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  1. Just an observation, are most of the people actively posting right now aquariuses? I read my horoscope and it said relationships will prolly end. Isnt that creepy? All of us lost our SOs and all of us have a birthday in january??? Be strong guys!!! Always think of whats best for you and respect yourself!
  2. I broke no contact today but for a good cause. I was holding onto some of his things maybe as a reason to contact him in the future but I decided I really want to move on despite how I feel because he is really not the person for me. It took me awhile to accept this but I'm slowly getting there and I thought if I was serious about moving on I should give up his things and just return them already. So I drove over his house with the intention of leaving it at his door and calling to tell him so that the stuff doesn't get lost, but as I got there just my luck that he just got home and he was getting out of his car. So i said whatever and handed him the stuff saying that it had some important stuff. i heard him saying thank you but I was already heading to my car to leave. And that was it. It's finally over for good. I feel numb. But I know this is the best for me. Goodluck to you guys, and I hope you find happiness and peace. I think I will be okay now.
  3. Day 58 Been feeling really sad and missing him. I think it's normal that we wish they would contact us, but it's an exercise in futility to figure out what they feel and think so don't dwell on it. I'm busy trying to get over him and I'm reading books on moving on and how to be a better partner once I do find the right person who will appreciate me for who I am. I've already spent 4 years of my life on this person and in those 4 years his situation has not changed because he's too busy feeling sorry for himself. In the meantime, i was promoted, I got a new car, I finished my bachelors and started my masters, bought a house, traveled, and in those four years he has not had much progress. I hate to say it but he is a loser, and maybe i was a loser for falling for him. I love him but I want to move on, I want to be with someone who adds to my life, not takes from it. And I don't think he will ever be that person.
  4. Day 57! Weeee 3 more days! I was wondering if I should keep counting till 90 but whats the point if I have no intention of reaching out ever again. I couldnt sleep at all last night. I'm too good at stalking social media. I just hope this pain reminds me to stop looking becaus I only hurt myself. Also, you guys should google limerence! I realized I've had this all my life, it explains the obssessive thoughts, and I'm glad I know about it now.
  5. Day 56 Exhausted from school. i hate school days. I always get very tired and when Im tired I feel depressed and cry. I should go to bed early. I keep reminding myself that my ex is stupid and I am better off without him. Things happen for a reason, even if you don't know the reason yet.
  6. Day 55 Yey! 5 more days to 60! And to forever! I decided that I will never contact him ever again. I am moving on for good.
  7. I loved reading this thread! It really helped distract me from the drama in my life and just allowed me to shut off from my life and tune into yours. Thank you for sharing your story, I know you've helped a lot of people by just being yourself. All the luck and love to you and your wife!
  8. Day 54 I know that almost everyone here wants their ex back but seriously guys, why would you want someone who walks away from you so easily? Don't worry, I ask myself the same question. i want someone who will fight for me who will come to my house and face me and ask for forgiveness. i want someone who will love me no matter what. i don't want to be with someone whose acts like a five year old whenever I need to go to work, throwing tantrums. THen goes out with another person and turning it around saying i'm the needy one? F that! i want a grown-up, I'm sick of playing mommy to this piece of sht. No matter how sad I am, I know what I'm worth and I am not going back!
  9. Day 53 Plans tonight were cancelled and kinda bummed. But looking on the bright side and just going to enjoy a quiet night in. Tomorrow is going to be busy with a lot of chores. Miss him, but I know he is not worth it.
  10. Day 52 DOn't text them at all! I just want to forgive and forget. My therapist helped me realize that I associate extreme emotions with my ex. So i need to try and separate the two. Im glad Im so busy I work full time and Im taking my masters so I don't have a time for a serious relationship, being with him was exhausting, I barely slept so we could spend time and I was always tired when we were together. I needed this rest.
  11. Day 51 There was no spark with the date so I don't see the point in seeing him again. I feel better lately because I no longer wake up with the sinking feeling of not being with him, I don't check my phone for messages, and most days I go to bed feeling ok. I still cry but I embrace the crying. The more i feel everything and express everything, the faster I'll get over it.
  12. Day 50 That's great lolita! But remember to always focus on yourself, and try not to think about him. I feel great today. I was out on a date last night and I just felt great about myself. Felt bad for my date because I felt like I was using him for an ego boost. But it really helps! I love my ex still but this is the right thing to do.
  13. My friend was with her boyfriend for 4 years and they broke up after a year of living together and he was putting up pictures with other girls as soon as she moved out. She was completely heartbroken but she knew they would never work out because they were at different places in their lives, he was working and she was still in school, working and still partying. She hung out with a guy who became her boyfriend who she fell inlove with. Six months later the first ex was waiting at her house to talk to her and said he made a mistake and that there was no one else like her and he wanted a another chance. She was so heartbroken when he broke up with her that she said she was going to need some time to think about it and she was with someone already. She ended up dating both of them for year until she finally decided to go back to her first ex because they had the same goals in life and wanted the same lifestyle. She said she will always love the second guy but she knew in the long run he would not make her happy. Its been 8 years and they have been married for two. She never thought they would get back together ever.
  14. Day 49 I keep remindind myself not to feel bad that i still miss him because everyone moves on differently. Im just glad I havent reached out at all, a big difference from when we broke up 2 years ago.
  15. Day 48 Lolita if you really want to see your ex nobody is stopping you, maybe you should do it so you either get back together like you want, or finally move on when he rejects you again. If you can accept both outcomes then go ahead and contact him, but honestly I don't think enough time has passed for him to really miss you. If you want to meet someone new keep trying! In a years time we will all have moved on from this, I'm sure of it
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