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  1. Well if it makes you feel any better, my husband loves Scarlett Johansson and even he knows not to leer or be obvious. He will probably keep doing lots of quick glances 😁 We have been together for a long time so we do point out an attractive woman to each other if the woman is stunning. Our stunners are always classy-dressed looking women! Not the type of women Jaunty described lol. Sometimes I even point out an attractive man to my husband and he just says "Tell me if he has a pretty female with him and I will look." LOL
  2. First I think we have to be open-minded that not every job we land is gonna be a good fit. And if its not a good fit, its ok to move on. Both parties will survive. Secondly, I don't think its a bad idea if you pitched your ideas. However I will warn you, be ready, you might not like the answer you get. I only say this from my experience. Out of the dozens of bosses I have worked for, I think only 1 has ever said yes to my idea. Well she actually said "Do the research, determine the feasibility and if economically feasible, draft a plan how we would implement this." (I think her intention was to get me to be quiet and not bug her ever again about how archaic our billing was). And I did - on top of my standard work duties! I know I was doing all this after work hours and during weekends. I did not want to flounder this opportunity when a Boss actually didnt say No to my ideas. I loved it. So because of her, as a boss, I now pay it forward. I want to hear what my staff has to say when it comes to making x and y more efficient, more streamlined, more productive. I am opened to feedback, and have imcorporated some of staff's input in some of our processes. So who knows? Your boss might be willing to hear you out and actually apply some of your suggestions.
  3. YAY! Sounds like you guys are keeping in touch and planning dates. Didnt you say on the 2nd date, he had a black shirt, jeans and sandals on? I think his attire is casual and as long as you're not changing how he dresses, I think this is all good! Once you like someone, you sorta do let your bias go. I always wanted someone who went to college, someone who has nice clothes and shoes, someone with a good job. So when I met my now-husband, he didnt have any of those, but I was attracted to him! So yea, we are all humans with our own insecurities, bias and judgement, but we can't help how we feel too! If you're smitten with him, let yourself be smitten! Thats a great feeling.
  4. I remembered reading one of your threads, OP. I think you mentioned you have a high sex drive and your bf at the time didnt and that was something you were unhappy about. I can tell you that a man who is 54 and as he gets only older might not be able to satisfy you if you value a robust sex life. Any way, I don't like his lie about "leaving his DOB" around for you to find out. Hopefully you knew that was BS.
  5. Just sounds like you have a superiority complex which makes it hard for you to reconcile some mix feelings you have for your husband. You want to feel superior, want to be rightfully contemptuous but then you want to love your husband. You know what they say about people who have a superiority complex? Well, its a defense mechanism to hide their insecurities. Hopefully you seek a professional for help, if not for your sake, think about your children's sake.
  6. I wouldn't even respond to him. Sorry, but this man contacting you on FB and what he says is creepster-level.
  7. My honest opinion. When you are working in HR, and with a company that has frequent turnover, there is no way you can view yourself as an "agent of change." You are going to be an agent of onboarding and firing. I used to do a lot of Admin work, and HR was the one job I hated the most. People don't realize how cumbersome onboarding and firing/exiting processes are at some companies. Saying that, I have done a lot of crummy work, dealt with a lot of toxic workplaces, bad bosses, perverted bosses, perverted coworkers, catty office ladies, lazy coworkers, petty coworkers, unstable coworkers, etc. It made me stronger and better at dealing with people. But DarkChoco, if you don't want to risk your mental health, I wouldn't blame you. Life is too short to stick it out with crappy bosses.
  8. Yea, she sounds really bad. Sorry you're having to put up with her. I've had coworkers in the past who were mean and nasty. Even tho I have dealt with mean coworkers by ignoring, acting cold and unbothered- I do encourage you to say something to her. I like Bolt's suggestion - tell her not to speak to you that way. You really have nothing to lose by standing up for yourself.
  9. Hi HeartFeltDesire, When I read your post I initially thought "well this is normal" when you're dating around and hoping something sticks. Then you go into these negative thoughts you can't shake off. This sounds more like some anxiety disorder. Please talk to a health professional so they can assess you.
  10. It sounds like you're torn about your gf's martial art skills. One side of you, you're proud of her. But the other side of you, you feel unmasculine. I would suggest you do some self-reflection because this is a 'you' problem. What makes you feel insecure about her martial art accomplishments and skills? Do these insecure feelings tie in to your mood, your confidence, your anxieties with friends, and your self-being? Do you love your girlfriend enough to work thru these insecurities?
  11. Kudos to you for giving the guy a second chance. Seldom do we get second chances on first impressions 🙂 Just to add, I didn't think you did anything wrong or you overreacted. I think you were being true to yourself. This also, giving it another shot, is just another expression of who you are. You're forgiving and a believer of second chances. I don't think you should look at it any other way or try to. The best Mexican food I've had were near the border and in Ensenada. MMMMmm... I haven't gone back to Ensenada in so long... but I miss it. Just wished it wasn't so dangerous for tourists.
  12. No, I wouldn't waste my time because time is very precious to me. But that doesn't mean its because I needed something and he didnt give it to me. It's because we were no longer a match. Again I wouldn't say it's needs. To me it's compatibilities. I'm sure this may all be semantics we are arguing about, but if you say "you need this from your partner/lover" thats totally fine. And if you're like me and my husband where we don't associate wants/desires/values as needs - thats fine too. It's kind of like Each to their own. Nothing wrong or right.
  13. Happily married here and I know my husband and I would never say we need each other. We express needs as in something you can't live without. It doesn't mean we are not in love, don't support each other, don't do things for each other, aren't intimate, etc. I think if you're expressing your "needs" in a lover/partner, its the same as expressing your preferences in a partner. Both my husband and I have always been independent and introverted - loners, you can say. We enjoy each other's company but we like our own company. We both have big families so it's not like we have no one - we sometimes say we have too many people in our lives, too many functions every weekend! Our life wouldn't be full without the other but that just means we have to find a way to fill that void. He's gone on long work trips and I make the most of my time with hobbies and with family. I also echo catfeeder here. We all have our likes and dislikes... and I can tell you as much as my husband and I are different (think conservative Southern Gentleman meets liberal Cali girl who never liked getting flowers or getting doors opened for her), we do share the same values and desires. If you need a man to take care of you, theres a man out there who wants to take care of his woman. If you want a woman who is docile, there's a woman out there for you. If you want a man who can protect you, theres a guy out there. There's no wrongs or rights.
  14. Pretty sure that is a standard 8 hour shift
  15. Clearly you arent happy and your friends validate your feelings. However, I think you need to not be influenced by your friends' opinions. You need to think for yourself. If this relationship isn't working for you, speak up. If he isn't listening or dismissing you and not working towards a mutual resolution, then don't waste another minute of your life on someone who isn't filling your cup.
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