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Everything posted by pherb

  1. Stupid question, but...is it unreasonable for a person to be jealous over things his/her partner has done with other ppl BEFORE the two were even together? I find myself in this position all of the time. I hate hearing about past relationships, etc. hate it, hate it, hate it. How do I get over this? and also, is this normal?
  2. Well its not that I don't feel "comfortable" around them. I can feel totally comfortable around a particular guy, its just that I have always felt embarrassed about having never done anything. For example...Having never kissed a guy. I wouldn't even know if I was doing it right. I'd feel like a total dumba**. Its stuff like that, that I never learned how to do. And I can't find someone who is equally inexperienced becaused I've never liked the goody guys.
  3. As far as dating/relationships go, does anyone else feel to old to bother? I'm 18 and I've never had a bf EVER. I've never even kissed a guy. Had serveral opportunities too, but declined because I've always felt way too inexperienced and its embarrassing. People are also stunned when I tell them this, because I'm not that ugly, i'm not very anti-social, and I don't come off as the kind of person who hasn't ever had a date. I'm also totally fine around most guys I meet, except when I feel things might start to move beyond "just being friends", thats when I start to keep my distance from that person, even if I might actually like him. Only because I'm too embarrassed. I also have a question, Are guys turned off by girls that are inexperienced? They seem to be. And another thing, is being 18 and never having a bf or even kissed a guy really that bad?? I'm starting college this fall. Are there any ppl there like me? I guess I'll just be alone for the rest of my life.
  4. Well thats another thing. I honestly have no idea why. My parents aren't divorced or anything. There's nothing I can think of that would root back to or be a contributing factor to all this. I just CANNOT be with somebody. I have guy friends, but in the past when one has tried to show interest in me I automatically cut off all communication with him!! It's crazy! I think what I'm mostly scared of is... A) getting used (stupid) B) Getting stuck with a psycho possessive boyfriend (again stupid, however, my sister was in a similar situation) C) being tied down I just don't know. And silly as this all sounds.. it really gets to me. I wish I was at least half ass normal.
  5. I'm 17 and I have this deathly fear of relationships, to the point where I've never dated anyone EVER because of it. I don't know why?? I also can't even get remotley close to anyone...(kissing,hugging,etc...) even if I want too. It just makes me really uncomfortable, and I wish it didn't. There have been times where I've actually LIKED somebody, had the opportunity to be with them, and BLEW it because I just didn't feel comfortable. Oh and committment also scares the hell out of me. I hate this! And I'm not even shy, well a little, but not to those extremes!!! And at this point, seeing as though there are people my age already getting married, seriously, I also have this feeling that i'm a "late bloomer", so to speak, and thereforeee am too unexperienced. Which is dumb, but hell. Since I'm obviously going to be alone for the rest of my born days....what are my alternatives?? Or better yet, is there anything I can do to overcome this godforsaken phobia which has plagued me (possibly others, but doubtful) ?????????? ANY advice is greatly appreciated.
  6. Well, I'm a girl and I don't think you look bad looking at all!! .....Just smile. Even if your just faking it!!!!!
  7. The college I was "settling" for requires a 23 ACT and at least a 3.0 GPA. (Thats also the lowest requirement I have been able to find within my state apart from Grambling which is no option.) I was going through a hard time my sophmore year and I didn't put in the effort, and yes I know, thats no exuse. I also do not feel cut out for any career in the military. I haven't done anything extra in school (sports...clubs..etc) I haven't done anything! I feel really bothered by all this. Has anyone else done worse and still gotten accepted into a college?
  8. I am a 17 year old high school student with a 2.8 GPA and a 21 on my ACT. Is there any chance of me going to college???? I also have some D's in my core classes, and quite frankly, I feel really depressed about the whole thing. I know I could have done better. I'm even skipping prom soley because of this.
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