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Everything posted by craigblitz

  1. Well congrats on the the mindset change. You never know what the future holds but you have to live life everyday regardless. She might realize it someday and want you back, maybe she will be happy. As far as the stuff, just put it away for now, you might want to look back on it someday. Just a thought.
  2. Buddy I am in the same boat as you.... I do not want to let go, but I am realizing that I have to. She is not even seeing someone, but she has decided for whatever reason it is done. I agree with the one poster woman don't change their minds often so don't wait. I think about her all the time, but have been forcing myself to go out and meet people and have fun. At this point I am preparing to never hear from her again and maybe that is what you need to do as well, but bottom line is you the situation better, but I think the final letter is not a good idea. She knows everything you have to say or won't believe it.
  3. Well, I am definelty not dragging my feet, in fact I was going to ask her to marry me at the end of this year. The only thing that bothered her was that I am not Catholic. I have told her that I would support outr kids and everything if she wants to raise them that way and so on, but it still kind of bothers her. Right after we broke up I told her I would do anything she wanted me to, blah blah, but you can't convince anyone of that right after a break-up. But other than that we had a fantastic healthy relationship. Here are some things I want to throw and get some people thoughts. In advance thank you all so much this board has been god-sent. Also, keep in mind I have taken a new job where I will be travelling a bit, but she is the one who told me to take it, but maybe this scared her, who knows. 1.) 3 saturdays ago she broke up said she needed space. I was hurt and went home. She wanted me to come to dinner with her that night and still go to Mothers Day at her families house. I was like it is too hard 2.) Sunday - next day I am at wits end I call email her tell her much I love her etc etc. She gets home at 3 am and lets me know she got in ok. I call her and I pressed the issue from where it went from spcae to break up. 3.) Wednesday - She calls, I tell her I miss her (mistake I know) everything was cool. She asked if it would be ok for her to come by on Saturday to see me and my son. I was hesitant, but was like ok come on over. 4.) Saturday - Saturday was awsome she came over hugged me like crazy. I said I really miss you, she said it too. Hung out for a while. She needed to get ready for work, she is showering tells me to come in we talk about light stuff. She gets dressed in front of me. Tells me the break-up is making her lose weight (joke like comment). 5.) Sunday - She txt me and says it was great seeing you, have a safe trip. I said it was nice seeing her. 6.) Monday - I am thinking things are cool, I email gave her my new contact info. We talked about going on a trip with some friend so I sent her some info on that (dumb I know). Didn't get a reply. 7.) Wenesday - She emails something stupid signs love . I didn't write back. I called, she said she was really surprised I haven't called in a couple of days. we start talking and I tell her this is killing me and I miss her and I just want some answers. She has nothing. Cries and so on. I appologize and said I am not trying to make you cry I just want to understand. She told me the hardest thing she has ever done was breaking up with me, but she is just not sure she can be happy with me. I tell her that is fine just do not close the door to the future that is all I am asking. Hung up. 8.) Friday she calls and the conversation about the real estate lady calling, and the Wednesday conversation happened again. I told her I can' be her friend you call me when you want to talk. (I am thinking that might have been dumb). 9.) Tuesday - I notice that she has come over to my house and taken 1 pair of her shoes. She still has 4 pairs there and some other non essential things. WTF??? Why take one pair of shoes?? Everyone is like because she wants a reason to come back sometime. I don't know, here it is Wednesday and still not word from her. It is getting easier for me, but then I get scared it is getting easier for her not to be with me. I want to call her soooo bad jsut to say hi, and let her know it is cool to call me because I am not trying to change her mind on this. She has even said that I am going to make some girl so happy someday, the starts bawling. And she said she knows this might be the biggest mistake of her life bawls again. I think it is BS, and just trying to make me feel better. How can you just decide we are different after 3 years?? Do you thinks she will ever call again? Should I call her. OMG this is a book I am sorry people.
  4. A little background: 3 year realtionship She broke up with me. Reason : Not sure we are diiferent which nobody buys, not even her best friend. Ok, Friday the ex called to let me know the real esate lady called and needed to get in contact with me. We talked for a while and then got talking about us again. I basically said I can not just be your friend. I said I love you too much and I would not be honest to me to do that. I said I am so sick of missing her and thinking of her. I said if you want me out of your life just tell me, she said she doesn't want that. She said that she can not keep talking to me because she always ends up crying. I told her that she has my numbers and that she will have to contact me if she wants to talk. She says good-bye and said I love you, but I did not say it back. I later voice mailed her and said I love her to, but I am not contacting her. I feel like I broke every rule by doing this. But how in the world can she expect me to just be friends. Man I wish I was more sober when she called. Now it is Tuesday and have not heard anything. I want to text her so bad, just to say hi and let her know I am thinking of her, but know I can't. Basically I am not contacting her at all, but man it would be great to have her call, but I think I might have pushed her too far away. I just have no ideas at this point. Why would she tell me that she loves me, but doesn't think we will get back together. Then says so if we ever do get back together you can't be my friend. I just need to hear some thoughts people. Did I totally blow any change with her?
  5. Well go in knowing everything you say is going to get back to her. Just play it easy. Let her know you still care but don't delve into it too much. Good luck. I am meeting up with one of ex's friends tonight for a beer so we will see.
  6. Man this is sooo weird, I am reading my life right now. Friday I told her I am not going to be her friend. I said I couldn't, and will not lie to myself and be like hey buddy when I really want to say I love you. I wish she would do something so I could be pissed, but we had a fantastic relationship, I heard the I haven't been happy for a long time, but she was always happy when she was around me. How in the world does she think I am going to be her friend. I told her that I am not contacting her and the ball is in her court. That was Friday and I have heard nothing. It is killing me not talking to her, absolutley killing me, but I know it is for the best. I am so sick of thinking about her and not being able to sleep, just sick of it. I sent you a private message I really could use the sound advice man. I know she is going to want to see my son, but no way. It kills me when he ask about her. I regret her even meeting him even though she was sooo good with him. Damn I am tired and need sleep..... Hopefully I will tonight. Also, when you first went through this did you check your phone like a million times to see if she called. It pisses me off I do this. All through the night....yuck this sucks ass.....
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