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Everything posted by guitarman

  1. Jenny Ju I guess we can't really say any aspects of our life is more important than another. I believe in balance ..... when we talk about sucessful living ... it means sucess in all aspects of life. Norishment of the inner being is important for the soul ... it gives us direction and purpose in life. But achievement is important too .... what's the point of knowing what to do when you don't do it after all? So i guess just when you want to be a good father ..... you got to be a good steward in what you do too. How can you bring happiness to a family when you are perpetually poor ... constantly in need? There's a saying which goes ... "Don't preach to a hungry man, just feed him". If you can't even meet basic needs .... how can you talk about anything above that? I guess the main thing about sucess is to be satisfied ... to be happy. I believe in one thing .... if you are not happy where you are, it means it's time to move on. If you're a janitor in an office building and you are happy, you are sucessful. If you are a CEO and you are happy, you are sucessful. But I don't believe anyone can be happy when they are lacking in certain aspects in life. How can a rich tycoon be happy when his family is a failure? Money is not everything. On the other hand, how can a poor man be happy when he's constantly starving? Money is important. But both the former and latter can never be happy without someone to love and care for. So money is not everything, but money is important. But Love is essential .... Glenn Fong
  2. You can be the smartest Scientist .... You can be the fastest Sprinter ... You can be the Greastest Composer ... YOu can be the strongest man .... the bravest fighter .... most influential evangelist .... the richest tycoon ..... Does it mean you are the greatest of all? How about being a Loving Father, a Passionate Lover, a Fillial Son, a Faithful friend, a benovolent Boss, deligent worker? Does it mean anything at all? I guess the definition of sucess and greatest lies in the heart .... where no man compares .... Glenn Fong
  3. I used to think like you. Very logical. Always looking for the right way, right thing to do. But i realised after a while, that there is always a underlying intention to anyone who chooses to live the way they do. And for me, it was just a way to position myself differently from others. In other words, attention. For me, I wanted to portray the image of a gentlement ... refined and noble thinking. At the same time, I wanted to share the same humour and fun and let down my hair to join in the party. The end result, I felt miserable because l I was trying to be someone else, I found it hard to revert back to who I am. But all these experiences didn't come without a lesson to learn. I learnt that there is always a time a space for everything. There is a time to have fun and there's a time to be serious. The most important thing is you mustn't "try". You should just "be". What's the point of trying to BE someone else when it's so cool to BE YOURSELF. It's good that you don't want flings and short term relationships. But sometimes, it's good to be able to learn from past relationships. So when you meet a girl, DO NOT immediately consider if she can or cannot be your girlfriend. Do not TRY to go after her and do not TRY to avoid her if she is not your type. Just BE a friend ... BE there to listen ... Whatever that will happen WILL happen no matter what. Don't try to start a conversation, let the conversation flow ..... conversations always flows from interest and intention of connect. It always takes 2 hands to clap. Hence when I work .... I work. When I play .... i play. I don't talk about work when I play nor play when I am working. Unless I am asked about my job when I am talking to someone in a Club. You might wanna try doing things which are common to people. Like Magazines, Music, Movies, T.V, News, Sports and stuff like that. You can form opinions analyzing what's happening to Beckham and Victoria And John Kerry and George Bush. Ok .... I think I'm typing too much ..... to summerise all that I've written ..... I have two words for ya ...... BE NATURAL .... Glenn Fong Glenn Fong
  4. Well most of the time when I had dreams ..... i forget about it when I wake up the next morning. So I wouldn't even know if I had a De Ja vu. However, there is always a rationale behind everything that happens. May it be something spiritual or physical. Some dreams tells us what we saw in the day. Some dreams tells us what we want to see .... or what we dread to see. Ever seen painting from Salvador Dali? He illustrates his visions through the abstract art of Surrealism. I guess dreams can appear that way too. Your mind is the artist and the dream is a canvas. As for your friend's Dream, it could be too much Hollywood in his head ... as you've said, "Deep Impact". Or it could be something he wants .... to save lives maybe? Ot to let you see how heroic he is? Or maybe to show you he cares? Glenn Fong
  5. You description of little goosebumps on the Penis fits mine. I noticed it when I was like 16. I went to the skin Specialist and I was told that it's normal. It resembles a form of STD ... some kind of ward or something. But if you never had sex, it shouldn't be. Anyway, who care about little dots on Penis ... as long as you have the ablility to satisfy a girl ... isn't it? Glenn
  6. Ok, generally, I am not exactly a Sad person. If I ever had a major depression, it was a phase that was long gone with my teenager years. But I don't deny any repercussions that results from that. I don't know if it is me or the people around me. i just feel that i can't relate to people around me. I'm talking especially about my workplace, when generally I could almost find no one else who shares the same interests, who laughs at the same things, who share the same perspective and values in life. I tried to blend in to their lifestyle and conversations whenever possible, but I don't wish to lose myself and living up to other people's expectations. But it seems that in the general culture of my workplace, I am the only one who is trying to relate to people. And I feel really uncomfortable sometimes. So what exactly is wrong here? Is it because I am not trying hard enough to reach out to people? Or is it because the general behaviour of people in my country is not as socially receptive? (I'm from Singapore BTW) At least when I hang out with friends outside, I get to choose who to be with according to interests, perspective and Values. But i can't do that at work. And I know i need to maintain a good working relationship with my colleges. If so, how do I define a working relationship. We can't go about working like Cyborgs can we? Glenn Fong
  7. Rest assure Bro ... you are not the only one suffering from a constant search of uncertainty and objective in life. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning .... i just couldn't find any enery left to do anything ... and the day haven't even started. I agree with the previous few replies. You are living a more sucessful life than I do. You have a Masters Degree, a wonderful Girlfriend and you are young. I'm 26 this year, I am paying for my own part time Degree now while I work and i don't even have time to think about dating. Sometimes I really feel like giving up .... but I always remind myself that if I don't achieve something now ..... I will never. I always thought that there will come a phase in my life that I could achieve everything and just relax and enjoy the rest. But I realised that I'm wrong. Whatever that had been achieved in the past IS indeed in the past. We are constantly learning, constantly recieving. Just like a bacteria .... if it is not growing ... it is dead. Hence I guess what you could do .... is to pick up some new hobbies. I love to play the guitar and I love Jazz music. And I can even say that it's my "Passion". There is a saying which goes, "If you live without passion, you are not living, you are merely existing". Maybe the reason why you are not interested in anything is because you have not tried different things ... or rather have not stepped in deep enough. Have you tried Salsa Dancing? Rock Climbing? SCUBA diving? PC Gaming? Wake Boarding? Playing an instrument? People who are into such things are really passionate about them ... at least one of them. Another advice to you .... is to trust God ....
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