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  1. Thank you all so much for the advice. I tried to bring it u with my sister last night but she just completely closes off! i'm going back to univeristy in about 2 weeks but my other sister (older than my sister self harming) is still living at home and I don't know how she's going to cope with my little sister and her 'issues' on her own! is there anyhing I can do whilst I'm away to help my sister? thank you xxx
  2. You know when you look back at things and think 'i wish I had just gone for it...!!' well I think this is one of these situations where you'll end up kicking yourself if you don't act on your instincts! Eye contact is one of the main ways to tell whether or not a guy is interested and by the sounds of it, there is a lot of eye contact going on between the two of you, which is a very good indication he is attracted to you! I think you need to stop worrying about what he's going to think and just go and be friendly next time you have the opportunity! Introduce yourself or say something about the lecture you've been in...anything really!! If he's interested then he's not gouing to make you feel stupid anyway! Good luck and keep this phrase in mind 'carpe diem' - (seize the day!) x
  3. hello, I'm really worried about my little sister whose just turned 16. I've just found out that she cuts herself. The ironic thing is that she has alsways been regarded as the most successful and 'lucky' out of us four sisters. I'm so worried about her. I think it may be due to the group she hangs around with at the school, and my other younger sister thinks its just a 'fad' and she'll grow out of it, but I just want to get through to her and show her how wonderful she is and that she can talk to her family. I've also found out that she's slept with her boyfriend and I know if my mum found out she would be so angry, seeing as my parents are strong catholics and thought thismay be why she is harming??I don't understnad why people do it and I would really appreciate some help understanding, thank you so much xxxx
  4. I didn't relaise that he had a girlfriend though...just for the record!!thanks for your advice...seems like everyone's got relationship problems these days!!
  5. Hi, this is going to sound really odd but I was seeing someone for about 2 and a half yeras when he had a girlfriend. Once his girlfriend left him, we had an amazing time together and I felt we really 'clicked'!!! Then I went back to univesity and came back to find he had a girlfriend and only wanted us to be friends. i won't talk to him now, but really miss him. What can I do? Please help me sort out my head!!! thanks so much xxxxx
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