing your butt is a way of expressing interest.


    Couple of weeks? No. She will find someone else by then. Stop making self-excuses and act NOW!

  10. Alright.. there is this girl, and so many guys like her.. how do i stand out? n get her to see im different n to choose me, she alredy says im cute n we have a class together and i know both of her friends n they all say im cute.. but i think when they say im cute they dont mean it like bf cute they mean it like baby cute.....


    Flirt with other girls in front of her. Act like you dont need her. Dont shower her with attention.

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