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Everything posted by mike

  1. it all really dpends wether you want that long term relationship as well. seeing as you're 18, will you have the comanionship to be faithful to eachother while at sepoerate schools? riught now it all depends on how you feel. i know that being up front with my girlfriend was the best thing i ever did. i was in avery different situation seeing as when i told her, we werent even dating, so it was different, but i hope everything works out
  2. i believe if you can describe love, you have never truly experience it. it simply is and undescribable feeling
  3. its not that i'm desperate, i just can't keep her of my mind. even tho it is summer we still see eachother all the time, and its not me arranging these meetings either, its her. and no, they definitely are not dating, i know that, so she stillhas no b/f. and i understand what you mean about you have to be going out for a while to know you love some one, but i truly believe this is an exception. i've had my share of girlfriends and i haven't felt this strongly about any of them, when you cannot truly put into words ho you feel about some one, i believe that is love. anyway, she doesn't know how i feel, well at least not exactly.... all together i guess you could simply say she is confusing the hell out of me. oh and its not like i just met this girl either, i'v known her for 3 years and we have been really good friends.
  4. hi, im new to the forum. to get to the point im truly in love with this girl kelly. some people might ask, how can you know what love is, but i know i love her, its not some crush. no matter what it is im doing, anything at all, i completely blank out and think of her, her smile, her eyes, anything, shes so perfect for me. unfortunately it seems that she like this other guy, now i know she doesnt love him like i love her, basically because she told me so, but i simply do not have any idea what to do, soem times it seems like she;s interested and then it seems like she wants this other guy. yesterday i thought i saw them holding hands, i have to tell you, when i got home i was messed up, i couldnt think straight, i felt like i got kicked in the face....i have never felt this strongly for anyone in my life, i need her more than i need food to survive, please give me some advice, i have no one else to turn to. thank you
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