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  1. hello anyone out there?? i need some feedback before i see her again tomorrow
  2. I saw this girl at work again today..she saw me from far away and kinda gave me this weird look like a stare down no smile really then she walked right by me twice and just kept looking straight ahead didnt even turn to look at me or anything. then a couple of the dudes she works with came up to me out of nowhere and were like oh what time are you off today...pretty weird situation..what do u guys/girls think? think she hates my guts? haha
  3. Well i saw that girl at work today but i didnt bother to make any eye contact or anything like that with her since i was trying to be kool about everything but i did catch her looking at me once and she even walked down the isle in front of mine looking oh so cute (confident ahh yeah) but i just looked away to keep it cool.. 8) anyways i asked some dude about the girls that work there today and he told me most of them are cool so i was thinking about asking him if he knew anything about this particular chick next time i work? any advice.. after that the chick was just in her own department doing her thing i didnt see her near me at all..damn shes a cutie.
  4. usually when shes around other coworkers she will talk to them and be real friendly, when shes around customers shes helpful and smiles alot. Now that I think about it she does give other co workers the same gestures..so yeah youre probably right..i guess shes just shy since shes usually quiet and not really smiling
  5. ive been working at circuit city for a few months now and theres this girl that caught my eye but we havent spoken..YET..when i first started working there i would always catch her looking at me and even making a good deal of eye contact with me, recently we crossed paths and i smiled and she smiled back...uhh kinda it was like lips closed but trying to smile really hard, she was totally looking at my eyes too but since then shes kinda been hanging out in her department away from mine unlike b4 she would always walk and chill around by me..now that i found myself attracted to her its kinda hard for me to approach her haha i feel like a wuss but its true..any advice..shes real cute and im sure shes seen me checking her out..oh yeah for some reason she always walks around with a frown on her face..maybe shes shy or something?
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