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Accused of Not Having Enough Sex


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Hello All,


I've come across a very unique scenario, most of my friends (males) think I'm idiotic. But recently my GF said she wasn't satisfied with sex once a week. At 26, I could see that once a week may be lacking for someone my age... But then again we don't live together and there are several factors. None of which I think she is considerate of.


They include:


50mile living distance from one another

I live with my parents until March 2016

On anti-depressants (which directly hinder my sexual performance)

She works 48 hours a week (two nights a week she's working ontop of her regular 9-6)


So curious to you folks if somehow I should be having way more sex, I don't know how people find the time honestly. All this deprived from last weekend when I was over her place, we woke up and she was clearly in the mood, I for the first time in this 3 month relationship, wasn't at all.

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If you and your girlfriend's needs are "once a week" then you guys are good. What your friends think is completely irrelevant. THEIR drive is THEIRS, not YOURS. They are NOT being "good" friends btw.....


Here is the issues I see thought....

- Long distance (this means, lack of companionship that relationships need, which is daily/on regular basis)

- Anti depressants - please tell me you do LOTS of physical activity on regular basis, are fit/in shape and eat a healthy diet.......

- If your woman is horny and wants it, how YOU feel is irrelevent. You do whatever it is that she desires......and forget about "yourself".


Everyone is different, some people have long term relationships and have sex once a month....and they are fine. And some (like me) bang away all day/all night and it's never enough.


And don't give me that "where people find time" line, seriously. You MAKE time. I have a job, 4 kids, hobbies.....coaching and all kinds of other crap. I make sure my wife is taken care of....and she does the same. ......ON DAILY BASIS! Why? Cause it's important to us so we make it happen.

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Anti depressants can effect desire.


But if that's not the case, your sex drive is your sex drive. You can't really change it. If once a week is all you want that's OK. It just may not be enough to sustain a relationship with her though.


Mismatched sex drives are a major reason relationships break down.

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How often do you see her per week?


My boyfriend and I also live an hour away. I see him once a week on average, sometimes not that much. We have sex every time we see each other in the 3-ish months we've been together. I think we had it twice in one day, once.


Your relationship with him is still new. You're still discovering each other's wants and needs. I can already tell that my boyfriend's libido isn't as high as mine, but I like him enough that it's not such a big deal to me. The times we are intimate mean more to me than how often we are. Perhaps your girlfriend needs to try looking at it a different way.

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Yeah, we need to know how often you see her alone a week?


If once a week is not enough for her, its not enough, FOR HER. Other people's mileage may vary. Heck, some people still abstain until marriage.


Even if you have full blown ED you can pleasure her in other ways.


Or maybe you're incompatible. Who knows. But frequency of opportunity is an important point here.

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