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  1. well my parents dont know about me cutting, if they did it would get bad, real bad. but my friends arent sure really how to handle me and my cope-ing ways. some hanlde it well and others just dont know how to act. i understand this, but i was looking for other opinions on their familys and friends reactions. also, is it bad to not want to stop? cause i dont, i like the look of the scabs, then i rip them open so they bleed. then i like having the scars there when the cuts fade. is that weird? *johhny depp, who i love, is a cutter. i did not know this!
  2. Dreng, you are only 13! how do you even know what you are talking about? i mean maybe you do.....
  3. trixie- Raiders#79 is right i think too! youre only13! i think its kinda disgusting to be honest. wiat till youre older to do stuff like that.
  4. toggle- i am going to answer your questions up front. 1. where to cut- anywhere. cutting is whatever you want it to be. you can cut anywhere and cut anything. but dont go for depth. shallow cuts can release as much anger as a deep cut, and deep cuts will bleed, and bleed and bleed. the clean-up is hard. 2. how to hide/excuses- first, long sleeved shirts are a life-saver! if you have cuts on your arm, wear long sleeves, a sweat-shirt maybe. i where a sweat-shirt until my cuts have healed. when they heal i cover them with make-up. you, are a boy so that may be hard for you to get make-up. but it covers well, usually. try using your mothers when she is not around. take her foundation and put a dab over the scar and blend it. the scar's color will become dull and less red. put on as much as you need to hide it. you do not have to cover it completetly, if some color show through, it will hardly be noticed. also try under-eye make-up for womens dark circles they get under their eyes. since it is so light colored, it covers reallly well, better than foundation. apply same as other. if someone does see them, say it is a cat scratch, a dog, a bird, of yours or say a friend's pet, cat etc, scratched you. or if its alittle bigger deeper cut, say you were cut on a metal fence, you fell or something. i hope that my little advice helps, take care. ps. the picture, with your name, if its you, your cute.
  5. well i know how you feel. i also think that i should not cut, but i do not want to stop either. its not all the cutting part that i like, its the scars too. i like look down at my arms and see my red-purple scars from when i cut. i like the look of them, not indented, or raised, just red-purple lines. but as for you and you trying to stop, you can. focus on something else, when you think about cutting you want to do it. when you get upset, find another way to cope with it. yes, running is good, screaming reallly loud, etc. but what i do that helps me to relax is either to write down how you feel i write angry poems, also i paint. black and red streaks all over the paper, or whatever. it helps me. try to do something other than cut.
  6. anyway, what i think that you should do, coming from a off/on cutter herself, let you r parents know that you love them, always. when their child, you, are is cutting they think it is all theyre fault. and smetimes it is, they may be the ones who make you mad, but they feel like they are bad parents and did something wrong raising you. so let them know that thats not it. tell them if you have not, that it is the only way you know how to release your anger frustration, anxiety, etc etc. other people do it by yelling or crying, or something like that, but for you and me its different. also, i dont know how long you have been a cutter, but for most, after cutting for awhile cutting becomes a habit. you dont do it out of frustration anymore, its cause youre bored. try not to let it go that far, if it has, ask your parents (only if you want) to get you into a hospital, specialized for cutting. (miller dawn etc)
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