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  1. I am amazed and have asked myself and more importantly my gigalo brother HOW the heck he is so successful with every girl he meets. First, he's a nice guy, mostly a smart ass. VERY bravado, he seems to make people laugh and get them to loosen up. Towards women, he be-littles them. Thats right, treats them terrible. They just drool for him. I am convinced that this approach only works on some types of women. However he says it works on them all and has literally said "point out any woman here" nightclub filled with women. Pointed, went to sit down, cmae back in 10 minutes with the girl I pointed out and her friend. They proceeded to sit on his lap. So I have asked him point blank. He says "Listen to Tom Lykis". That is a crude radio announcer who demeans women. Lykis calls his followers (those leraning to be chauvenist) "Lykis 101 students". Apparently it works, he has some formula, and he ain't stopping soon ....
  2. I have discovered that women experience as many "no replies" to their emails on datings sites then men do. Is this true? As for myself, I suppose my approach is good, or I pick very compatible people, but I get alot of responses. I would like to hear everyones ballpark guess on their emails sent -to- emails replied. Is the cause of this due to the recipient not being a paid member of the site and thereforeeee cannot write back? What do you guys think?
  3. In a nutshell, everyone likes a challenge. That does not mean drama, anyone who sees challenge as adding (or even added) drama is going to ruin their relationship. In every healthy relationship there needs to be challenge, remember the type of animal we are. We thrive on overcoming obsticles, building the tallest buildings, airplanes, you name it. Challenge is healthy, and natural. Difficulties in a relationship are a sign of something wrong, not challenge.
  4. I have recently received Anthony Robbins' new CD set and find it to be fantastic anybody listen to his material and have some good (or I suppose bad as well) changes ? I would be intrigued to hear some of your personal experiences with this.
  5. "JERK" translates into confidence. Simply put. Jerks are also not clingy, or smothering, or overly needy. Consider this in your next relationship. You don't have to be a jerk, just take the jerk's "attractive qualities".
  6. Don't consider that too much of a fault. You CARE not many people do. That is somethig to be commended for. Secondly, trying to alter your lonely... hmm maybe not the best word... feeligns by having sex is also very normal. You have great self awareness, keep it up. Realize that you are not defined by being the other half of a couple. Just get used to re-defining yourself as YOU not "so and so's" boyfriend. Try not to dwell, every time you start thinking about it, get up immediately, move around, try to alter your state of mind. My friend, exersize could do wonders here. Good luck man.
  7. I think that alot of times, when we like someone or are starting to like them. We project what we want to see upon them. She may just be a nice coworker and is smiling out of friendliness and what not. You may be seeing what you want to see. Now I am not trying to be mean or disrespectful but I see this in myself alot. So, I try to realize this and kind of step back out of it and then really see how she is reacting to me. Try this, when she and you are in a group of people (with other guys, or even better, customers) see how she reacts to them. Is it the same way? Especially with customers, she isn't going to be hitting on them, biut does she give them (and other male coworkers) the same gestures? Um, get back with us after you do some polite observing 8) [/i]
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