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Struggling with university choice (U.K.)

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If any of you are familiar with the UK ucas system - to choose which uni to go to - I am struggling to pick between my firm or insurance choice.


Pros of Newcastle university as my firm (to study fine art) 1.in the past it has been in the top 5 (3rd this year) for league tables for the art in the U.K - clearly it's a great art programme. 2.I live in London - it might do me good creatively/ personally to move away and experience a different environment. 3.When visiting I was much more impressed by the student work than the other uni. 4.very organised (no first come first serve with studio space )5.student life/nightlife is known to be pretty mental. 6. Cheaper than London


1. Moving away is scary 2.i seriously cannot understand their accents as well as finding them slightly irritating 3. My mum is disabled and I look after her a lot so I worry about what will happen with that esp being so far away. 4.all my closest friends have stayed in london and it's far too expensive for them to come up and see me like ever


Pros of Chelsea UAL:

1. UAL have produced some of the best known artists 2. This has given them a great reputation( which contradicts their averages place on league tables) 3. LONDON - best place in the country for access to galleries/exhibitions and exposure as an aspiring artist 4.close enough to home that I can check on my mum 5.i didn't think I would actually get in so maybe my brain hasn't registered it? 6. My closest friends will still be able to see me 7. Nightlife is awesome (expensive but awesome)


1.London is super expensive to survive in 2.im worried that I will struggle as my kind of art isn't what I saw when I visited - their students seemed very conceptual 3.its my safety net - I know london but shouldn't I be going out of my comfort zone? 4.im scared I'm placing the area above the education which is what I'm paying £9250 a year for?(seems stupid to me)


This is all I can think of atm but the reason that I can't make my mind up is that both the unis have given me the same offer which is to pass my FdA. There's no question that I will bc that's super low but it means that whatever I place as my firm I will *have* to accept come July - even if I want to change my mind, I won't be able to.

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It seems the pros outweigh the cons for you to go to Newcastle. Its more affordable, you seem better matched to the program they have there. You will get used to the accents once you start hearing it everyday and you may find there are more students than you realize that are from London as well. If you stayed in London, because it seems the students are in a different direction as far as their art approach, you might get overlooked and its very expensive.


What is your mom's situation? Does she truly need a caregiver to help her get dressed and do simple tasks, do you take care of her by paying her bills or is this simply a codependent relationship. If you go away, you will be able to develop as a person and she may get someone hired or a relative to come in to help her with her needs once a day, or if you take care of her just to feel needed, you will finally break the apron strings and start to grow up as an adult. If you make the situation to stay just because of your mom, you will regret the opportunities you may have missed and you can't make the same opportunities for yourself when you are 50.

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Which uni will open more doors for you post graduation in terms of career and connections for your style?

I'd explore that aspect more closely, even if London may seem like a logical answer, it might not be. A large part of going to uni isn't just the education, but the friendships and connections that you forge there. Including their placement support systems post graduation, their professors and how well connected they are, how much they can help you to get noticed in the art world.


Which uni has better results in that respect?

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