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It has almost been 4 months since BU, LC for the first month to deal with things that we both shared, NC for the rest. Started to see counsellor for help, she asked me to journal my feelings down when I can't sleep at night. It was hard for the first few weeks but it got better. The only thing I know I need to change is, to eliminate any hope that I have. I started doing things that I have never imagined myself doing, such as baking, cooking, volunteering and I can tell you now that it DOES help. I'm also planning to learn something, or maybe get a part time job (I'm a full time student and now off for the summer). I'm not 100% recovered but I'm making progress. I still think about all the good times we had but I also know these are only in the past. Just wanted to post here and see how's everybody dealing with their BU so far?

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It's good to hear you're healing. It is a slow process but you will get there. The more you try new things, the better chance you will meet someone who happens to like the same things you do and hit it off. Your past will be far in the distance because you're going to be too busy living in the present moment. Keep doing what you're doing and we are all here to help you through it!

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AWESOME news!! That's the spirit!!


There are tons of stuff to do and learn!! I am currently in the process of moving, but my main goal is to start learning stuff and traveling once i settle in!


Rock on!!

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I am now almost 6 months post BU and I do have times where I know I am healing, when I feel the excitement of a bright future, then there are other times when I feel as bad as I did in the beginning. The main cause is contact if you can continue with NC you will heal and become the person you want to be.

It is such a great feeling when you realise you haven't thought about them for an hour or an evening and it fills your heart with hope that it will be days or weeks and that when you do think of them it doesn't have that sinking rip your heart out feeling attached to it. It will happen

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