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Posts posted by SkyFire

  1. She still doesn't seem to be over her ex though and she's even said to me that she doesn't want anyone else but him (bearing in mind that we are just friends).


    Then you make her change her mind


    Dont worry about the ex. As long as you can get her interested, you'll be fine. If you need more info on how to do so, feel free to PM.

  2. hay skyfire what is your problem men cry and i am 15 so don't get on my case i loved her we have been friends for 3 yrs going out for 3 days and it hard to undersand it becuz she wants me to go out with her friend!!!!


    Its alright to cry.


    What I ment is that you should stop worrying so much because a girl dumped you. Plus you forgot to mention that you were best friends, that makes things different.


    A reason she broke up might be that her friend likes you, and she felt bad for her.


    Stay friends with her. I went out with a really good friend, and it ended in disaster, ruining the friendship.


    Next time, give all the info


    Good luck, sorry if I was harsh.

  3. First off, stop seeing each other that much so it creates an attraction(the attraction grows as you see each other less, she'll want more of you). Ok so you say you talk "several" times a week with her. Well simple as this. Talk to her for how long you want (not more then 10-15 minutes) and then end the conversation with "Hey, nice talking to ya, how about we get together some time to go to [specific place: restuarant, movies, etc.]". So yeah, just about does it.


    Dude what are you talking about? Attraction grows because you CREATE it. If you dont try to get her attracted, she never will be.


    In order to get someone to be attracted to you, you have to do a certain amout of work.



    First off, get her number.


    Then ask her to hang out.

  4. Well, its time again. I look back at how I was a year ago, and where I am now. Huge difference.


    Alot of things about me changed. Mainly my outlook on life, and how I treat it.





    If you gave a word, keep it. Or do your best to keep it. If someone trusts you with something, dont let them down. If you had sex with a girl and you promised not to tell, do not go the next day and tell all your friends. Hold your promises. Stand up for your beliefs.


    Respect and Confidence.


    Self improvement is a huge part of this. Read this:


    link removed


    A fundemental part of success in life. Those things are connected. Make yourself a person to be respected. Respected by yourself. The respect of others will follow.


    Confidence is KNOWING that you do not have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. But constantly proving to yourself.


    Stand up for yourself, and your loved ones


    Have mental toughness. Become the person who is respected. Not liked, respected. If someone disrespects you, go up there and get that respect back. Some people will try to make fun of you and push you around, but you will be surprised how many of them will cowardly back down once you stand up to them. If you see your friend getting beaten up by 5 guys, run there and help him. When the time is right, he will do the same for you, if he is a real friend.


    We have been taught that violence is not the answer. Sometimes, it is the best answer. If that guy just keeps talking doo doo about you and doesent shut up, a good punch between the eyes will do just that. Fighting isnt bad. Not at all. It is pathetic, however, to see someone trying to act tough or fake confidence by trying to start one. Confidence should not come from this.


    Physical fighting for the right reason is good.


    Do the things you love to do


    Do you love computer programming? Great. Do you enjoy music. Great. Do those things. Do not stop just because it "isnt the thing to do". Listen to whatever you want to listen to. Wear whatever you want. Have your own opinion. People will dislike you for this. But they will respect you.


    Take responsibility


    If you cheated on your girlfriend and she found out, dont make up some cover story. Admit it. Didnt do your homework and got bad grades? Same thing. If you choose to do something, be responsible for it.


    Ultimately, YOU and only you are responsible for your life. I, nor anyone else, cannot make you do anything unless you do it. Stop making excuses and act. If you do nothing, you will have nothing.


    Be positive


    Alot of people call me naive because of the way I act. This isnt so, however. I always know what is going on, but I always try to make the best of everything. People wonder how I can not be bored in class, or going out by myself.


    There will ALWAYS be something good in everything. Rejection, loss, whatever. Take that little good out of the bad.


    In the morning befores chool, listen to some music that pumps you up. Then scream as loud as you can. Your parents might thing youre crazy, but it doesent matter. This will give you energy.


    Take risks


    Take risks. They are the spice of life. Just know, if you do something stupid, always be willing to pay the price (aka responsibility).


    Defeat and Loss


    You must know when to keep fighting with all you got, and you must know when you are defeated. But always, do your best to succeed. ALWAYS. Do not make this a self-excuse for failure. It is death before dishonor my friend. You can be defeated, but still keep your honor. Let defeat make you stronger.


    It is hard to admit defeat. When you gave your best but it still wasnt good enough. Like said before, learn your lesson, hold your head up high and move on.


    Try hard. Dont sit around while everyone is playing soccer just because you are bad at it. Get out there and start trying hard. This will get you a feeling that you tried, and it will get you a degree of respect.


    "I believe in defeat, but I do not believe in not trying"


    Ultimately, determination can get you far.


    "It is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog".


    When I was 10, having just moved to this country, I was immideatly sent into 5th grade. I knew absolutely no english, and doing homework was a long, painstaking activity. However, I was extrememly determined, and despite my lack of English language still managed to get good grades, through sheer determination and help of parents (who knew even less English than me). 3 years later, in 8th grade, I fluently spoke english, knew all the material, but I was lazy and undetermined, and got lousy grades. As I look back on this, I shudder.


    Sometimes the only thing that you have is your willpower. Death before dishonor.


    I believe that success comes from intelligence and determination.


    Knowing what you want, how to get it, and the whole process of getting it.


    Its all about making a choice, and acting upon it.



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