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Married recently but lonely looking for friends


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We got married after 8 years being together he finally got a steady job and we ran off and eloped..we grew up together and my family has all moved off so we are not close.. but my husband stays in touch with his family he's visiting them today an hour away to do some work for his dad.. which is all wonderful I'm glad he's got a good heart anyways.. I am at a point now after we ran off and eloped.. where I'm bored and lonely feeling.. I feel he over looks my feelings... turns his head when I talk... I have no respect... not that I deserve any.. I don't have a job.. so I'm just a house wife.. I've battled with social anxiety a d have found it hard to find me a job...very sad. Even just thinking about it. I am 26... we have battled with infertility for 10 years...I am looking into getting back into school even if it's online.. but I think it enables my social anxiety. Hope to hear from someone. Thanks

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Well, obviously, you will not be alone here.


Anyway, did you think to join some club? Or atend some meetup? You should make few rl friends,it makes life better. And fight your problems,dont let them trample you (I mean on social anxieti).


If you want you can pm me and we can talk.

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Try your best to find any sort of work to make friends stay occupied and feel more independent.

We got married after 8 years being together he finally got a steady job and we ran off and eloped.. I am at a point now after we ran off and eloped.. where I'm bored and lonely feeling.. I have no respect...I don't have a job.
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Housewives deserve respect to you know. Cooking, cleaning, maintaining a place.. Those are things people get paid to do. Can you perfect any of your crafts or hobbies so you might feel more worthy and confident? Cake decorating? Jewelry making? Sewing? Gardening? Yes look to join some clubs or events in your area.

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When fighting something like social anxiety, often running away from the problem can make it grow rather than shrink. In my own life, what works best is to push myself every so often to be in social situations ( try to push myself every week or two), whether that is talking to people after church or joining a meetup for a while or a book club etc. I play music and want to join a music group, but I've been a little down on my playing ability lately - still one of my goals this year is to start that up again. I don't push myself too hard, but when I end up in a social situation and it doesn't kill me, those are the times that I feel I am getting better - sitting at home afraid to go out are where I feel I am most in it's grip.


Most of the meetups I go to are ones where everyone is kind of working on their own thing, just as a group. It's nice because if I feel like chatting I can, but I can also just sit and be asocial while feeling like I am getting some social activity.


School would be great! Even online, because it gives you clear goals and something to do every day. What are you interested in studying?

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Im sorry your husband doesnt see your worth, you sound like a beautiful person. I too have struggled with jobs and social anxiety. Somedays i feel worthless, other days i realize im a savings savy nonmaterialistic girl who can take a decent photo, drive a car, cook a few things, keep the house fairly clean, share my knowledge, love others, etc.

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Housewives deserve respect to you know. Cooking, cleaning, maintaining a place.. Those are things people get paid to do. Can you perfect any of your crafts or hobbies so you might feel more worthy and confident? Cake decorating? Jewelry making? Sewing? Gardening? Yes look to join some clubs or events in your area.

Yeah I've been dabbling on pinterest at gardening and cooking where would be a good place to look for some clubs

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When fighting something like social anxiety, often running away from the problem can make it grow rather than shrink. In my own life, what works best is to push myself every so often to be in social situations ( try to push myself every week or two), whether that is talking to people after church or joining a meetup for a while or a book club etc. I play music and want to join a music group, but I've been a little down on my playing ability lately - still one of my goals this year is to start that up again. I don't push myself too hard, but when I end up in a social situation and it doesn't kill me, those are the times that I feel I am getting better - sitting at home afraid to go out are where I feel I am most in it's grip.


Most of the meetups I go to are ones where everyone is kind of working on their own thing, just as a group. It's nice because if I feel like chatting I can, but I can also just sit and be asocial while feeling like I am getting some social activity.


School would be great! Even online, because it gives you clear goals and something to do every day. What are you interested in studying?

That's awesome I've always wanted to learn to play guitar. I've wanted to join a church also but with my new hubby working with the only car it's difficult... I was studying business administration then switched to law enforcement technology. .. and I'm like 4 credits away from a diploma . It's great u sound so organized mentally lol in a good way. It seems hard for me to keep goals.

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Im sorry your husband doesnt see your worth, you sound like a beautiful person. I too have struggled with jobs and social anxiety. Somedays i feel worthless, other days i realize im a savings savy nonmaterialistic girl who can take a decent photo, drive a car, cook a few things, keep the house fairly clean, share my knowledge, love others, etc.

Lol you sound like me today haha.. but yeah I got out and drove ...cooked a little and talked although ... then my negative Nancy side kicks in...

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I agree with Wolfshook, we're all volunteers. Need someone to talk to, that's why all of us are here.

If you are having relationship issues, please feel free to write them out, someone will respond with some advice for you. Or just to support you.

I appreciate it morrowrd I'm new to this forum thing but I'm also her to help if I can.

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I'm really not as organized as I sound. You just pick something and work at that for a while, and if it doesn't work pick something else and keep moving forward. Sometimes it feels like treading water, but you keep treading and you eventually get somewhere. Maybe not where you meant to go, but somewhere that works all the same By some definition of working haha! It will be hard to get out of the house with your husband hogging the car during the day. Maybe you can take a night class, like a cooking class or something and take the car then? There might also be night services if you are wanting to do a church. Keep it small, something that is one day a week at most, so that giving up that night isn't a big hardship. Or even if it's something you only do once every two weeks or once a month. It helps a lot though if it's something regular.


My most regular club right now is a book club that meets once a month. When I read during the month I feel like I'm making progress toward something, because I know I'll have to go talk about it later. It's a small thing but gives some purpose.


I don't have a significant other whose schedule I have to organize around like you do though, and it sounds like you will have to get him on board with the idea as well. But if you have something solid, "I have been wanting to learn guitar for a long time, and I saw that there is a tutor who teaches on thursday nights" it might make it easier to talk to him about it.


But if you are so close to a diploma, that might be the best goal to focus on.

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