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Posts posted by SkyFire

  1. In order to "be yourself" and get good reactions, you must do 2 things:


    Change yourself into the person you want to be, and always keep improving. The improvement and change must happen in your HEAD.


    Not give a damn about what everyone thinks. I mean truly not give a damn.

  2. I want to know #1 if women are attracted to a bit shy guys, #2 i want to know what women are attracted to in general, i know women all have different things that they're attracted to. I just want some common ones. But you can state that different things, it'll gimme some ideas. Thx.


    Once again, I do not mean to offend anyone. This is based on my personal experiences.


    Women are attracted to power, not only physical. They are attracted to dominance. To guys who do not need them.


    And no, women are not attracted to shyness. They will say they are, if they themselves are shy or insecure.

  3. This is an interesting question.


    Would you people rather live a happy life in ignorance, or know the truth?


    Lets say, hypothetically speaking, that one day someone comes to you and makes you realize you have been lied to your whole life.


    I, personally, would like to accept truth, no matter how harsh, rather than live happily in ignorance.


    What you think?

  4. Hmm..


    Wait till the two of you are alone.


    Does she display signs that she likes you? Does she touch you, hold your hand, ect? If yes, you are good to go.


    Does she talk about her guy problems with you? If so, STOP.


    Dude.. aslo, it is worth it? I recently lost a friendship with a best friend of 2 years because we fell for eachother and I could not resist making a move.


    I pulled this off before... if you need detail, you can PM me and I will tell you.

  5. Depends.


    Think about it...


    A general definition of a "nerd" would be a low-self esteem person who looks bad and knows nothing but the computer screen.


    It is more of a lifestyle thing.


    I know plenty of people who are into the "nerdy" things and have tons of confidence & great charistma.


    Another thing: ANYONE who thinks less of you because of the fact that you are into things such as video games, programming or collectable cards, are not worth a second of your time.

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