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  1. baby chika, im agreeing with minnesota dude here. if u chose none, u get 2 good friends and have the opportunity to date other guys. and yur only 14, HS relationshipd NEVER work out. they are nice but once yur out of HS they are hell, and then they GO to hell. end of story. relax, your main goal is to get thru this w/out major heart-dent-age. right? safe road, dont date any of them. but w/e u choose to do, u know yur firends (like moi!!) will be chill w/ it. take a deep breath and leave them to their own lives and start anew with yours. its good to do that every once in a while. hope usa figure this one out!!! Love from your good friend/lover/relative, *~Suzi Laverty~*
  2. thanks you guys, all u ppl. it helps a lot. i was just sort of.. blah. ima go c wut i can do with this now!!! action! w00t.
  3. My Grandpa was a great guy, runner-up bantam weight champion of Scotland in boxing, father of 2 children, brother to 12 siblings and husband loyally to one and only one. He was diagnosed with Alzheimers about 8 years ago, Parkinsons not long after that. slowly the problems built up to brain tumors to lung cancer to stomach cancer. When I personally knew him he'd always been a tad slow and hard to understand because of his accent but he was my hero, and my brothers' and my dad's. about a month ago, he passed away, gracefully. since then my family (including me) has been a wreck. my dad's been severely drinking his pain away, my brothers and I are jus plain out sad. my mom is trying to deal with it by working herself harder. and everything is so... blah. someone help me here! i don't want to be sad! i want my family to be better and my dad drink on his occasional friday, not daily! help!? and Gold Bless.
  4. ok, here i go. theres this guy (typical start to one of these topics) and many of my friends think i like him, but im not sure if i do. also im not sure if he likes me. my friend (on the phone) claims i could get any guy i want if i really wanted to but i dont. im so confused. do i like him? does he like me? help me out fellow emotionally confused people! here, if this helps any. -the little things: im wearing his sweatshirt... and on occasion i take a good whiff of the essense of aarron. he's ALWAYS giving me piggy-back rides. im too comfortable around him for my own good. I've been to his house so many times i cant count that high. i've fallen asleep at his house. whenever he's around things seem a little brighter. but hes almost like a brother to me, im so confused. is that insest?lol. i dont know anymore. help me out here!!!
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