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Wiseman2 last won the day on May 4

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Community Answers

  1. Sorry this is happening. It seems like just chemistry. However she has a BF and a lot of bad habits. If you enjoy hot and heavy rollercoaster rides this may be fun for a while until you get burned out. Basically there's nothing to preserve or build on here.
  2. Sorry this is happening. How long has there been this disconnect? How well do you get along with his family? What type of "future" are you looking for interns of your own family? Why did you leave your friends and family behind? Do you work? Go to school? Is it possible for you to reconnect with friends and family. Reflect if you want to be saddled down like this to someone who feels like a roommate to you.
  3. It's great you're taking care of yourself and your physical and mental health. He's rather dismissive and insulting to you. It's an ego trip for him, unfortunately at your expense. Perhaps with your therapist you can learn more about yourself and dysfunctional relationships . Please keep in mind, even with therapy and medical treatment, if you're pouring poison in wounds with him you're in an uphill battle.
  4. Unfortunately he seems like a rude ogling boor. Sorry this happened. This really has nothing to do with your level of attractiveness. He just has bad habits and bad manners on dates. Don't take it personally and work on your self respect and self image.
  5. You're over investigating and driving the relationship. Including letting him move into your house. He's a student? How old is he and what does his financial situation look like? Please reconsider this move and engagement. Please Google "Peter Pan syndrome". He seems immature at best. Is he much younger than you? How is it he's a student and you're a homeowner? From your previous threads there were multiple issues all along even before you made the mistake of letting him move in.
  6. Yorkies And Cats Have ToesπŸ† AVERT πŸ‘€
  7. Have you tried getting a good profile and pics on quality relationship focused dating apps? That's one way to break the ice and start meeting women. You also have a lot of interests which is great, but consider joining some groups and clubs, taking some classes and courses and having fun broadening your social horizons. You'll see people regularly and become more relaxed talking to women. Try not to put this much pressure on yourself in finding a wife and mother for your children. This type of extreme pressure would scare women off. Try to relax into things and try not to oversell yourself.
  8. Sorry this is happening. She seems unstable on multiple levels. Especially jealous and on the rebound. It's good she's leaving in September, then you won't have to deal with her and all her issues and "trauma". Frankly, she needs a therapist, not a BF.
  9. Why Is Nobody Doing Yoga 🀸 EASEL πŸ–ΌοΈ
  10. Various Animals Used Lingo Today πŸ™Š TSARS πŸ’‚
  11. Sorry this happened. Whenever an ex contacts you it's for their own agenda. Lonely, bored, randy, just got dumped, on the rebound, etc. So it's a good thing you didn't consider it.
  12. It's great you're on dating apps setting up dates. That will help get your mind off of mr hot player. It fills the void when you meet available decent guys. Try not to focus this much on just looks.
  13. Your only recourse is to ask him to move back in with his parents until he decides what he wants. That's the only leverage you have. Otherwise you're just begging and arguing about the future, his job/city, etc. Please don't move or sell your house. Reflect on his stance about it's over if he moves because he doesn't do LDRs. Please talk to trusted friends and family who have helped you along the way.
  14. It seems like he prefers just coasting along for economic, household and sexual convenience.
  15. Please don't make all these sacrifices for someone who is not committed to you. Why throw your life away on someone who wants to "experience" a new city. That in itself shows he wants to be a free agent and has some type of fear of missing out. He's being combative when you try to talk to him about your goals and needs and that's not a good sign.
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